2015 destash - Purge Purge Purge, Purge is the word

I've sold 3 more items on Craig's List. Woo Hoo! I've got 3 more things to list now. I still have 3 items on it that I bumped up today. If those are not gone by the end of the month, they'll be donated.

I also found out that Best Buy will recycle old CRT Tv's up to 32" so the one I found in the attic will be going to them next week along with a broken DVD player and broken computer monitor.
I'm taking an attic cleanout break next week to get the wallpaper stripped from our half bathroom. I need to get that done and the room painted before I hire somebody to tile the floor in there.

The money I'm making on Craig's List is going to the redo of that room - new toilet, tile floor (right now it's laminate), new sink top, new mirror. The vanity is perfect for that room so I will just be repainting it instead of replacing that one. I'm looking forward to finally having it redone.
Hi, I've been gone a few months too. I love reading about everyone's progress for motivation! The end of the school year just got too crazy and I haven't done much of anything. Now that we're all done for the summer, I'm trying to make up for lost time. The garage and basement continue to be dumping grounds and need a good overhaul again. *sigh* I should have taken a before picture of the garage. DH helped me with some stuff last weekend. Now there are several piles but I still have a few areas to sort. He put a few things in the attic which freed up some cabinet space. I'm hoping to get motivated to load up the car and drop off all the different piles to where they need to go. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow and go to Starbucks for a reward when it's done.

Right after school got out, I went through my teaching storage trunk and organized a bunch of papers and books. Tossed a bunch of stuff but there is still a huge pile in the garage to sort. UGH.

I promised DD15 I'd paint her room while she was gone this week. It's almost done and turned out really cute. We are having to put new carpet upstairs so it's forcing me to make sure things are painted and decluttered. They are in ok shape but will be totally decluttered before installation.

Hulagirl -thanks for the reminder on Kon Mari. I read that book last winter and need to reread for inspiration.

I am a teacher too and have tons of stuff here at home as well as school I need to sort through and weed out. The last day of school, I stayed behind by myself in an empty school and decluttered there for three and a half hours straight!!! Since I've been home, I have made some progress on decluttering. I loaded up a lot of empty binders I had here at home and took them to school. There are always students of mine who need a binder when theirs falls apart.

I am working on weeding though all the extra papers, teaching stuff and household stuff combined that needs to be recycled. I have dumped tons already that are huge recycling bin from the city (think huge city garbage can size) is totally full to the brim and it won't be picked up until next Monday! I will just have to bag the rest this week and store it in the garage until we can fit it in the recycling bin next week.

I haven't checked in for a while - glad others are making such good progress!

For me...ugh....oops. End of the school year is right around the corner which means DD6 is bringing home all her unused school supplies as well as tons of art work, school work etc. So need to go through all that and purge (sorry DD but we can't keep ALL your art work lol). I've also got a pile mounting of clothes etc to take to the charity shop. Haven't sold any kids stuff for about 2-3 months so I need to get back on that - since the warm weather is already upon us I've got a stack of summer clothes the girls have grown out of, some sellable, some donate so hopefully I can make a few bucks, just need to get my rear in gear and post them online. This time around if it sells the first time, great. If not, it gets donated. Tired of reposting things 2,3 etc times.

I, totally understand your situation with all the artwork and school papers. Over the years, I have saved WAY TOO many school papers, art projects and drawings from my kids. I have read that you should take digital photos of them and then you can ditch the originals. That way your child still has a record of the stuff. I need to do this! Over the last year, I have been trying to be more selective in what I save to keep as keepsakes.

I applaud you in that you actually get items photographed and listed on ebay. I am constantly saving items that I think might sell for something on ebay that I intend to post but never seem to get around to actually doing so! Ugg! So the items just sit around cluttering up things. I HAVE to get self-motivated to either get them listed or just donate them. This is the biggest thing I want to work on this summer.

