Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

It most definitely is the greatest idea ever!! But, really, why stop with spectating - you just need to run it! ;)

Peer Pressure!!! I feel like my tall height would be a disadvantage to really embodying Edna's presence. I know an extremely spunky three year old that is about the right height and has the right attitude though :) mwahahahaha

(I wish I could run every single rundisney day I'll get to another one)
Recovery week check-in.
So this week is officially my recovery week since I start training for my 15k starting this Tuesday coming up. And I think I've taken "recovery" to a bad place.
I suspended Blue Apron this past week since we wouldn't be home when it delivered. On top of that there was no grocery shopping this week. I am sad to say I've eaten new or leftover pizza 3!!! times this week. Although last night was not totally my fault since I went to my in-laws for dinner and the pizza was sitting there as the only option.
So today is grocery time...back to filling the house with goodness...back to feeling 100% better not weighed down by gross grease.
I also have not ran yet and I'm missing it. We are just extremely busy this week and I'm out and about again tonight. But at least I will be dancing! Swing dancing with friends and my hubby...haven't done that in ages and should be a sweaty fun time. I just need to find my dance shoes asap once I get home!
So this weekend I would like to get a recovery run or two in = a very easy pace. And then next week I will debut my 15k training and I'm sticking to it because it's my A goal for the Fall.

Looking forward to having a plan as I get a little too all over the place without one.

Now the big thing coming up for me other than this training/race...I'm pretty sure we are approaching the Tink sign up time relatively soon. And I've been such a chicken about asking hubby to let me jet off and join all the fairies next spring. So I have to get my action plan in order so I can sit down with him and see if it is even feasible to fit it in next year. Wish me luck in figuring it all out. I know DL half will work better for our schedule but I'm stuck on the idea of Mother's Day and being a fairy. And I'm less scared now that I've conquered one challenge. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
YAY for possible Tink planning. I'm trying hard to get my DH to consider doing that one with me. I really want to try a DL race. Good luck on your plans and hoping your hubby will be good with you going.
YAY for possible Tink planning. I'm trying hard to get my DH to consider doing that one with me. I really want to try a DL race. Good luck on your plans and hoping your hubby will be good with you going.

Well if by some odd twist of fate we both end up there I will have to come find you. And the other gals/guys from the board. It will be like pokemon-go, except I will be collecting all the runners.
New Training Plan for Hot Chocolate 15k on 10/30/16!
So my days of aimlessly figuring out what to do as I go are over and I'm back to a real plan on real paper. Just the way I like it.
But I guess now it is up to me to actually do the stuff on the paper and so I'll be checking in here frequently to let you all know how I'm progressing.

Overall plan highlights:
The plan was created by @DopeyBadger with the same kind of philosophy as my 8k plan from this spring but with new paces and a much longer final distance goal.
I had a wide net of race times this year as my focus was a little all over the place. Everything from all out racing as fast as possible to focusing on starting slow and speeding up to races where I was just trying to hold steady at a comfy-ish pace as long as possible. So instead of using my really fast 5k pace from last year (28:34) we are instead using my recent 5k pace from this July at 9:40 as the basis of the plan. Since 15k is uncharted territory this makes a whole lot more sense for me. I had more to give in that 5k but this 15k is a different animal :)
This is an A race for me so I would very much like to cross the finish line giving my very best effort.
Here's the pace breakdowns for the type of workouts.
WU & CD (warm ups and cool downs) 13:52
EA (Easy A) 13:03
EB (Easy B) 12:13
LR (Long Run) 11:48
T (Tempo) 10:22
S (Speed) 9:40

These are slower than my 8k program and so it will take some getting used to it I am sure. But I have lots of weeks to work with it.
I'm running three days a week. The goal is Tues, Thur and Sundays. But if schedule gets busy I'm going to get all three runs in every week!
Looks like it features an easier day, a speedy day (tempo run...yay), and my weekend long runs.
Billy has built in quite a few "blind run" days where I have to cover my watch and go by feel to see where I am at. Keeps me honest and it's fun being a science experiment :)

