Starting the New Year off WDW! January 2015 TR Link 1/14!

Joining in and congratulating you on 7 nights at the VGF!!! Wow! That will be awesome. I adore the villas! (Having only stayed in a studio though.)

That's cool that Dan is exercising his Disney planning skills along side you! ;)
Catching up!

7 nights at the VGF??? I'm sooooo envious. Well done!

Your FP+ look great. Here's to a fantastic PTR.
Ooooh! Am I first? :banana:

Yes you are! Yay and welcome Alison :cool1:

Yay!! Looking forward to it. Just to comment from previous thread glad CT came back normal. I am sure that is a huge relief for you.

Thanks Gina it totally is!

Joining in!! You have a precious family!! Can't wait to read about your plans and your trip!

Aw thanks and welcome!

Wow. I think I've read 3 or 4 of your TR's now and I've never seen your blonde phase... I'm glad you cleared that up, because I wondered who that was with your DH in those pictures. :lmao:

Hey Andy! Yep, it's so embarrassing but that was from our first trip ever, so it's not like I can really ignore it :lmao:

... and charge your phone. :rolleyes1

Was wondering who was going to be the first one to mention that. I like to live dangerously, didn't you know?

I'll be sure to let you know how not crowded it is that week. :worried:

Ugh, I was hoping that everyone would be hung over that day and would want to fly out the following day. Does that mean those irritable people will be on my flight and have no nonsense for a loud two year old?!:eek:

My favorite thing about spreadsheets is that there's this little button that says "print" :thumbsup2 :duck:

But if I did that, you guys would be blessed to see my amazing, doctor-scratch handwriting :thumbsup2

Plans look good so far. Should be a fun trip! Congratulations on getting your waitlist!

Thanks for coming along!

joining! Sounds like a fund trip and congrats on getting the VGF fro the entire week!

Hey Phil! I'm still in disbelief that I got the whole week. Sometimes, i'll log in and double check that i'm still going there :lmao:

Love seeing your older pictures ... you look the exact same! Well, except for that stretch with the blond hair. I'll just say that I like the dark hair ;)

Totally agree. Blonde does not look good on me. It's also fun/scary to see how much weight we've gained/lost throughout the years :lmao:

Your plans sound good! Looks like you got some good ADRs/FP+! I like that you have a tradition starting of going to AK first day

It seems after every trip, I grow to love AK so i'm very happy that it worked out for us to hit that park first.

The Grand Floridian!!! My favorite and home away from home. I can't wait to see your pictures of the villas. My sister in law stayed in them and loved them.

Just to add when we went a couple months ago I ordered groceries from Garden Grocers and Strollers and grocers. You just put in where you are staying and what time you want delivery. They left it at the front desk for us and I asked to bring it up to our room. Not sure if it is the same with the villas.

I'm so excited to check this place out and call it our home for the next 7 nights!

Thanks for that info! I'm assuming they will hold perishables in a fridge until we can pick them up?

I'm here and glad to see this started! :goodvibes I was actually thinking of you today and wondering if everything was okay, since I hadn't seen you around here. Glad the test results were okay and hope you keep feeling better.

Yay for getting the Grand Floridian one-bedroom the whole stay! Also gives me hope to see that your wait lists came through - we are planning to rent DVC points for our May trip (from same person we did for Aulani) and due to late decision-making on our part we have two wait lists going. We'll see what happens. :confused3

I'm excited to see your trip come together here - it's so close already! :cool1:

Yay welcome! Aw thanks, i'm doing and feeling much better. Hoping nothing acts up when we go to WDW though. That would suuuuuuck.

I had literally zero hope of it going through. And to see them go through like that was absolutely fantastic! Made my days that much better.

Marking my spot and will be back to comment!!!!

Hi and welcome Cynthia!

Marking my place in this line too. Will be back to read!

Hi PIO! Thanks for coming!

Oh wow - seriously - 7 nights at VGF in a one bedroom!!!!!! OMG! :cool1::cool1::cool1:pixie dust:pixiedust:pixiedust:

You are going to LOVE it! It is seriously SO beautiful there. We absolutely loved it and we only stayed in a studio. Denny LOVED it and he is usually very neutral about stuff. I can only imagine how great it would be to stay in a 1BR.

Your plans look lovely.

Cynthia has done a grocery order for us on our girls trips. I don't know who she uses, but I know you can just have it delivered on your arrival day. They will refrigerate whatever needs to be and deliver it to you once you get in your room. No worries.

