12 Days of Disney = 1 Happy Family! June 2011 TR (Update x2 7/19)

We have never eaten at Park Fare... I'm thinking I better schedule a meal there before MY little girl starts avoiding pictures like you did!!! I LOVE how the stepmother bossed you around... that is SO in character!

Thanks for sharing your meal and pics... I often forget about this restaurant!

I would certainly recommend going there, especially while Shae is still young! The stepmother had us all laughing, even me! I really enjoyed the meal, despite meeting a few more characters than I wanted!
You know your 6 year old sister has a Disney obsession when she sings "There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" for 30 minutes straight and knows ALL the words! She's a keeper all right! :rotfl:

Oh my gosh...Ethan is singing that RIGHT NOW!!!! Maybe we can marry them off someday! :rotfl:
Super cute report!! I have 4 girls who have been going to Disney since 2005 so I am all about girls and Disney trips!! They used to love to get dressed up like Thing2 and 3 but now that the older ones are teens...not so much. Time flies. Good thing I have a 2 year old now who will dress up for Disney!! :)
We have also stayed at the Poly and POR. Love them both!

I am a teacher so I loved your story about the sub teacher telling the girls to be quiet. I would so do something like that!

You have very good notes and reporting for a 14 year old!!

Can't wait for more of your trip!!

Your updates are wonderful!

Thank you so much!

Oh my goodness those photos are so much fun! what a blast! cannot wait to see more!

Thanks for joining in!

Oh my gosh...Ethan is singing that RIGHT NOW!!!! Maybe we can marry them off someday! :rotfl:

:rotfl: Too funny! Thing3 recently added a set of dance moves too! Maybe I'll get out the video camera and tape it so you guys can see her "in action"...

Super cute report!! I have 4 girls who have been going to Disney since 2005 so I am all about girls and Disney trips!! They used to love to get dressed up like Thing2 and 3 but now that the older ones are teens...not so much. Time flies. Good thing I have a 2 year old now who will dress up for Disney!! :)
We have also stayed at the Poly and POR. Love them both!

I am a teacher so I loved your story about the sub teacher telling the girls to be quiet. I would so do something like that!

You have very good notes and reporting for a 14 year old!!

Can't wait for more of your trip!!


Thanks for joining in! If I could have dressed up, believe me, I would have! Disney brings out the little girl inside of me! We loved the Poly and POR too! Next time Mom and Dad really want to stay at the Contemporary or Beach Club.

Oh...and I LOVE the comparison pics!! HOW CUTE!!!!

Thanks! We thought it was cool to see how much we've changed over the years. Based on the pictures, a lot!
I have stayed at the BC and the CR...and I would suggest the CR for space reasons but of course, they are both nice!! It's just that I know how tight it can be with all girls!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
I have stayed at the BC and the CR...and I would suggest the CR for space reasons but of course, they are both nice!! It's just that I know how tight it can be with all girls!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So true! :rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:

We have 5 girl cousins (only 1 boy), so space is at a premium (I think that's the phrase I'm thinking of) when we all get together! Especially since the girls range in age from 19-6! Bathroom time and space are coveted among the older girls!
Just stopping by. You guys look like you had a great time.we just got back last week and we also went to 1900 park fare. We had the same Cinderella, prince charming, and Drizella. I never see the same people "characters" in our pictures. Love your detailed reports. Great job!
Subbing! Love hearing about you and your sisters -- I have 4 brothers, so I'm very jealous, lol. How fun that you all did BBB together! princess:
Just stopping by. You guys look like you had a great time.we just got back last week and we also went to 1900 park fare. We had the same Cinderella, prince charming, and Drizella. I never see the same people "characters" in our pictures. Love your detailed reports. Great job!

Thanks for joining in! I never have seen the same people either! Are you doing a TR?

Subbing! Love hearing about you and your sisters -- I have 4 brothers, so I'm very jealous, lol. How fun that you all did BBB together! princess:

Thanks for joining in! Sometimes I wish I had a brother! Our family has 3 girls and we are really good friends with a family from church that has 3 boys! Kinda funny!
I'll try to have an update up tomorrow morning. I would have updated today but all of my grandparents are here because my baptism was this morning. I can't believe it's already July 10th! Why does summer have to go so fast? :confused3
:yay: I'm here :yay: Great job on the trip report. I can't wait to hear more.

Also CONGRATS on your Baptism :woohoo: Three people were baptized at our church this morning, love it :love:
Subbing In!

I love that you are so young writing this TR, nice to hear your persepective on things! I'm going to share with my 14 year old daughter and maybe she will be interested in writing a TR for our upcoming trips.

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your comparison pictures!!!
Hey Thing1! Your report is awesome! Can't wait to read more!

I'm also really glad I'm not the only one to give my tripmates nicknames! :rotfl:

I'm sorry you're not a big character fan... but I'm really glad you like pictures with Stitch!

Your sisters are really cute, by the way... loved the BBB pics! I'm not much into makeup, but you guys looked great!

Keep on posting! I want to see more awesome pics, especially of your resort. I've never stayed at POR before... the few pictures I've seen are pretty nice, but are the rooms nice? And what about the main areas?

Can't wait for another update! I'm definitely in!
You all look so beautiful! Great pictures at 1900 Park Fare...you all look like you're having a great time!
:yay: I'm here :yay: Great job on the trip report. I can't wait to hear more.

Also CONGRATS on your Baptism :woohoo: Three people were baptized at our church this morning, love it :love:

Thanks for stopping in! We actually had 7 people baptized this morning, 5 youth and 2 adults. It was a HUGE event at our church because we average about 40 people that attend every week!

