3 days in LA, 6 days in Disneyland and 1 Amazing Cast Member Photo bomb!-update 3-9x2

Great pictures with the princesses. That was a lucky time. Love the picture of your daughter asleep with Duffy. It's the only time teens look angelic!:littleangel:

Great pictures with the princesses. That was a lucky time. Love the picture of your daughter asleep with Duffy. It's the only time teens look angelic!:littleangel:


I think the Duffy nap picture is pretty adorable too! I might need to frame that with the Woody doll sleeping picture I got of her the year before. Not sure this girl will ever grow up. :lovestruc
Saturday, July 20-Day 9-Part 2 World of Color OR Fantasmic….decisions, decisions….
After our restful Disney nap we head out at 4:30 and make our way to California Adventure. Our first stop is the Animation building (which is SO awesome). We take a class and come away with a beautiful souvenir. I always love doing this.

We also run into Princess Sofia who was just roaming around with no line so we had to say Hello!

At this point in the trip it is SHAMEFUL to think that I had not ridden on my absolute favorite…Tower of Terror!! Olivia and I made our way there (we pulled FPs before going to the Animation Building) while Aaron and Lucy did something fun and less scary…I am sure…I just don’t recall what!

First ride...I think we were going for the sleeping look but didn't really succeed:

On our second ride we were with some CM who were escorting the ladies they were sitting next to. They were definitely from the south....we kept wondering if they (likely the younger girl?) were some sort of famous country music stars??

After a bit of over tired family vacation drama…I believe we then went to watch Aladdin again!
At this point is was about 7pm and we decide on Dinner at Flo’s! I had been pretty excited to try the Veggie Tater Bake (with pasta salad). I have to say it wasn’t anything special but it was a nice alternative for vegetarians.

Aaron again with the Turkey and Lucy with Mac and Cheese.

I can’t recall what Olivia did for food at this meal. I think she might have just skipped it. We were happy to have a bit of entertainment while we ate!

After dinner we had a few photopass pictures taken around Carsland.

We then went to the Wharf area and took the Sourdough Bread Bakery Tour…and then went for Ice Cream at Ghirardelli.

Aaron and I split the Gold Rush (although I think we changed the ice cream flavors):

Olivia customized her own sundae as well...

Lucy looks to have gotten mint ice cream with marshmallow topping??

After our ice cream we couldn’t agree on staying at DCA for WOC or moving over to DL for Fantasmic. We literally went back and forth until WOC started and then decided to sneak out and go on over to DL. I love Fantasmic and was really NOT wanting to wait until our last night to see it.
We had to fight a lot of the crowds but made our way back to the Rivers. We found a spot but was unsure about the view. As a Cast Member walked by we asked her if it was an ok spot. She said…stay there…then she left and came back and said follow me. She then took us up to the area right behind the guests at the dessert party. There were big light towers on the ground with pretty much NO visibility. She told us that this spot was great because once the show started the lights went up into the air. She was absolutely right and the spot she took us to was 100 times better than where we had been. She defiantly had given us a bit of pixie dust! Yay!!
Sunday, July 21-Day 10-Part 1 Our last morning
*Disclosure….I never took notes on this day and just pieced it together the best I could from pictures and my crummy memory. I imagine I have omitted some details.*
It was finally here. The last full day of our trip. To this point we had done UNBELEIVABLE (for us!) at making every EMH. Really a big accomplishment for our family but on this final day we decide to have Aaron and Lucy sleep in and for Olivia and I make our way over to DCA.

So upon our entry to DCA (7am) we hit up California Screamin and Toy Story Mania two times each.

Not so creative but hey...it was early!

After that we wait at the entrance of Carsland for Aaron and Lucy to show up so we can get Radiator Springs fastpasses for later in the day!
It was pretty cool seeing the opening line being lead in.

After getting our RSR and WOC FP’s Lucy and Olivia go on Grizzly River Run (I wasn’t willing to take the wet risk that early in the day!).

When they were done it was about 9:15am and it was our last morning to try breakfast at Flo’s so we make our way there!!
I had been dying to try the Brioche French Toast! It was very good but could have been smaller.

Aaron enjoyed the American Breakfast.

And Lucy opted to stop at one of the Cozy Cones for some Churro Bites. Definitely a great "last day" breakfast!

Olivia had ran over to MK during this time and wasn’t with us.
After breakfast we go visit our favorite turtle Crush. Turtle talk is always fun!

We then HAD to wait in line to meet Sully in his university gear. While in line we met some nice people that were former CM’s and they were true Disney people. At the end of our interaction they gave both girls one of the “Monstrous Summer” buttons which was super cool.

*A side note* I LOVE how buttons are such a thing here. HEY DISNEY….I LOVED the character meal buttons and actually would feel more compelled to go to character meals to “collect” them. My girls were also kind of obsessed with collecting the Carsland area ones (were only able to snag one) Great cheap idea….really can we do this at WDW?