I really enjoyed all your pictures. Calvin is just too cute - now and when he was a baby.

I had no idea you decided to be a blonde for awhile. Glad you decided to stick with your gorgeous dark hair. ;)

I have never flown on NYD. I did go to Disney on January 2 or 3rd one year. I enjoyed it as the crowds cleared out and the weather turned out to be lovely.

Yay Mary Ellen, welcome!

I'm soooo excited to be staying at the VGF! The decor is right up DM's alley, so she's over the moon happy and i'm happy for her!

I try to not bring up the 'blonde' phase of my life :lmao: And I agree, dark is my color.

Love your reports Alicia. Can't wait for this trip!!!! And staying at the VGF. Woo Hoo!!

Aw thanks and welcome!
I'm here! Can't wait to read all about this trip :cool1:

ETA: went back to read, how awesome is it that you got VGF for all 7 nights!!!!! :cool1::cool1::cool1:

I flew on New Years and can't remember it being busy but that was years ago.

We'll have to coordinate Wednesday, unless you just want me to text when I get there. I'm excited to be seeing you guys again :)

Yay hi Pam!

I know, can you believe it! 7 nights sounds like heaven. Can not wait!

I'm so hoping it's not going to be bad at the airport on NY day. I'm sure people will be either crabby from their hang over or happy to be starting off a new year. Hoping it's the latter!

So excited to spend the day at Epcot with you:cool1:

Joining! Can't wait to hear about the VGF! :wave2:

Hi and welcome!

How great that you got the VGF without having to switch! I don't mind resort hopping, kind of like it, but our last trip we had a full week at the VGF and it was great.

With WeGoShop you only have to be there if they are bringing you alcohol. I like them because you can tell them brands and sizes, with Garden Grocer they make you pick from what is on their website. Plus when they forgot my head of lettuce they didnt fix it. WGS made a mistake and bought reg Dr. Pepper instead of diet, they fixed it the next day.

Looks like your FP+ and ADRs are all in order, you'll have a great trip! I love staying at the VGF! We plan to try for staying there in 2016 for SWW.

I'm sooo excited about VGF. I remember you'd always tell me to keep my waitlists cause you'll never know what happens. Well, third times a charm I think!

And WeGoShop, you can choose any grocery store right that they have on that list? I don't think we'll be ordering alcohol. We'd rather just go to the bar and now knowing I have to be there, I really don't want to order it. But i'll have to pass that through the man first :rolleyes2

I am soooo jealous that you're staying at VGF!!!! Love all your plans so far!!:)

Hi and welcome! Thanks i'm so looking forward to this trip!

joining in! Loved seeing the pictures of past trips... and a whole week at Grand Floridian.. wow!

Emma princess: x

Hi Emma!

I'm getting more excited by the minute to be staying there!

Joining in and congratulating you on 7 nights at the VGF!!! Wow! That will be awesome. I adore the villas! (Having only stayed in a studio though.)

That's cool that Dan is exercising his Disney planning skills along side you! ;)

Hi Brenda and welcome!

I'm so looking forward to seeing our villa and watching tv in the bathroom there :rotfl2:

Dan is getting better and better every year! Proud of that guy.

Catching up!

7 nights at the VGF??? I'm sooooo envious. Well done!

Your FP+ look great. Here's to a fantastic PTR.

Thanks PIO! I feel bad for whoever had to let go of those reservations, but I hope they know, the villa will be in good hands :)

popcorn:: joining in popcorn::

Hi and welcome!

As it gets closer to our date, the list is getting shorter, which is a good thing. So a few things that need to happen soon:

-Ordering the Memory Maker….Annnd it just went up in price.
Like a few days ago. Already failing at this list.

-Making a grocery list. We’ll be having the majority of our breakfasts in the room so eggs, bacon and fruit is in order. And milk. Lots of cow juice for the kid. I’m going with WeGoShop since Alison recommended it.

-Making DME arrangements from MCO to VGF. Fun fact not many know about me. I’m a bit dyslexic so instead of typing ‘DME’, I typed ‘MDE’ which leads me to the next item on my list

-Downloading the MDE app! Thanks cognitive disorder

To-do List while at WDW:

When I read TR’s, it’s very rare nowadays, that I’ll sit and read through an entire update. I usually have to answer the phone, pick a kid up off the floor, pick a kid up off my pug, etc. You get what I’m saying. Lots of distractions. Now I use my ‘notepad’ on my computer to take notes of what I want to comment on like this

The blank note pages are for my comments.