Subbing In!

I love that you are so young writing this TR, nice to hear your persepective on things! I'm going to share with my 14 year old daughter and maybe she will be interested in writing a TR for our upcoming trips.

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your comparison pictures!!!

Thanks for joining in! I'm so glad people like hearing from my perspective! Sometimes I wonder if people aren't reading my TR for the reason that it's from a teen's point of view. Your DD10 is just a little bit younger than my Thing2! All you need is a 6 year old equivelant to my Thing3! :rotfl2: It would be great if your DD14 wrote a TR for your trip! The more teens around here the better! :cool1:
This was the day I'd been dreaming about. The first time you see the castle (well…the first time of that trip anyways), the walk down Main Street, the music, everything. I was especially excited because I knew that this would probably be Thing3's first memory of seeing the castle, as she was only 3 last time. We got up VERY early, probably around 6 AM (5 at our house). We got dressed and made our way to the bus depot. We were nearest to the South Depot, which was just a 5 minute walk from our room. We were on the first Magic Kingdom bus, at 7 AM. The bus ride seemed very long because we were all so excited to get there! When we arrived, we got into the line for early entrance because of dining reservations. After just a few short minutes, they started letting us in. For me, this was probably the moment I felt like I was at Disney World the most. We rounded the corner and took our first glimpses of the castle!



Thing3 was amazed. Thing2 and I were just so happy to finally be there! We leisurely walked down Main Street, stopping to take plenty of pictures along the way.







When we got to the "Partners" statue, Thing2 and Thing3 sat down on the bench, just taking it all in. Before this trip, it had been semi-tradition to eat breakfast at Crystal Palace our first day at Magic Kingdom, so of course, that's where Thing2 and Thing3 assumed we were eating. One day back in January, I was messing around with the online reservation system and happened to find an 8:20 CRT ADR. I was thrilled and after asking Mom and Dad, booked it. The three of us had decided to keep the ADR a secret from the girls until the morning of the trip. Cut back to the Magic Kingdom, Mom decided it would be a good time to tell them where we were really eating. She nudged me to tell them, since I was the one who made the reservation. They were pretty excited to eat in the castle, especially Thing3!


While we were waiting to check in, we walked towards Fantasyland to look at Dumbo from behind the rope. That's when Thing3 really got into the Disney spirit! She started jumping up and down and couldn't stop talking about how excited she was! After a couple of minutes, we went and checked in. We got our picture taken with Cinderella and then went upstairs to be seated.


While we were walking up the stairs, Thing3 kept saying that this was HER castle and that we were her "royal guests". We got seated at a table looking over Fantasyland. It was amazing! First they brought out the plate of pastries, which were okay. I know Mom and Dad got scrambled eggs and some sort of potato, Thing2 got french toast, I got the yogurt parfait thing and I'm pretty sure Thing3 got something with bacon…she loves bacon. Then the princesses started coming around. Thing3 was very excited to get their autographs. Autographs and pin-trading were really fun things for her this trip. First we saw Thing2's favorite princess, Snow White.


Then we saw Princess Aurora.


Next came Ariel.


And finally, Belle.


Thing3 had a great time guessing who the princess would be when the read the little story about each one! I'll have to ask her, but this was probably one of the best moments of the trip for her. After "paying" the bill, we went back down to the Fantasyland rope to wait for the park to open. We had already decided that we were going to do Dumbo first (per Thing2 and Thing3's request). The CM's gave the usual, no running spiel and then undid the rope. We speed walked over to Dumbo and got onto the second ride of the day! My sisters and I were in one Dumbo and Mom and Dad were in the one right in front of us.



After Dumbo, we went straight over to Peter Pan, which I'm pretty sure is Mom's favorite ride in the Magic Kingdom. I rode with Thing2 on this and Thing3 went with Mom and Dad. Then Dad ran and got fastpasses for Winnie the Pooh (and got "surprise" fastpasses for Philharmagic too). We headed over towards my favorite ride, Splash Mountain!! Thing3 was barely tall enough, but we encouraged her to come with us. She sat between Mom and Dad and again, Thing2 and I sat together. When we got off, Thing3 claimed she loved it…not quite what she told us later in the trip. Then we headed over to Big Thunder Mountain, another first for Thing3. Again, she rode with Mom and Dad and Thing2 and I were riding buddies. And yet again, she claimed she loved it, but that was not the case. The wait was still only 5 minutes for BTMRR, so Thing2 and I went again while Dad got fastpasses for Space Mountain and Mom and Thing3 went to ride It's a Small World. After taking our second ride through the wilderness, Thing2 and I walked over to IASW to meet them. Dad was waiting for us and Mom and Thing3 were just getting off. Thing2 and I wanted to ride, so we got in line and were soon riding It's a Small World for the first time of the trip (second time for Mom and Thing3). Next, we headed towards the teacups, in hopes of meeting Alice and the White Rabbit, since they were on our shirts. Sure enough, they were there, so after a quick spin on the teacups for Dad, Thing2, Thing3 and I, we got in line to meet them.



I'll leave you with that picture for now, thanks for reading!
Look at you, taking pictures with all the characters! :thumbsup2 I love the matching shirts!

I totally understand the thing about little sisters changing their minds about rides. My DSis (she's eleven, too!) did that all the time with rides and shows when she was younger. She'd go on BTMRR and have a fantastic time, and then a couple of months later when we're talking about past trips, we'll bring it up, and she's like, "I didn't like that". :headache: Annoyed the heck out of my parents, but I thought it was hilarious! :lmao:

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