We then just happened about the Disney Visa meet. (Which was good because I had completely forgotten about it). It was Minnie and she was adorable. (although it annoys me that they didn't center up/pose better against the California Adventure backdrop!)

As we are exiting our Minnie meet we see that Mike is now at the Monsters University area so we have to get in line again to meet another of our favorite monsters!

Before we head over to MK for lunch at Blue Bayou, Olivia and I used the two sets of FP's for Tower of Terror that we had grabbed before Turtle Talk. (can't remember what Aaron and Lucy did... maybe Bugsland?).

Love the sleeping family in the front row!!

Sunday, July 21-Day 10-Part 2 Blue Bayou lunch and our Disneyland Goodbye
Once we made our way into Disneyland we went straight back to grab Indiana Jones FP’s and then took a ride on Pirates.

DL Pirates is just SO great!
As we are making our way over to the Haunted Mansion we run into Tiana and stop for a quick picture.

Once our ride through the mansion is complete we hustle back over to use our IJ’s FP’s.

Except...well…Indiana Jones was down and we needed to get to our lunch reservation. Total disappointment. We knew we would miss the window during our lunch. I spoke with the cast member and she assured me we would be fine. I was not taking any chances on missing my last chance to ride Indiana Jones!
We arrive at Blue Bayou around 12:30 for our 12:45 reservation. They seat us immediately. We took a few pictures but they were pretty dark and terrible.

Our overall experience was nice but it felt rushed. We were in and out in under an hour. Our entrees actually arrived while we were still eating our salad. Typically that wouldn’t bother me but I guess I had a slower more upscale expectation.
For the record I ordered the Portobello Mushroom and Couscous dish, Aaron ordered something chicken (lol…I looked at the menu and my guess was it was the Tesoro Island Chicken) and both girls got the mac and cheese (they were very accommodating to give Olivia an “adult” portion w/salad since she isn’t a mushroom kind of girl). The food pictures didn't turn out at all.

In the end we had a nice time and I am very happy we went there. In the future, I don’t think I would need to eat there.

Another picture because it was our wedding anniversary!

After lunch find that IJ's is back up and running so we use our now expired FP's to take our last ride of the trip. Afterwards we start back to Frontierland to see Billy Hill and the Hillbillies. We ended up spending about an hour and a half back there enjoying games and character greetings. It was a great quiet spot to spend the afternoon.

Seriously how cute are the western outfits they are wearing??

Lucy at one of the game stations. I felt bad for the CM's running them because there wasn't a lot of interest.

The show was fun (and I am sooo happy we saw it since they are gone) but the highlight for us was Bullseye!

A few post show pictures...

Around 3:30 we start making our way up Main Street and exit Magic Kingdom for the last time. On our way out we had a very “enjoyable” meeting with Cruella de Ville who is always great fun!

Lucy enjoying her sister getting yelled at!

luvin all the updates. Did you think the walk in walts foot steps tour was worth the price? I'm considering it but not sure.

Luv all the western outfits is it free to get into that area or is it for a dining experience or something :confused3
luvin all the updates. Did you think the walk in walts foot steps tour was worth the price? I'm considering it but not sure.

Luv all the western outfits is it free to get into that area or is it for a dining experience or something :confused3

Hmmm...as far as the tour goes, if there hadn't been the technical difficulties with the earpiece and hearing along the way then YES it was definitely worth it. But given the problems we had I still am happy we did it but hesitate to give it a 100% recommendation. I imagine if you take the tour at a less peak time (not July) the park might not be as busy and therefore the need for the earpiece would not be as great.

As far as the western area it went along with the Billy Hill and the Hillbillies show so it was free but since they are no longer preforming I think the area might be being repurposed but honestly don't know to what. I am a complete sucker for characters in costume, though!!
I just wanted to pop in and say I will be back soon to finish this up. "Finishing" things is not my strong area as IRL I always get projects to a certain point and really struggle with completing them....apparently this TR is no different.

I have been busy on the WDW side of things...just returning from a short trip with DH last week and planning our family trip that is happening in just 51 days!
I love that photobomb, it's awesome!! She's just there being hysterical and you guys are totally oblivious.

Now I'm going to go back and read the PTR and the rest of the TR (I love Disneyland and I like you guys, so I definitely want to read all about it!).
I love that photobomb, it's awesome!! She's just there being hysterical and you guys are totally oblivious.

Now I'm going to go back and read the PTR and the rest of the TR (I love Disneyland and I like you guys, so I definitely want to read all about it!).

Isn't it funny! By the looks of it she not only had to run over but really was right behind us. It cracked me up.