And since I check my ‘widgets’ often to make notes or check weather (or check how many days till Disney if my phone dies, right Andy?! :lmao: and by the looks of it, my computer was running low on juice), I thought I’d make a list of things that needed to be done while at Disney World that were taken from TR’s I’ve read, which pretty much consist of food/drink items:rotfl2:, such as:

-Trying a Cronut – Cynthia
-Dark Chocolate Sea Salted Caramel from Karmell Kuche – Dugette
-Cheshire Cupcakes – Danielle
-Horchata/Jalapeno Margaritas – Phil
-Cinnamon Rolls at Gastons – who told me this?

It also includes things that I’ve been trying to do forever, like:

-getting on Living with the Land with DS. The first time, he had a massive diaper blowout at 2 months while in line, right before we were about to board. That was a 2 man ordeal. The second time he was in his stroller and we weren’t allowed to take the stroller inside, so decided against it.

-riding Mission: Space. I don’t think we’ve been on it since 2008. I’m not sure why we don’t go on it.

-Checking out One Man’s Dream over at DHS – couldn’t take the stroller in there last time…does anyone see a pattern with this darn stroller? Now he walks! …and runs…and doesn’t listen to us. This should work out well.

-Attempting to watch Indy – DH and DM got to watch in 2012, but I had to take DS to the Baby Care Center (side note: this is probably not going to happen :lmao:)

And things I need to remember for DS:
-Taking him on the MK Railroad
-The Boneyard at AK, Honey I Shrunk the Kids Movie Set at DHS, the Dumbo play area at MK
-He may just be tall enough for The Barnstormer – it’s 35 inches but I’m sure he’d cry. Not sure on that one.
-He’s tall enough now to do the Tomorrowland Speedway so that will be fun!

Any other recommendations for my To-Do list? Food/drink suggestions or fun ideas to do with DS would be much appreciated!

Something cool just happened while posting this. Just 5 minutes ago, this was at my door


and look what was included with each band

Never saw these before. Pretty cool!
Aw, sorry on missing the Memory Maker price increase! :sad2:

Oh, wow, you don't have the MDE app yet? Yeah, get that! :thumbsup2

Ha, love your food-to-try list. I did the same kind-of thing last trip. I had some must-dos. I'm glad I made your list, by the way. :goodvibes I would maybe add a Dole Whip with Rum from Animal Kingdom to your list. :thumbsup2 Also, the ice cream brioche sandwich and ice cream martini from the shop in France were great!

Good luck on getting your ride/show objectives done!

For Barnstormer, I would maybe have Calvin watch it or show him video and then observe it and see what he thinks. Izzy keeps telling me she wants to go on a roller coaster (she'll finally be tall enough in May), so I hope she's right. For what it's worth, she did seem to think the initial slow pace of the Peoplemover was boring and perked right up when it left the station and picked up speed. Maybe a good barometer of things...:confused3

Fun things to do with DS - follow his lead, to some extent. Izzy loved the interactive queue for Pooh. Um, not sure what else off the top of my head.

Cool Magic Bands and sliders! :cool1:
I am definitely joining in !

VGF !! :yay:

Jamie and i moved from the BC to the GF part way through our trip in September, it was so incredible! I felt like it was just one step away from staying in the castle suite in MK :rotfl: it's just so fancy. Have you stayed there before? You will love it !

I think you've made some really great ADRs too. We did Yachtsman, Via Napoli and Citricos (and BOG lunch) on our last trip and all of them were great. I'd really like to do Tusker House breakfast one day too, I'm always keen to read about it so I'll look forward to that when you're back :goodvibes

Hahaha, great gifs in the to-do list :rotfl:

Your trip is soooo soon, I'm so excited for you (and not at all jealous..) !
I'm so excited to check this place out and call it our home for the next 7 nights!

Thanks for that info! I'm assuming they will hold perishables in a fridge until we can pick them up?

Yes anything that needs to go in the fridge they will store in there for you. It made it so easy just to order everything I needed and not have to worry about packing it of buying it when I got down there.