On a side note: if anyone has a tom of unused school supplies, I suggest first putting them in your kids' backpacks and storing them for next school year. Any you know you will not need in the future, take to your local school and donate them. We, teachers, would love the extra supplies to have on hand to share with students that come to school without them or for any student who runs out or forgets them during the school year. I know in my own classroom, I have two drawers set aside for extra lined paper and random extra markers, pens and pencils and glue that any student of mine can get into and use throughout the school year. I have the drawers marked and tell them from the beginning they are there. I want to avoid a student just sitting in my class and not actively participating in class note-taking, assignments or activities because he or she does not have supplies and doesn't want to ask a peer for anything. I teach junior high so kids are really self-conscious about asking for supplies sometimes. Since I have had the drawers, all my students have used the supplies at least once. So, there is no negative stigma associated with getting supplies out of my classroom drawers.
Well, after 10 years, I finally convinced DH that yes, we needed a garage door opener! It seems like a little thing but it snowballed into cleaning the garage. Everything that was in any kind of cardboard is now donated, tossed or properly in a plastic tote. We had sooo many 1/2 empty boxes. We've made 3 trips to the recycling center in the last few weeks; I really wish we had curbside recycling. He had a bunch of stuff for the dump when I got home from work that night. I convinced him to put it on the curb Friday night so the garage sale scavengers early Saturday morning could look through the pile. It didn't even last 45 minutes, lol. Everything was in useful condition so I'm glad it all found new homes. We still have to look into putting some sort of flooring in the space above the garage to store seasonal items and some memory stuff, but it looks so much better!

Also sold a few more items on Facebook, nothing big, but it's better than nothing.
Well, after 10 years, I finally convinced DH that yes, we needed a garage door opener! It seems like a little thing but it snowballed into cleaning the garage. Everything that was in any kind of cardboard is now donated, tossed or properly in a plastic tote. We had sooo many 1/2 empty boxes. We've made 3 trips to the recycling center in the last few weeks; I really wish we had curbside recycling. He had a bunch of stuff for the dump when I got home from work that night. I convinced him to put it on the curb Friday night so the garage sale scavengers early Saturday morning could look through the pile. It didn't even last 45 minutes, lol. Everything was in useful condition so I'm glad it all found new homes. We still have to look into putting some sort of flooring in the space above the garage to store seasonal items and some memory stuff, but it looks so much better!

Also sold a few more items on Facebook, nothing big, but it's better than nothing.

Great job of going through your garage! That is a huge project! It is cool that the stuff you set out was picked up by others who can use it instead of going to a landfill. That is great!
I hot the spare room again. I spent the evening opening old credit card offers, bills, etc. then organized it all to shred
I got rid of
-plastic shoe box full of receipts (shredded)
-basket of old bills, credit card offers, credit card check offers etc. the basket was 12 inches high and full (shredded)
-misc receipts and bills I found in a separate pile (shredded)
-got rid of two microwave popcorn boxes
-got rid of old bullet box
-old large nacho can ( I was going to craft it into something)
-1 grocery bag of trash
-1 grocery bag full of mail inserts and envelopes
-2 plastic boxes
-DD got rid of grocery size bag of old socks
-DD got rid of another grocery bag size of clothes
-DD also got rid of a large bag of trash from her room old school papers from this past year and junk. Her room is clean now :)
With all that my room doesn't look like I made a dent-lol! Tomorrow I plan on hitting it some more. Hopefully on Monday I can list somethings to sell

I need to come up with an idea to file papers
Ds12 brought his DS and games to Gamestop last week and got cash for them. He had bought the system with his own money when he was 7 and played the heck out of it. Then last night we took our Wii, which broke last year, and all the accessories in since we used it a ton when we first bought it and after 3-4 years, we all lost interest. There were a couple games they didn't want, and no longer take the wii fit balance board or steering wheels you use with the remote for certain games, but we did get some money for the system (they take it as a "defect" and send it out for fixing) and games. Not a ton compared to how much we poured into it at the time, but I was happy to get it out of my garage and get some cash for it. GameStop pays about 75% of the store credit rate out as cash if you don't want the credit, which was more than I thought. Most places only do 50%. Now, I'd like to get rid of all the DVDs the kids are done with, like Wizards of Waverly Place, Hotel for Dogs, and Hannah Montana, etc. We don't have the cases anymore, but does anyone know if/where I could get any money from them? I've tried in EBay before and didn't have much luck. I'd be happy with even $1 apiece.
The old CRT, broken computer monitor and DVD player have been recycled with Best Buy. All of the camping gear is sold, the 2 lamps sold - all on Craigs List.

