6057 pictures, 11 videos, and more - with videos and more DONE

Back out into the heat.

IMG_9242 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

It just looks so warm! I am looking forward to hitting 21 Celcius (just about 70 F) because it's been horrible lately. Lots of rain and very cold. Brrr!

IMG_9244 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9245 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9246 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9247 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9248 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9249 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9250 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

At least once a trip I get a strawberry Kaki Gori. I don't normally eat snow cones, but these are special and I love them! I hadn't gotten one yet and we only had one more full day left, so I had to get one then. It was a necessity, not a want! LOL

IMG_9251 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9252 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We sat in here and heard a song or two.

IMG_9253 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9257 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

One day I'll see Voices of Liberty!

IMG_9258 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We were heading back that way. Literally to that giant golf ball. You know, that thing, called Spaceship Earth!

IMG_9259 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9260 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9261 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9263 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9267 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9269 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Love this place... but did I get something then? I can't remember... let me get my receipts!

Yep! I got a caramel corn (that is not good if you don't eat it fresh) and a caramel pineapple. LOVE those things!

IMG_9272 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9273 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Looks like it might rain.

IMG_9275 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9276 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9277 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9278 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9280 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9281 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9282 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9283 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I love palm trees. I have heard rumours that I might see some near then end of my pilgrimage! :)

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Ahhh all caught up and I'm sad I don't have a trip planned. We're moving to California in 4 months and I'm already looking up flights from Sacramento (where we're moving) to Anaheim!

Are you documenting your Spain/France trip anywhere?
Caught up! Awesome photos around world showcase! I really need to wander around in the countries more and take photos.

I've never done impressions de France, and I really should at least once on my life.

Yay for your trip to Spain and France! Boo for no Disney trip. I hope you get to plan one soon.
Ahhh all caught up and I'm sad I don't have a trip planned. We're moving to California in 4 months and I'm already looking up flights from Sacramento (where we're moving) to Anaheim!

Are you documenting your Spain/France trip anywhere?

I sneaked a peek at Google Maps and you're only about 7 hours DRIVING away from a Disney Park! Holy Moly! I'm just a little jealous. Fly if you want, and it would likely be cheaper than from here, but WOW. You'll be so close to DL. Hahaha. I hope you get to DL. :)

Not really doing anything serious for my trip, but I'll be sharing pictures on Facebook likely. Send me a PM if you'd like and you can keep up with what I'm doing. I bought a little camera to take with me (can't carry my big one when I have to carry everything on my back all day every day) and now I have a new cell phone and I've been really impressed with the quality of the camera in that as well. Won't do well in the dark, I'm sure, but hey.

Caught up! Awesome photos around world showcase! I really need to wander around in the countries more and take photos.

I've never done impressions de France, and I really should at least once on my life.

Yay for your trip to Spain and France! Boo for no Disney trip. I hope you get to plan one soon.

Thanks. I keep saying the same thing, there is so much more to WS than I have seen! Impressions de France seems like it needs some updating, but it's pretty neat. (Does anyone say that anymore? I'm probably showing my age!) It shows a lot of their traditions.

Hee hee, I do check out flight prices for random times, thinking about taking a day off without pay and going for a 3 day weekend (which means only 2 days at Disney though) and doing the Halloween party. But those 3 nights/day days could turn into over $2000 for me! That's a lot of money. LOL
We kept walking, but as we got closer to Spaceship Earth, Blanche decided she'd pushed herself enough. We'd gone most of the day without a real break, so she was tired and her feet were killing her. I tried to convince her to stay for the ride, and then we'd go together, but she couldn't do it, so off she went.

I did do Spaceship Earth, and I was excited because it was the first time (I think) that I'd taken pictures on the ride, besides just pictures of my little story at the end.

Look at all those clouds!

IMG_9284 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I don't think I'd ever noticed this little place before.

IMG_9285 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

We likely walked through here to cool off, and to browse.

IMG_9286 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9288 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9289 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9291 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9292 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9297 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9301 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9304 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9306 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9308 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9309 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9311 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9315 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9316 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9321 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9324 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9326 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9328 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9329 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9330 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9331 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9333 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9335 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9338 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9340 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9343 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And still on SSE.

IMG_9344 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9345 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9350 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9351 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

This one makes me think of my ex boyfriend:

IMG_9352 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr


IMG_9355 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

For my future, I chose the option for being environmentally friendly or something like that.

IMG_9358 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9360 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

My house...

IMG_9362 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Which apparently comes with a man!

IMG_9363 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Who likes to garden. (which is a good thing, because I want a vegetable garden but I don`t have a clue what to do!)

IMG_9364 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9365 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9367 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9369 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9370 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9372 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9373 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And heading back to the exit, I laugh as I remember not being able to find the exit on my first trip! I wasn`t feeling well and I kept ending up going back and forth between the innovations or something.

I then took the long trek to the bus stop.

IMG_9375 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And snapped some more pictures of the clouds.

IMG_9376 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9377 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9382 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9383 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And this one I did HDR.

