145 Middle Schoolers: Wicked Awesome or Epic Fail???DeParting-Such Sweet Sorrow p. 76


Beach Club Dee
Jul 19, 2008
8th Grade Class Trip
Disney Youth Education Series Program
All Star Movies
June 4-8, 2012

Hi. My name is Dee and I am a Plan-aholic. If could find a 12-step program for obsessive planners, I would become a member, get the guidelines and rewrite them to be condensed in 8 steps or less. Since a trip to Disney World has so many levels of planning opportunities, it is the ultimate vacation for me. One of the things I love about the DIS is that there are so many others like me out there. You people “get” me.

My high school sweetheart and I celebrated our 25th Anniversary last July. I am mostly a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) to two sons, Nate (soon to be 14) and Ben (11). I also have a part-time job as a museum teacher at a local historical farmhouse built in 1690. I was the treasurer of our PTA for many years, I am president of the middle school parents group and treasurer of the community theatre group my youngest son belong to.

I spend a lot of time on the DISboards- mainly the Trip Reports and Beach Club FAQ threads. My other hobbies are swimming, snorkeling, reading, traveling, trivia, and trips to the beach. I’m a fan of Jimmy Buffett, Stephen King, Harry Potter, Caribbean islands and Ting, a Jamaican grapefruit soda. I’m also a pretty darned good cook.

I love to take pictures. Nothing fancy or professional, just for my own enjoyment. I took 1,466 pictures on this trip! I haven’t joined the world of scrapbooking yet, though. I’m a little afraid I might not be able to escape from the pit of time and money I would spend if I was armed with special scissors, pretty stickers and an endless array of border paper.

Age? As grown-up Wendy tells Peter Pan “I am ever so much more than 20”

Disney Favorites- strolling the countries in EPCOT, The Land, Beet and Goat Cheese salad at Sunshine Seasons, Beach Club, Big Thunder Mtn, WEDway Peoplemover (TTA), Macadamia Pineapple Pancakes at Kona, Toy Story Mania, Kali River Rapids, Everest, everything at Boma, Mickey Bars, sitting on the balcony at the Beach Club at 5 am with a cup of coffee, a book and my camera while everyone else is sleeping and last but not least, Teena the Beach Club greeter.

Things that have been “retired” from EPCOT that I really, really miss- Kitchen Kabaret (Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit), The Living with the Land song and the original Figment with Dreamfinder.

Those of you who have followed my previous trip reports know that I have a serious commando reputation to uphold.

For anyone just meeting me, please allow me to share a few of my previous Disney escapades- click on the chapter links below if you want to read the stories:

Hey, Tara, I’m headed to my FOURTH Park of the Day! (July 2009)
Part 1 Animal Kingdom
Part 2 Blizzard Beach
Part 3 Boma
Part 4 Hooray for Hollywood!
Part 5 Illuminations

Double Triple Mountain Whammy! (July 2009)
Double Triple Mountain Whammy!

I promise the boys 3 Mountains and an Island. By 11 am. Can I deliver? And still make breakfast at Kona? (July 2010)
Part 1
Part 2

Toys Story Mania, 4 times by Noon (July 2010)
Part 1
Part 2

All of these achievements were accomplished in the heat of summer.

There’s nothing at Disney that I can’t handle.

Until this trip.

For which I had absolutely no part in the planning.

At a value resort.
(Don’t get me wrong. I’m NOT a deluxe snob, I’m just loyal to one resort. I bleed Beach Club Blue)

Accompanied by my 13 year old son.

And 144 of his 8th grade classmates.

Without the benefit of alcohol!



Next Up: How this trip happened, and how it almost DIDN’T happen (Let's Meet Nate)

How This Trip Happened and How it Almost DIDNT Happen

Arrival Day:
Who's in Charge Here?
We havent even left the airport and the EMTs show up
So You Wanna be in Movies, Kid? Part 1
So You Wanna be in Movies, Kid? Part 2
Room 7763

Day 1:
First Morning

Y.E.S. Energy and Waves:
Part 1: The Only Attraction in Disney I Dis
Part 2: Shhhhh!
Part 3: Why Do They Call it Mickeys Philharmagic?

Cosmic Fail!
Spaced Out and Splash Down
The Teens Make a Splash!

Dee Does Downtime
Dee Does Dinner

He Got a Golf Ball! All I Got Was a Cockroach!
Braces be D@mned, Were Going to Germany!