I'll be listing a large group of water guns next (including 2 unopened Supersoaker Max 2000 I think they were) and a box of summer party supplies tiki themed on Craig's List.

So far I've had several people interested in the Aquarium and stand but one backed out and the other was a no show. I bumped it up today. I hadn't expected any interest in it so it gives me hope that they might sell.

I've sold more magazines on ebay and have listed more yesterday. I need to get back into the attic and pull more stuff out - one section looks so nice and neat now that I can't wait to tackle the next area.
We are back from our trip, so I can dive back in to decluttering!

DD and DS turned in everything they could at Game Stop and Disc Replay. I am donating the rest, and I should be able to take another load this week.

DH is home for the summer (he is a teacher) and is inspired, so we should be able to get stuff done. He likes to do things in big chunks, while I am more of a bit at a time. We will see if we can strike a balance!
My son finally took his suitcase. I threw away the largest one, since it looked so ratty and beat up. The airlines really do a number on your luggage. While I was in the basement, helping him find some rope for the weed eater, I found a bag of pine cones and went through another box and just threw things in the bag and once it was full, I put it in the garbage. We have been in our new house 4 months and I am starting to see some clean spaces in the basement. Except, my dd and her husband moved from a 2 bedroom to a one bedroom, and we got some of their things, since they did not have room. Now that it is summer, I have a hard time going in the basement and sorting, but I am going to bring it upstairs, that way I have to deal with the box, use it, sell it, or throw it away or recycle.
Hmmm...I'm only six months late to this thread. ;) We've had a neighbor ask if she and her husband could buy our house, which was not officially on the market. So we are now rapidly decluttering and downsizing. I've been slowly decluttering for three years, but will need to pick up the pace quite a bit now.
Finally got to the laundromat yesterday and got my dad's comforter washed. He is in a twin hospital bed in the nursing home and no longer needs his queen size stuff. Today I took 4 huge boxes of sheets, etc to the thrift store. DS decided to take Grandpa's laundry hamper, and DD emptied a set of plastic drawers that I am now using to store my dad's out of season clothes. So the kids' rooms are a little neater, and I emptied 3 boxes of my dad's stuff. Yay!
Taking a break from inside as we powerwash our 2000 sq ft deck and railing. It has been a few years and was in desperate need of a good cleaning.
I started a few weeks ago. Each day I get rid of something whether it's old papers in the drawer or clutter in a certain room and by the time summer is here I'm pretty much done. I do this once or twice a year. It sure does feel good. I can't believe how much garbage accumulates over a few months.
It's been months since I posted, so here goes. I have retired from teaching (Grades 1/2) :teacher: and spent the last month moving things from school to home. I had my daughter-in-law come through and take some things, but since she doesn't yet have a permanent position, she was very careful about what she took. A lot of stuff that she'll need in the next year or two came home with me, since I couldn't let it go. :rolleyes1 MOST stuff was tossed or given away. (I do not count my books....they came home. What can I say, good picture books are an addiction with me.:lovestruc ) Until that last week. :o You know.....the boxes and bags where everything goes and "I'll sort it when I get it home."

So that is where I am. Ready to sort the basement, which has stuff from DS who moved out of his apartment last year, DD who moved back home after university, and all my teaching stuff. It is overwhelming. One positive-I have about 50% of the 'office' decluttered. And now that I have retired, I am ready to begin to tackle that job-tomorrow!
Cleaned out and put away the rest of the stuff from our vacation. I also finally dealt with a pile of stuff from February/March :scared1::scared1: (I know it was then, as it is stuff from my dad's apartment and stuff that was on top of our refrigerator that we had to replace.) Our last Girl Scout camping trip is in a couple of weeks, and then I am going to give away my Girl Scout craft supplies to other troops. DD is not interested in continuing in middle school, and my co-leader and I decided to "retire". That will help clear out a nice spot in the basement.
Bumping!! We are 1/2 way through the year everyone! 6 months til Christmas, so it's time to ramp up for round 2!!!

