Except step 2 is a challenge.
Me: Checking in to see if any December points opened up?
Guide: No we aren’t selling GCV any longer but we have some cabin points if you are still considering it.
Me: Why? Did the annual dues change? No? Then no thanks.
Get a new guide. Mine is and she got me 97 VGC points earlier this year…. but I first started talking to her about it in 2022 when we met at an Aulani open house. She is wonderful. She will of course point out there are plenty of VDH points available…. but after this long she understands that we are VGC people…. unless they run a OKW style firesale….

You don’t have to worry about UY… they can put points in whatever UY they want.

Also, I always check in over email. My guide was upfront that she checks for VGC every day and that they pop up from time to time and it’s luck of the draw since there is not an alert sent out. She said she would put me on her personal list… but that there were people ahead of me…. 18ish months later after many check in emails… the call came….
Get a new guide. Mine is and she got me 97 VGC points earlier this year…. but I first started talking to her about it in 2022 when we met at an Aulani open house. She is wonderful. She will of course point out there are plenty of VDH points available…. but after this long she understands that we are VGC people…. unless they run a OKW style firesale….

You don’t have to worry about UY… they can put points in whatever UY they want.

Also, I always check in over email. My guide was upfront that she checks for VGC every day and that they pop up from time to time and it’s luck of the draw since there is not an alert sent out. She said she would put me on her personal list… but that there were people ahead of me…. 18ish months later after many check in emails… the call came….
Thanks I’ll try. Not really
Sure the process of getting a new guide, I just have the one that was assigned to me when I first called in inquiring about dvc. Fast forward a year plus later and I have interacted with him a couple of times and inquired about GCV all times but was shot down every time. Couldn’t even add me to a waitlist for it. I don’t mind sending an email routinely I just don’t want to bother the guy because he has plenty of actual repeat customers. I’m pure resale so I feel bad wasting his time.
Thanks I’ll try. Not really
Sure the process of getting a new guide, I just have the one that was assigned to me when I first called in inquiring about dvc. Fast forward a year plus later and I have interacted with him a couple of times and inquired about GCV all times but was shot down every time. Couldn’t even add me to a waitlist for it. I don’t mind sending an email routinely I just don’t want to bother the guy because he has plenty of actual repeat customers. I’m pure resale so I feel bad wasting his time.
Given that a 50 point VGC direct contract is $15,500…. I’d say it’s not a waste of time as long as you are actually willing to pull the trigger and not just “think about it” if they find points.
Step 1) Fill out the VGC request with the DVC Add On Tool.

Step 2) Ping your guide to let them know what you are looking for and check in periodically.

Step 3) Be ready to answer your phone and say yes on the spot if you see a call coming from Bay Lake, FL.
Nice. I was just wondering how this could be given that my guide told me the wait-list was closed like 2 yrs ago.

Anyway, since I have plenty of direct points at WDW, I would rather save the money and buy resale VGC. Can't buy this year anyway so just starting to watch the market for when I can make the jump early next year. I've been glad to see $225-245 dps on this thread!
Nice. I was just wondering how this could be given that my guide told me the wait-list was closed like 2 yrs ago.

Anyway, since I have plenty of direct points at WDW, I would rather save the money and buy resale VGC. Can't buy this year anyway so just starting to watch the market for when I can make the jump early next year. I've been glad to see $225-245 dps on this thread!
I have a couple friends who were able to get direct VGC recently. There is no waitlist. Takes a guide searching the inventory and getting lucky to find some points available (seems to be from foreclosures or dues lapse takebacks). The guide is allowed to then hold the points for 24 hours I believe so that they can offer it to members on their list who have expressed interest.
emmsgug---$103-$37595-350-BWV-Jun-0/22, 0/23, 1/24, 350/25- sent 4/13, Passed 4/29.

The agent said the following: Disney Vacation Club has waived your contract and has issued the Estoppel certificate in one fell swoop!

What does that mean exactly?
In case you're still wondering, Estoppel is the certification from DVC that all dues and any other financial obligations are up to date on that contract and that the contract can be sold. In the past it was a separate step after ROFR, but I've read that DVC is now combining the two steps into one, or at least combining the two notifications into one.
Nice. I was just wondering how this could be given that my guide told me the wait-list was closed like 2 yrs ago.

Anyway, since I have plenty of direct points at WDW, I would rather save the money and buy resale VGC. Can't buy this year anyway so just starting to watch the market for when I can make the jump early next year. I've been glad to see $225-245 dps on this thread!
IMO direct makes sense for the small contracts (50 pointers) because it basically the same price as resale without the headaches of having to do multiple UYs or waiting 2-3 months for the points when you NEED the 7-11m window.

With larger contracts I’d definitely go resale.
Get a new guide. Mine is and she got me 97 VGC points earlier this year…. but I first started talking to her about it in 2022 when we met at an Aulani open house. She is wonderful. She will of course point out there are plenty of VDH points available…. but after this long she understands that we are VGC people…. unless they run a OKW style firesale….

You don’t have to worry about UY… they can put points in whatever UY they want.

Also, I always check in over email. My guide was upfront that she checks for VGC every day and that they pop up from time to time and it’s luck of the draw since there is not an alert sent out. She said she would put me on her personal list… but that there were people ahead of me…. 18ish months later after many check in emails… the call came….

How exactly does one get a new guide? I there some process for this? Mine definitely seems annoyed anytime I've had him look for VGC.
My friend just got ROFR’d today too for PVB. $155/pt., 135 pt contract. All ‘24 and ‘25 pts.

DVD is officially shutting the door on resale. Direct pricing must be coming soon!
Taking back points at $155 (that aren’t even loaded!) doesn’t bode well for generous promotions on introductory prices. 😵‍💫

I am inclined to agree it probably means they will start selling Poly Tower soon. Good luck to everyone in ROFR and those of you hoping to get discounts for the tower to bring direct pricing below $200!

@AwfulWaffle — I’m sorry about your contract, it was an amazing deal. If the PVB tower points chart is as aggressive as I expect it to be, perhaps we might see more people (who were only holding on to their points to rent or try bigger rooms) selling PVB?
Resistance is futile
was thinking the grass is always greener at the other DVC, like your’s better lol
I could see on the Closing Time thread that people had to wait longer and longer for their closings till it got to the point that it was almost certain that the closing would get scheduled 2 weeks after ROFR waived.
I was told over a month from time of ROFR, would be happy with 2 weeks TBH
buy what you want!
And where you want to stay ;)

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