Day 2:
Y.E.S. The Science of Imagineering: Hollywood Studios
Again and Again and Again
Again and Again and Again (and Again) Part 2
What did we learn from that?
We meet an Imagineer!
To The Forum!

May the Force Be With Me!
Solo After Solo
50 Shades of Green
Rock ON or Rock NO? 24 Eyes Rolling Simultaneously

Downtime, Deluge, Dinner and Dodging Downtown

Magic Kingdom
Fast Pass Trek and Least Wildest Ride in the Wilderness
Battle with Bad Cow
Wildest Ride in the Wilderness
Wishing I Could See Fireworks and Showering Habits of Teens

Bad, Bad Chaperone!

Day 3:
Wild Kingdom (and Then We Went to the Park)
Best. Safari. Ever! Part I
Best. Safari. Ever! Part II
Pangani Trail
Are We There Yeti?
Kali River Rapids: Who Gets Wet and Who Doesn't?
Flare-up at Flame Tree
A Teen Reduces Me to Tears
Dinoland, USA photos
Yeti Yet Again


Splashin Across the Showcase
Turning Japanese
A Glimpse of Home, Part 1
A Glimpse of Home, Picture Perfect Ride
A (Mostly) Fantasmic Finale! Part 1
A (Mostly) Fantasmic Finale! Part 2

Departure Day
DeParting is Such Sweet Sorrow

Side Trips, August 2012:
Boat Camp
York, Maine- Wild Animal Kingdom, Goldenrod's, Beach
Water Country
Hampton Beach

Ben's Powerpoint "Top Ten Reasons We Should Go to Disney! This Summer!!!

The Amazing Adventures of Flat Ben

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Ok Dee some of those titles :scared1: me! But it looks like fun!
Glad you made it home safe and sound!
Wow! What a start! I'm on the edge of my seat! Show us how a TR is done, Dee! :banana:
:cool1::cool1: Your trip report begins!!!!! By the names of the titles I'm hoping you've started to recoup from the trip. Holy Moly that's some interesting titles too. :) How many more years until the youngest DS will be visiting Disney for his 8th grade trip and will you go???? :) Enjoy the weekend!!!!!!!!!
Oh I am soooo in!

Do I detect a little gritting of the teeth in your photo. Believe me I recognize that look all too well!!

Dee - I am right there with you - early mornings on the BC balcony with my coffee, mickey bars, strolling through EPCOT and missing the Kitchen Kabaret!

Can't wait to read more!!!!
Oh, I am so in for this report! :cool1:

Love the pic you chose. For you it seems to say "I'm in for Disney, but I'm worried they won't do it right, how can I improve things, I wonder if I can just manage to..." Nate of course is saying "hurry up, I don't want to have my picture taken standing beside my mom"

And one more thought about that picture... Based on some of the pictures from your other reports - Nate looks like his Dad in this picture.

Okay, back to waiting for the rest of the story to unfold. popcorn::
Yay for the trip report! I'm here! So happy to see that Braces/Germany made it on the list of chapter titles! :) Looking forward to more!
Seeing the chapters, I am completely drawn in and cannot wait to read! I love your trip reports and this one I have been looking forward to since you announced it!!
This looks like it will be a fantastic read!! Can't wait to see it all unfold.....
Just started back on the boards while im recovering from surgery. This is just the medicine I need. I can't wait to read about the trip!

Love the title Dee!

Also cracking up at the Picture. I swear you can see the words in the bubble.

Mom, my friends are watching don't make me have to have photographic proof that you were here and we're related.

Quiet kid and take the picture, you owe me for labor, vacations, and the fact that I am living through your teenage drama without a Grey Goose Slushie..I want proof that I didn't lock you down in a buggy at Nemo and Friends"

J/K...I know from your trips that the boys are sweet and you guys get along great.

I'm hitting the I don't know you/ I'm tolerating your presence for the slushie money age with my nephews. The little boys who used to act out the storming of Omaha Beach just so they could snuggle up against me within 3 seconds of me sitting down, now give me the death stare if I so much as look like I might reach out to pat thier shoulder. Teenagers suck!

Wait a minute is that an old picture....I swear I see a thumb splint....didn't he get rid of that.
:rotfl2: Just your intro is awesome!! Can't wait to read the rest!!


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