IMG_9384-HDR by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And then I`m guessing I just relaxed in the room for the evening! I have nothing that even tells me about supper. And that`s the end of my second last day! :( I had a very big day planned for my last day, so we`ll see if I did it all.
I always love looking at your pictures.
What makes that snow cone so special? I am not a fan of them either, so maybe I'll have Claire get one eventually and taste it.
I always love looking at your pictures.
What makes that snow cone so special? I am not a fan of them either, so maybe I'll have Claire get one eventually and taste it.


I don't know what it is, whether it's the flavor, or it is just because it is in Disney! I really like the strawberry flavor though.
It's been a busy week. I found out I'm teaching grade 2 and I have to change classrooms. So that means packing everything up, boxing the things that need to go back to the board/government, packing the things that still belong to kindergarten in our school, packing up my own things and dividing them up into things that will work with grade 2 and others that I will save in case I get back to Kindergarten eventually. Then we are re-doing our hardwood floors, so we had to unplug the modem and everything for the sanding. I plugged it back in today and I hope the cord is out of their way when they come back on Monday! Plus I leave next week!!! So I'm hoping to get this TR done soon for you. Be ready for an influx of picture threads! And to top it all off, my Samsung Galaxy S3 hadn't been charging right, so I sent it off to be fixed, since it was under warranty. So I bought an unlocked Asus Zenfone 2 Laser to use because then it should work in Spain as well. Yeah, I've had it a week and I've done a factory reset twice. It's AMAZING when it works, but I have had so many issues with it that I am going to try returning it tomorrow. And it takes wonderful pictures too, I loved it!

At least I'm on my last day, but I took a few extra pictures... and by a few, my total was just under 1000, but I dwindled it down to 560 ish.

Ok, so it was our last day, and I was headed to breakfast and then a park. My goal had been to try to do all four parks on this day, so we'll have to see if I did it. I wanted to do something in each park, if not ride at least one ride. Blanche was already off to a bad start as she was not heading to DHS EMH.

It was still a little foggy around 7am went I went down for my waffle and water.

IMG_9388 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

20150829_070329 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

20150829_070349 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

20150829_070452 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9390 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

It just looks like such a lovely morning!

IMG_9392 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Before long, I was entering DHS.

IMG_9394 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9396 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9397 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Of course, what did you expect? It was my last day!

IMG_9400 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9405 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Buzz was waiting for someone to come visit him! I know it's kinda blurry, but it's so cute!

IMG_9407 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9408 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9409 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9410 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9412 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9413 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9414 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9415 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9416 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9417 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9418 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9419 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Do I remember a single rider line? I think they did separate us once we got close.

IMG_9422 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I did a little better than the person beside me at least.

IMG_9423 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And I took this to try to remember the order a little bit. Is that a cat? Or a raccoon? I remember the bunny and the beaver the most.

IMG_9424 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I wasn't too, too far off!

IMG_9425 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Well, I'm off to bed now! I'll be back maybe tomorrow night with some more. If I get my classroom done fast enough, I'll have more time to finish this and to spend time with the family before I go!

After playing my little game, I was off in this direction:

IMG_9426 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I love, love, love Tower of Terror. Between the theming, and the feeling of floating for that little second... I just love it, so I knew I had to get one last ride in if I could.

IMG_9427 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9428 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The wait time said 10 minutes, so I jumped in line.

IMG_9431 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9432 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9433 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9434 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I snapped some pictures here. I don't always do that.

IMG_9437 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9440 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I hope I hadn't shared this one before, because this picture is from my last day. I'm looking terrified, but it's only because I didn't have another Disney trip in the works, and I still don't. So the terrified look works well for knowing there would be no more Disney for a while!

STUDIO_TOWEROFTERRORBRIDE_7446101152 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9441 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Since it was only 9:03, and I was right there, I decided to do one more spin in the limo.

IMG_9442 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9443 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9444 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9445 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I think here, I'm just numb. I don't want to go home. (Or just trying to look bored... I'm not so sure I succeeded.)

STUDIO_ROCKNRCOASTERRIDE_7446134754 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

By then it was around 9:30, so I was ready to head off to another park.

IMG_9446 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

It's just so pretty!

IMG_9447 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9448 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Where would I go next?

IMG_9449 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Animal Kingdom!

IMG_9450 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

So not bad, only 9:30 am and I'd done three big rides at DHS. I'd debated heading to Star Tours too, but figured I better head to AK.
I had texted Blanche to let her know that I was on my way to AK, and to see what time she was coming. We had plans to see Festival of the Lion King. It is her favorite show, and I love it, and I love to shoot it too, as you will see!

But it wasn't time for the show, and I hadn't heard back. I saw that Dinosaur had a short wait, and I knew I could do single rider for Everest, so off to Dinoland I went.

IMG_9451 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9453 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9454 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I remember trying to get in to DAK in 2014 on my last day, only I had no days left on my 10 day ticket! Oops! I better learn to keep track more closely!