Yay for receiving magic bands. So exciting. I almost debated on buying the memory maker before the price went up since it doesn't expire but I didn't. :( I just keep saying ugh what's another $20 when you go to Disney and spend so much anyway. Lol
How cool that your magic bands showed up right as you were doing this update :goodvibes

Bummer about missing the price increase for the Memory Maker .. you could look into a share to save some $

Definitely think you should get the MDE app - I actually prefer the format/structure of the app for FP+ compared to the Website - seems more intuitive/less excess clicks to make

I echo Dugette and suggest adding the Brioche Ice Cream Sandwiches to the food "to do" list :thumbsup2

Trying to think of things Peter liked this last trip. He did go on Barnstormer but got really freaked out once we started going down the big hill. He loved the MK Railroad - and just riding the monorail as well. He had a good meet with Buzz. Liked Living with the Land. The kids like the Disney Jr. Playhouse. He also liked anything with "buttons" - so making the magic carpets go up and down/tilt, making us spin on Buzz Light Year, stuff like that
Yay for magic bands arriving!!! :cool1: I think they're a fabulous invention.

Since you'll be at Karamel Kuche anyway the caramel/marshmellow roll is magnificent! popcorn::

Oh yes, anything at the icecream parlor in France popcorn:: popcorn::

The MDE app is great. You can change the times and rides of your FP+ right on there. Its very convenient.

Bummer about the memory maker going up in price :( don't they make enough money? Sometimes I want to say enough is enough!

The cinnamon rolls at Gastons are super sweet, they have what tastes like a buterscotch icing on them.

I just realized how much food I just talked about :laughing:
Love all the little notes! Hey - whatever works. I think it makes an interesting screen! :thumbsup2

Yayayayayay for MB's. I have so many now. I don't want anymore. :faint: but it is so exciting to open that package. Almost better than Christmas! :thumbsup2
I will be following along as well. That is nice that you are staying at the VGF for your upcoming trip.
I saw that MM had gone up in price. Sorry you missed out on the old price.
That's a great way to use the notepad. I need to remember to do the same.
Great list of things to do and food. Can't wait to see the pictures now.
YAY for the Magic Bands arriving.
Just stumbled on your last TR from W&D. Only through the first couple days but am enjoying your detailed style of writing. I too have been with DIS since 2008. Our first WDW trip as a family was 2007. I'm impressed you've continued so active on the boards. I went through my phase of (admittedly unhealthy) DIS addiction during SAHM years but now find myself too busy teaching, grad school, teens, and exploring the great outdoors!

We now go every 3 years (instead of 1-2 times/year). Our next trip will be Nov. 2015. Looking forward to finishing your last WDW TR and your upcoming TR for great tips!
Hi Alicia,

Thanks for letting me know about this trip report!

I actually still have my "Post-Disney Depression" from my recent Walt Disney World trip. We stayed at Art of Animation, and it was just fantastic. It was pretty cold, but not a drop of rain!

I think you are going to WDW at a really good time of year. You'll still be able to see most of the Christmas decorations (I know the Spectacle of Dancing Lights at Hollywood Studios usually runs at least a few days after New Year's each year). The Grand Floridian Villas sounds amazing, and I really hope their gingerbread house is still open during at least the first few days of your stay.

I'll add a few recommendations:

You must, must, must meet Mickey Mouse in the Town Square Theatre on Main Street. I won't spoil anything, but you'll love it!

Also, make sure you see the Magic Kingdom's Festival of Fantasy Parade. The parade was new this year, and it's really good.

Definitely try to spend some time in One Man's Dream. You seem pretty knowledgeable about Disney history, so I think you'll enjoy this. There is a film at the end of the tour which I know you'll really like. Today (Dec. 15) marks the 48th anniversary of Walt's passing, and I think one of the best tributes to him is the fact that we are all dreaming about going to (or just returned from) what is often referred to as Walt's Last Great Dream.

Last, speaking of the Karamel Kuche, I got a Rice Krispy treat "block" with chocolate and a caramel drizzle on top. If you like Rice Krispy treats, I think you'll really like this. You can also make your own rice krispy treats at Goofy's Candy Company at Downtown Disney Marketplace, which I love making and then bringing it home with me.

I hope you have a wonderful time!
I end up reading from my phone and forgetting to comment here! Your plans all sound great! I like the food list of stuff you want to try. Notepad is a great way to jot down your thoughts of what you want to comment on, I never thought of that!

Hopefully you have great weather and everything comes off without a hitch!
Memory Maker... we totally didn't get our money's worth out of it. I don't know if it was just our luck or what, but we only stopped for photopass when we passed one without a line... which was pretty much never. I do like how they automatically link ride pictures to your account now though.

Enjoy your trip! Take some time to enjoy all those snacks. I wanted to try a cinnamon roll from Gaston's if for no other reason than to see if it stacks up to the one that used to be in the Main Street Bakery, but I didn't get a chance.

I wish you luck in getting through everything you want to do! :thumbsup2


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