Shame. Interestingly, there are only 14 resale contracts left for sale across all brokers as far as I can tell… it’s really dried up so fingers crossed for the summer sale in new Poly points!

I have been tracking inventory for 7 resorts via for a little bit over a month (3/25/24). I realize that there maybe some double counting with folks that list with multiple brokers but it is clear that PVB resale inventory is drying up. From 3/25-4/18 there were 51-57 listing on any given day. On 4/19 the number dropped to 37. Last Friday it dropped to 28. My count this morning was 13. (I try to take my readings at about 9:15AM)
I have been tracking inventory for 7 resorts via for a little bit over a month (3/25/24). I realize that there maybe some double counting with folks that list with multiple brokers but it is clear that PVB resale inventory is drying up. From 3/25-4/18 there were 51-57 listing on any given day. On 4/19 the number dropped to 37. Last Friday it dropped to 28. My count this morning was 13. (I try to take my readings at about 9:15AM)
Very interesting!
I have been tracking inventory for 7 resorts via for a little bit over a month (3/25/24). I realize that there maybe some double counting with folks that list with multiple brokers but it is clear that PVB resale inventory is drying up. From 3/25-4/18 there were 51-57 listing on any given day. On 4/19 the number dropped to 37. Last Friday it dropped to 28. My count this morning was 13. (I try to take my readings at about 9:15AM)
“The mouse is pleased by the results of the operation”.
I have been tracking inventory for 7 resorts via for a little bit over a month (3/25/24). I realize that there maybe some double counting with folks that list with multiple brokers but it is clear that PVB resale inventory is drying up. From 3/25-4/18 there were 51-57 listing on any given day. On 4/19 the number dropped to 37. Last Friday it dropped to 28. My count this morning was 13. (I try to take my readings at about 9:15AM)
There is no great source for market wide data, so this collection effort is very valuable. I wonder how many are actually sales and how many are more sophisticated brokers/owners pulling listings now to see how much much higher ROFR will drive prices over the next month. 🤷🏼‍♀️

It doesn’t make a lot of sense to pull an unsold listing, instead of simply raising the price— Maybe people are actually snapping up contracts because they hope to close in time for the 11 month booking window next spring?
Was going to tag you and say "my brief irrational thought was indeed irrational!"
It doesn't look like they've taken any VGC back since around 2020, and then one was at 200, and the rest all below. It looks fairly safe, but I would be super bummed as I'm very excited about this contract. 😵‍💫
I’m sorry about your contract, it was an amazing deal. If the PVB tower points chart is as aggressive as I expect it to be, perhaps we might see more people (who were only holding on to their points to rent or try bigger rooms) selling PVB?
Thanks. We are at 375 points so I didn’t really need more points so it’s not the end of the world if I have to try again. We have vacations booked for the rest of the year already so all I have is time. Another will eventually popup at my price point or we wait out the direct drought for a fire sale. They simply can’t sustain these price hikes in this economy, even if it is the new and shiny poly tower.
I'm curious... what stops the seller from pulling out of the sale if Disney exercises their right to purchase the contract. Could a seller not pull out of the sale and then relist at a higher price?

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