Your too sweet to go back through and read it. Warning I didn't finish it. I kind of just didn't take many pictures that last night and the next morning we pretty much just headed to the airport. Your not missing much but I do still feel bad for not finishing it.
Okay, it took me 2 days, but I made it through the whole trip (or at least as much of it as you finished). I've got a bunch of comments:

1 - I'm entertained and horrified that the hotel provides yoga mats. Which is actually fairly similar to my original reaction to discovering the Yoga Room at the airport in San Francisco. I know that people like yoga, but it's really taking over in some places!

2 - The Einstein pictures at the Observatory are hysterical!

3 - The Disney impostors on the Santa Monica Pier remind me a lot of Times Square ... these characters look nothing like they do at Disney World! (Of course, in Times Square, how they look can be the least of your problems sometimes ... not sure if it's the same at the pier, but I'm guessing it probably is)

4 - I love all of the Berlin Wall pictures! I've seen a few different pieces here and there and I always love seeing them become artwork. I'll have to remember about that if I ever do another SoCal trip (our last west coast trip was Disney & San Fran, not sure if we'll be doing general SoCal again any time soon)

5 - I love that you guys went to see Disney Studios! I wish they gave tours ... although they'd have a hard time getting me to leave the tour!

6 - The Madame Tussads pictures are great. Lucy is hysterical!

7 - I'm a little sad that you skipped the Getty, but I totally understand wanting to get to Disneyland sooner!

8 - Totally agree with you on RSR ... we loved it! We did it twice with 1.5-2 hour waits, and probably would have done it more had the lines been shorter (although it was one of the rides where Beth had issues because she couldn't do stairs on that trip and there are stairs when you get off the ride). Also, I love California Screamin'. And Toy Story, of course. Really, some of my favorite Disney attractions are at California Adventure.

9 - The character breakfast looks like a lot of fun! We've never done sit-down dining at DL (we had never done it at WDW before November 2014 ...), but seeing how much fun it seems to be I might think about it for my next trip!

10 - The outdoor teacups at DL are great ... except when it rains. On our first DL trip we dealt with a lot of rain and the teacups were down for much of our first (of 2) days ... so we had to go back to DL on the second day (even though we had planned to spend the whole day at DCA) to do the teacups. Although it ended up working out fine because DCA took us less time than we thought it would ... this was pre-Cars Land.

11 - The long lines at Toy Story in WDW kill me. My first time on TSM was at DL, where we were able to do it multiple times, so I hate that we can't really do it more than once in Florida.

12 - The tour looks cool (especially going into Club 33 & Walt's Apartment), but the technical issue surprises me a bit.

13 - I *love* World of Color, but I'm not wild about the whole standing thing - it doesn't seem fair to those of us on the shorter end of the height spectrum. Not that I stood when I saw it ... I sat on the ground next to Beth's broken foot in the wheelchair section (they wanted me to stand behind her, but I refused - I sat on the ground instead ... but that's a different complaint entirely). And we also went for Starbucks before the show :)

14 - I love that you got pixie dust for your Fantasmic spot! I definitely have to see Fantasmic next time I'm at DL ... I know I saw it in 2009 (I have pictures), but I don't remember it at all.

15 - I love that the logo on the first California Screamin picture from the last day has the Mickey head on the ride ... I miss the Mickey head. Going through a loop in front of a sun just isn't as fun.

Overall, it looks like you guys had a great time! I really love all of the character pictures ... I think I actually like characters better in DL because we see a lot more "spontaneous" characters, as opposed to WDW where everything is scheduled and in a specific place.
Reading through the whole report makes me want to go back to Disneyland! After 3 trips to WDW in a row, I miss my West Coast parks. I want to go back!!! (I'm really hoping to go back for a belated 30th birthday trip, but that won't be for almost a year and a half)
Okay, it took me 2 days, but I made it through the whole trip (or at least as much of it as you finished). I've got a bunch of comments:

1 - I'm entertained and horrified that the hotel provides yoga mats. Which is actually fairly similar to my original reaction to discovering the Yoga Room at the airport in San Francisco. I know that people like yoga, but it's really taking over in some places!

Haha! I didn't use them but thought is was very "California" to have them at all.

2 - The Einstein pictures at the Observatory are hysterical!

Too bad selfies weren't such a thing then. I can only imagine what kind of pictures would have ensued.

3 - The Disney impostors on the Santa Monica Pier remind me a lot of Times Square ... these characters look nothing like they do at Disney World! (Of course, in Times Square, how they look can be the least of your problems sometimes ... not sure if it's the same at the pier, but I'm guessing it probably is)

I was literally LOL at this comment. Yup, guessing it could be similar.

4 - I love all of the Berlin Wall pictures! I've seen a few different pieces here and there and I always love seeing them become artwork. I'll have to remember about that if I ever do another SoCal trip (our last west coast trip was Disney & San Fran, not sure if we'll be doing general SoCal again any time soon)

Yeah I really loved those. And maybe it was just because we totally stumbled on them. If you went looking for them the impact might not be the same.

