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  1. V

    Happy Thanksgiving to Our Northern Neighbors

    Thanks :) Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  2. V

    So would this room make best guest?

    I almost cried there. It's really amazing, nice Halloween stuff (I love halloween).
  3. V

    Questiom: Please answer

    I realize that, but for me I have a job which I make $7.75 and hour and this last week I made $13.89 for 1 day only, i'm taking an extra shift, I got 25.00 from my grandma. I get $10.00-$15.00 a week which in no time will be: 840.00 plus christmas money plus working money!
  4. V

    Would someone be able to post pics of VMK for Halloween?

    I have not seen them yet, if possible please post :)
  5. V

    Host Quest Under Q!!

    Pardon me but what is a bat bag?
  6. V

    Questiom: Please answer

    Well actually, it's not. Considering I can get a computer for 140.00 at the most.

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