Our school is now bringing in items for our big rummage sale. My job is organizing picture frames, good golly there are sooooo many!!!
I brought 2 trash bags of clothes and 2 hampers full of items to the sale. DH called me while I was there and asked how it's going. I told him the more time I spend here, the more I want to get rid of stuff in my own house. He said we should do a quick go through and see what else we can round up. Music to my ears!!!!
Spare room:
I got rid Of a lot of dust last night-lol! I have a rolling cart with several plastic drawers. I cleans the drawers with clorax type wipes and organize all the items. I have a lot of gift ideas I can make with a lot of the stuff in the drawers. I also got rid of another grocery size bag of junk. I put 2 clothes items in the donate box. Sunday night I plan on hitting my spare room closet. I'm also going to post more stuff to sell. I organized some stuff by holidays. I'm hoping to have more stuff organized so I can see what I'm keeping, throwing away and fill up 1-2 donation boxes, that's my goal for next week
To those selling on craigs list and facebook sell pages...how are your sales? Are things selling? I've always had luck but lately no luck. I've notice a 1-3 sellers selling things dirt cheap like holister short or pants for $1-$3 but those same sellers buy used cheap but they also sell their used clothes so I wonder by some doing that it hurts other that buy from store and then sell only once..do I make sense? If not those that buy used and they haggle down the prices wear the clothes then weeks or months later resell the clothes but dirt cheap...

I've notice clothes aren't selling like it use to. I have nice almost new teen tops for $2 and no luck but 6 months ago I sold a bunch. I might try for $1 at a yardsale and what doesn't move donate it to a place that actually gives it to people in not and doesn't turnaround and resell. Tomorrow morning I'm going to go by me a LARGE iced coffee and go through the clothes. I already put a few items to donate and I have 6 cans of soup to also donate
To those selling on craigs list and facebook sell pages...how are your sales? Are things selling? I've always had luck but lately no luck. I've notice a 1-3 sellers selling things dirt cheap like holister short or pants for $1-$3 but those same sellers buy used cheap but they also sell their used clothes so I wonder by some doing that it hurts other that buy from store and then sell only once..do I make sense? If not those that buy used and they haggle down the prices wear the clothes then weeks or months later resell the clothes but dirt cheap...

I've notice clothes aren't selling like it use to. I have nice almost new teen tops for $2 and no luck but 6 months ago I sold a bunch. I might try for $1 at a yardsale and what doesn't move donate it to a place that actually gives it to people in not and doesn't turnaround and resell. Tomorrow morning I'm going to go by me a LARGE iced coffee and go through the clothes. I already put a few items to donate and I have 6 cans of soup to also donate

I think it might be the time of year. People are out shopping at old style garage sales. I must admit that it is easier to drive up to a house with everything laid out pick out a few things pay and be on your way. I enjoy garage sale shopping but I am hesitant to buy from a FB group.

We have had fair amount of luck selling on FB sights mostly prom dresses and a few Disney items.
To those selling on craigs list and facebook sell pages...how are your sales? Are things selling? I've always had luck but lately no luck. I've notice a 1-3 sellers selling things dirt cheap like holister short or pants for $1-$3 but those same sellers buy used cheap but they also sell their used clothes so I wonder by some doing that it hurts other that buy from store and then sell only once..do I make sense? If not those that buy used and they haggle down the prices wear the clothes then weeks or months later resell the clothes but dirt cheap...

I've notice clothes aren't selling like it use to. I have nice almost new teen tops for $2 and no luck but 6 months ago I sold a bunch. I might try for $1 at a yardsale and what doesn't move donate it to a place that actually gives it to people in not and doesn't turnaround and resell. Tomorrow morning I'm going to go by me a LARGE iced coffee and go through the clothes. I already put a few items to donate and I have 6 cans of soup to also donate

I know I'm not shopping now because back to school shopping is approaching. Maybe try listing them again in a few weeks? I refuse to buy anything for my growing tween boy because he has grown at least 4 inches in 6 months. if he keeps it up whatever I buy now won't fit shortly. Hopefully this helps explain some of the slow sales.


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