5 - I love that you guys went to see Disney Studios! I wish they gave tours ... although they'd have a hard time getting me to leave the tour!

That building was so cute. I was glad we went even though we looked like crazy stalkers.

6 - The Madame Tussads pictures are great. Lucy is hysterical!

I have to admit that when you said you were reading this I went back through and kind of skimmed over it last night (which was fun to relive...thanks ;) ) and those pictures of Lucy are so her. I was dying.

7 - I'm a little sad that you skipped the Getty, but I totally understand wanting to get to Disneyland sooner!

Yeah. Had it been on the way we totally would have went but going the opposite direction of DL just made it easier to skip. I think Aaron was over driving at that point and just wanted to get somewhere. That is actually one of the reasons he loves Disney is all that is just taken care of by Disney. I admit to being a terrible co-pilot so vacations that require minimal navigation are best and I think we were ready for that!

8 - Totally agree with you on RSR ... we loved it! We did it twice with 1.5-2 hour waits, and probably would have done it more had the lines been shorter (although it was one of the rides where Beth had issues because she couldn't do stairs on that trip and there are stairs when you get off the ride). Also, I love California Screamin'. And Toy Story, of course. Really, some of my favorite Disney attractions are at California Adventure.

Of course one of Lucy's absolute favorites now is Test Track so I think she will be good next time for multiple RSR rides. She better be. ;) Yes. I actually think CA is kinda a combination of all the best attractions at the other 3 WDW parks. I don't know why it sometimes gets a bad rap.

9 - The character breakfast looks like a lot of fun! We've never done sit-down dining at DL (we had never done it at WDW before November 2014 ...), but seeing how much fun it seems to be I might think about it for my next trip!

Yes it really was. It's funny our first WDW trip was in 2006 and we had free dining so we did ALL the character meals and it was TOO much and completely turned us off to them. This was I think our first one after that (yes 7 years later!). I think I now have found a balance. But yeah this breakfast was kind of like characterpoolza. Totally random but awesome!

10 - The outdoor teacups at DL are great ... except when it rains. On our first DL trip we dealt with a lot of rain and the teacups were down for much of our first (of 2) days ... so we had to go back to DL on the second day (even though we had planned to spend the whole day at DCA) to do the teacups. Although it ended up working out fine because DCA took us less time than we thought it would ... this was pre-Cars Land.

Rain at DL would be a complete bummer.

11 - The long lines at Toy Story in WDW kill me. My first time on TSM was at DL, where we were able to do it multiple times, so I hate that we can't really do it more than once in Florida.

12 - The tour looks cool (especially going into Club 33 & Walt's Apartment), but the technical issue surprises me a bit.

Yes we were surprised that it was so difficult to hear. He kept telling us to get closer but there are personal space boundaries.

13 - I *love* World of Color, but I'm not wild about the whole standing thing - it doesn't seem fair to those of us on the shorter end of the height spectrum. Not that I stood when I saw it ... I sat on the ground next to Beth's broken foot in the wheelchair section (they wanted me to stand behind her, but I refused - I sat on the ground instead ... but that's a different complaint entirely). And we also went for Starbucks before the show :)

We ended up seeing WOC on the last night (that I think I didn't get to in the TR). It was a better experience for me that night.

14 - I love that you got pixie dust for your Fantasmic spot! I definitely have to see Fantasmic next time I'm at DL ... I know I saw it in 2009 (I have pictures), but I don't remember it at all.

Fantasmic at Disneyland > Fantasmic at Disney World. Be sure to see it next time.

15 - I love that the logo on the first California Screamin picture from the last day has the Mickey head on the ride ... I miss the Mickey head. Going through a loop in front of a sun just isn't as fun.

Overall, it looks like you guys had a great time! I really love all of the character pictures ... I think I actually like characters better in DL because we see a lot more "spontaneous" characters, as opposed to WDW where everything is scheduled and in a specific place.
Reading through the whole report makes me want to go back to Disneyland! After 3 trips to WDW in a row, I miss my West Coast parks. I want to go back!!! (I'm really hoping to go back for a belated 30th birthday trip, but that won't be for almost a year and a half)

We did! We are planning to go back next summer. I miss it too!

Thanks for dragging this up and reading....and spending the time to comment. Sorry for the weird typos. I feel like they are possibly from the Disboards switch or at least some of them are. ;) You're becoming my Disboards BFF. :)
I'm glad I gave you a chance to relive the trip!
I'm totally cool with blaming the Disboards switch for the typos ... I've had formatting issues from it too.
You guys really seem like a lot of fun and I enjoy reading about your adventures, so if you keep writing PTRs & TRs, I'll keep reading them!


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