Week ONE! 7/25 week
Mon: Off, watching the bachelor & painting my toes.
Tues: 3 miles @ EA = 39:09 minutes
Wed: Off, but I'd like to go back to doing my little seven minute workout in my basement again. Just helps my core and arms feel better.
Thur: 2 mi WU, 1 mi @ Tempo, 2 mile CD = 55:26 easy & 10:22 hard
Fri: Off
Sat: Off
Sun: 3 mi @ LR = 35:25

So we have a long run that will feel like a short run this week, but that will change as the weeks go by. And with the way the weather has been I will take it. I've got my gym pass and lock and gym stuff out and at the ready for Tue and Thur night. I have a list of podcasts to try on my EA nights. I've got Game of Thrones (yes re-watching it) at the ready for Tempo night. My goal is to watch during the easy bits and then switch to heart-pumping music on spotify for my tempo parts.

Other stuff non-training related:
I went out dancing with hubby to big band music at our local ballroom on Friday night and I had a few observations. In our young days we went out and did this several times a month but it's been over a year for me.
A) my dress was a little too big...been a long time since I could say that.
B) I could keep up! I was still a sweaty mess after the fast songs but hubby and I could do several in a row and not need to take a break. Usually when I come back from long dance hiatus I have to take breathers after only one fast song.
C) I survived without any blisters in my dance heels but hubby got one from his dress shoes...he was happy to report that his 12 mi bike ride and two mile run yesterday did not cause any additional blister damage.
D) My best friend from out of town, who was in town, revealed to me that she's been doing cross-fit and running for about a month, inspired by us and we picked out a turkey trot and a santa run to do together when she's home for the holidays. I'm really excited about that. She's up to 3 miles. She's a college coach so she's got the athletic thing down but was a former-hater-of-running.

I also cooked some mega-evil spaghetti this weekend. This is squid ink pasta with shrimp. I'm saving this recipe for halloween.
It's so nice to have my Blue Apron back and groceries in the house. I feel better when I eat better. Not saying the mcnuggets I recently had weren't revelatory at the time, but I just can't do that all the time.
Thanks! Tonight will be the toughest, since JoJo has to decided which of the 4 guys she is in love with will go home before they jet off to another exotic destination. So if I can get through that, I can get through my Tuesday run.
Yay for 15K training! You're gonna kick booty. Your pasta is freaking me out though. :eek:

It was freaky...but freaky delicious too. My daughter looked at me like I was crazy when I asked if she wanted any black sketti.
Good luck jumping into the 15K training plan. You'll do great, I know.

I gotta agree that pasta looks kinda nasty. Glad it was delicious. So cool that you and your husband go out dancing. My husband and I took some western swing classes with a group of friends a couple of years ago and it was so fun. We sucked at it, but it was fun anyway. :)
Good luck jumping into the 15K training plan. You'll do great, I know.

I gotta agree that pasta looks kinda nasty. Glad it was delicious. So cool that you and your husband go out dancing. My husband and I took some western swing classes with a group of friends a couple of years ago and it was so fun. We sucked at it, but it was fun anyway. :)
I've always wanted to try western swing...I've dabbled in some west coast swing but never the real country type. I enjoy the swing dancing because you can be silly and look silly and no one is trying to be super sexy ballroom people. It's just more my speed :)
Very nice schedule! I love colored pens and highlighters and basically all sorts of office supplies. I'm a complete sucker for them and thus must ban myself from office supply stores.
My first major training hurdle already! They pre-empted the bachelorette last night for Cubs vs Sox in the Chicago area!

So now they are airing the episode tonight followed by the "men tell all" aka "the men yell at each other" special. On my run night!

But, you know I'm sticking to my training. Gonna stay strong! Even if it means waiting til Wed to watch my show off my DVR! Not gonna let this get in the way of getting my booty to the gym tonight.

And since I freaked everyone out with my devil noodles yesterday, here's a pic of last nights creation. A much more tame lemon chicken with roasted potatoes, Parmesan roasted squash and green beans.

Pardon the cameo by my mom-slippers. I live in those the moment I step inside my house :)


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