IMG_9457 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9458 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9459 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9461 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9462 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9465 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9468 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9469 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9470 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9471 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9473 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9472 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9474 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9475 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9476 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9477 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9478 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9480 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I got more of his toes here.

IMG_9481 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9482 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I don't think I've ever seen a shot like this:

IMG_9483 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9484 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9486 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

This guy has such a long tail I couldn't get it all in the shot!

IMG_9487 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9489 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9490 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9491 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9492 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
Soon I was in a room watching familiar faces on a big screen. ;)

IMG_9493 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9497 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

And about 5 minutes later I was on the ride. I tried to take a few pictures, but they didn't turn out. I wonder why? HAHAHAHA

IMG_9498 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9499 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

One of my favorite parts of this ride is hearing them talk about the dinosaur and seeing it on their tv screens. It is so cute that the ride isn't over just because you're not on the vehicle!

IMG_9500 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9501 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9502 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I think I had to sneeze....

AK_DINOSAURRIDE_7446223433 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

AK_DINOSAURRIDE_7459902909 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9504 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Blanche wasn't sad this was down. Haha. She flips out on rides. I love them and laugh like crazy. (Especially when she's screaming!)

IMG_9505 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9507 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Next I must have gone straight to the single rider line for EE.

IMG_9509 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I must have waited around 15 minutes or so. Nothing more.

IMG_9510 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9511 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9521 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I was so sad to be leaving.

AK_EXPEDITIONEVERESTRIDE_7446276209 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9523 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9524 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9525 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Then I wanted ice cream. Again, this is something I try to do once a trip. Ice cream from this truck. No clue why, other than that I love ice cream. LOL

IMG_9526 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

The family ahead of me had tons of questions because of allergies and they apologised. I didn't mind! Seriously, your child's life depends on you making sure he can eat the food! Take all the time you need!!

IMG_9527 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9528 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I wanted to do at least one of the two trails. I really need to do more at the beginning of a trip and not leave everything for the end. I'd wanted to do so much more at AK.

IMG_9530 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9532 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9534 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9535 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9536 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9537 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr
IMG_9540 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I call these guys skunk monkeys!

IMG_9541 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9543 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9545 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9547 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9548 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9556 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9557 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9559 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9561 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9565 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9573 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9580 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

"What are you lookin at?"

IMG_9581 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9582 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9584 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

It fascinates me how human like they are!

IMG_9588 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9592 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9595 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I believe this one is a male?

IMG_9597 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9601 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9602 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9606 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

Yep, I love taking pictures of the animals.

By then, I'd heard from Blanche and she wasn't coming to see FOTLK, but maybe she'd come meet me at MK later on.
So glad to see you working on the rest of your TR, enjoy Spain, my DD is going in April. It will be an educational trip with her Spanish teacher/class. She will be visiting Madrid, Barcelona, a sea side city and a day in Morocco. She is very excited. Your pictures are so beautiful, I love SE so the pictures are great. We did all 4 parks in one day a couple trips ago it was fun! Dinosaur is one of my favorite rides. I don't know why but it is. It will be down for refurb when we are there in August.
So glad to see you working on the rest of your TR, enjoy Spain, my DD is going in April. It will be an educational trip with her Spanish teacher/class. She will be visiting Madrid, Barcelona, a sea side city and a day in Morocco. She is very excited. Your pictures are so beautiful, I love SE so the pictures are great. We did all 4 parks in one day a couple trips ago it was fun! Dinosaur is one of my favorite rides. I don't know why but it is. It will be down for refurb when we are there in August.

Oh I hope your daughter has a great time in Spain! I can't wait to go. It's got me almost as excited as Disney! ;)
It seemed like I waited forever for FOTLK, but I'm sure it wasn't very long. It was very hot though. I remember feeling quite drenched. I think I saw this sign in the queue for the show.

IMG_9607 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

It was my first time in the new theatre. I really wish they'd added backs to the benches.

IMG_9608 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

There will be tons of pictures, but I won't share them all. If you want to see more, just click on any of my pictures and you can scroll through them on my flickr page.

IMG_9614 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9629 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

FOTL is so colourful, I don't know if I like it in black and white, but sometimes I'll do that because I can't make the colours look right!

IMG_9631 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9643 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9647 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9650 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9652 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9653 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9654 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9660 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I love the Tumble Monkeys. I think it stems from watching youtube videos of them with some of my nieces and nephews.

IMG_9661 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I tried to show a little of their motion sometimes.

IMG_9662 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9666 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9676 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9684 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9705 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9718 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9721 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9724 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

I really love taking pictures of this part of the show too. It's such a challenge to get the lighting I want. (And it varies between pictures!)

IMG_9742 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9752 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9766 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9767 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9769 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9775 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9790 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9792 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9794 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9797 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9800 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9802 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9806 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9810 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9817 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9819 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9822 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9831 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9834 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9835 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9840 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9842 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9853 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9869 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9871 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9886 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr

IMG_9892 by disneyfreak0306, on Flickr


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