5/3 Bank


"Bedsheets? Who invited that kid?"
Mar 12, 2006
Certain Bank :p (Close as I could get to a tougue sticking out at them)

Sorry--I just realized I probably shouldn't have used the bank name
I'm not sure what the OP was posting about but one day we had an "emergency" stop for our, then 3 year old, DD to use the potty. With a toddler in big girl panties you don't take chances :rotfl2: . So the only thing around that looked somewhat reasonable was a 5/3 bank. DH and I pulled in and we took her inside. When we went in we asked if she could use the facilities... you'll never guess what they said..."Do you have an account with us?" No, I replied. Well I'm sorry but you can't use the facilities, it's for members only. I was like... ***:mad: :eek: :mad: ... it's for a baby, I explained to them and they said, "Sorry but there is a pawn shop next door so that's why we don't let non members use our facilities, you don't know what kind of people are going to come in here." I LOST it!!!! Let's just say the head of 5/3 bank called me profusely apologizing and I told them that as long as I live I will let everyone I can know about how they treat people... especially children. I also told them that no, i do not have an account with them, nor would I ever!!! I'm not stupid enough to have my $$$ in a "bank" I have a credit union that charges me practically nothing to use their services... * (sorry pp, that was not meant to offend you, just to inflame the big guns in corporate office).
is it just me....I have NO IDEA what bank you mean. If it were me I would have said yeah I have an account, who cares, let them try and check (after I scooted the child in the bathroom)
Sure corporate office would LOVE that one!
I've never even seen a bathroom in a bank! I would never EVER have stopped into one during an emergency bathroom break.
Lets just say 5/3 is not anywhere close to being on my top 10 million list right now. Car Payment is less than one week late (not even past the grace period) with 3 payments left (less than $640) and they called today and threatened to repo my car. Have had nothing but trouble with them. Just paying it off out of savings to avoid headaches. Just hate to dip into savings though. (Especially since we've already paid all the interest.) Never ever ever have we ever had a problem with any other bank. And certainly no one has ever called and threatened to repo my house or cars! Had many loans through the years with different banks. Never will I ever bank with 5/3 again.
Even if I have to pay a higher interest rate somewhere else.
Just venting. I hope that no one else ever has to deal with their crap :rolleyes1 the way we've had to.
I hope this doesn't violate any rules to post this. If so, please let me know and I will take down the post immediately.
is it just me....I have NO IDEA what bank you mean. If it were me I would have said yeah I have an account, who cares, let them try and check (after I scooted the child in the bathroom)
Sure corporate office would LOVE that one!

5/3 is Fifth Third. Not sure if they are a national bank or just a regional bank. I believe their headquarters are in Cincinnati. I bank with them because I get a free account (no fees) with direct deposit of my paycheck. I like that there are 5/3rds on every corner around here so I at least know I can find a jeanie machine that won't charge me a fee.

Really anymore I think all banks stink. They don't want to pay interest unless you have a huge balance but they are more than willing to charge you fees for everything. My car loan was through Huntington and I did get a nasty letter from them once when a payment went in late. My then boyfriend (now DH) that co-signed for me since I was in school and only working part-time also got a nasty letter. It was my first late payment. I had written the check and just kept forgetting to drop it in the mailbox. That was many years ago now I just pay everything online so I rarely miss due date anymore.
I'm not sure what the OP was posting about but one day we had an "emergency" stop for our, then 3 year old, DD to use the potty. With a toddler in big girl panties you don't take chances :rotfl2: . So the only thing around that looked somewhat reasonable was a 5/3 bank. DH and I pulled in and we took her inside. When we went in we asked if she could use the facilities... you'll never guess what they said..."Do you have an account with us?" No, I replied. Well I'm sorry but you can't use the facilities, it's for members only. I was like... ***:mad: :eek: :mad: ... it's for a baby, I explained to them and they said, "Sorry but there is a pawn shop next door so that's why we don't let non members use our facilities, you don't know what kind of people are going to come in here." I LOST it!!!! Let's just say the head of 5/3 bank called me profusely apologizing and I told them that as long as I live I will let everyone I can know about how they treat people... especially children. I also told them that no, i do not have an account with them, nor would I ever!!! I'm not stupid enough to have my $$$ in a "bank" I have a credit union that charges me practically nothing to use their services... * (sorry pp, that was not meant to offend you, just to inflame the big guns in corporate office).

You should have stood there arguing with them until she couldn't wait any longer and peed on the floor then left :rolleyes1
I *hate* 5/3....DH had them when I first moved here to get married. We were already at the counter making another transaction, so DH asked if he could do something else relatively minor, I think make a withdrawal from checking. She said she had to charge him $2 to do it with her, but he could do it from the ATM accross the lobby for free. Now I know it costs more to pay a person than to have a withdrawal from an ATM, but seriously, there's something called customer service. We rolled our eyes and used the ATM.

The last straw though was when I showed up to make a deposit in the lobby at ten til five. There were like 5 cashiers and they all stood there looking at each other like 'Aren't YOU going to help her?" while they counted their drawers. I was thinking, "Do you not know that I can SEE you?"

I switched our accounts the next day to the Charter One branch in the grocery store near our house. The branch manager knows us by name, and will call our names out and wave to us when we walk by with groceries.

ETA: and seriously, what a stupid name anyway. The Fifth Third bank? I assume this was a result of a merger but come on...
we left 5th 3rd for many of the reasons listed. As well as the fact that you can't make withdrawals....yes folks, those handy dandy withdrawal slips that ALL banks have, they don't! You have to write yourself a check or pay for a 'counter' check!

DH and I couldn't even get over that as we had to pay our rent each month in cash and I could only get so much cash from the ATM and had to get the rest from inside the bank (one of our 5 'free' transactions).

They did a few other major cruddy things with how they credited things and such but that was a real biggie with me.

I've never paid so many fees at a bank in my life. We switched over to Chase and we've had no issues with them at all.
I've never even seen a bathroom in a bank! I would never EVER have stopped into one during an emergency bathroom break.

Most banks don't have them for public use that I know of. I would have looked around for a McD's or something, I never would have thought to try a bank. I hardly think that is grounds to bash an entire bank since it was one branch that told you that.
They are on my last nerve as well. We have had our car loan with them for 2 years. I have always paid with in my 10 day grace period, I am now getting calls from them before my grace period is up.:confused3
Most banks don't have them for public use that I know of. I would have looked around for a McD's or something, I never would have thought to try a bank. I hardly think that is grounds to bash an entire bank since it was one branch that told you that.

It was really a bash on the customer service that they "provide". I totally would have stopped somewhere else if there was anything else around at the time but the choice for the moment was the bank or the pawn shop. Obviously I made a mistake choosing the bank. (One that I would never make again mind you.) I got an apology from the district manager person and he asked if I wanted a personal apology from the teller and the manager involved, I declined. (I think there would have been violence on my part if one of them had said something smart) :laughing:
Also, regarding the peeing on the floor thing.... I actually thought about that... but I want my daughter to have some dignity... but as for me, I didn't do it but I thought about it :rotfl2:
I have been with them for years, they are like any other bank they have their bad and goods. Now I do like that I have up until the moment they close to make deposit that go on my account immediately. They used to be Citizens bank years ago and then they merged with another bank to become Fifth Third Bank 5/3...
We have had nothing but trouble from them as well, not only personally but I work for one of the largest employers in the city and we have moved from them also. Their practices are unethical to say the least. I was involved in the process to switch banks at work and when I began understanding all of the things they pull, I pulled all of our personal stuff from them as well.

Stay away!
Oh, Fifth Third Bank of Western Ohio! I know them from a litigation support project I worked on here in DC. They were suing the government over FIRREA (yes, this case was tied to the S&L collapses in the 80's) and I was doing contract worjk for DOJ.

Sorry to hear they were so horrible to you, but I have never known a bank to let you use their restrooms, whether you are a customer or not. I always go to fast food chains or if I am really desperate, gas stations or grocery stores.
I HATE that bank. We used to have our mortgage through them. One month the credited our payment to another account. When our payment was late they had a computer call us and leave a "Please call this number immediately" no name, no idea what it was regarding, so we didn't call (we were not behind on anything). Three months later we finally got a letter in the mail stating our payment was late and we had months of late fees added on.

I was furious. Luckily we paid through our bank pay and they did all the research for us. A month later they admitted they applied our payment to another account and waived all the fees and said they would not send it to the credit bureaus. A year later we were looking at a house and my finance lady (a friend) asked me about why we were late on our mortgage. I explained the situation and showed her my paper work. Apparently they don't keep their word over there. We refinanced our mortgage and I will never use that bank again.
They are in the Midwest, and they suck. We avoid them like the plague, I have heard many horror stories about them!


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