Disboutiquers Part 29 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

When you say add pockets do you mean back pockets or like hand pockets (or both?)
I don't recall seeing them with pockets.
Here are a few that I did this spring with pockets. Also, Marianne did a tutorial which I think was posted in our last thread.
There were for a big give:

A girls pair of Easy fits. I did pockets and I also did key hole opening and ties on the legs:


Another boy's pair with cargo style pockets:

Here are a bunch that I made my nephew with front pockets:



And one last style of pocket that I did on a pair of Toy Story shorts:


I've dressed up girls easy fits by adding ruffles too:

And contrasting bands:

I hope that wasn't too many pictures. I know that many of you have seen them before but I had lots of fun playing around with dressing up the Easy Fit pattern.
dianemom2 said:
Here are a few that I did this spring with pockets. Also, Marianne did a tutorial which I think was posted in our last thread.
There were for a big give:

A girls pair of Easy fits. I did pockets and I also did key hole opening and ties on the legs:

Another boy's pair with cargo style pockets:

Here are a bunch that I made my nephew with front pockets:

And one last style of pocket that I did on a pair of Toy Story shorts:

I've dressed up girls easy fits by adding ruffles too:

And contrasting bands:

I hope that wasn't too many pictures. I know that many of you have seen them before but I had lots of fun playing around with dressing up the Easy Fit pattern.

Wow! Ask and ye shall receive! Thanks. I didn't think of cargo pockets. That's a good idea.

So here's a thing: I bought a bunch of thread, I think an assortment of 30 or so from thread art based on a recommendation on the last thread. I have some of theirs in large cones, but this was smaller spools. And so far almost every one of them has a burr or sharp edge or little plasticky bit sticking out the end that snags and screws up the tension and causes the needle to flex and then break. I emailed them about it but got a not too concerned response that I could return it with a restocking fee. (Annoyed)
I've tried clipping and filing the rough spots, though it irritates me to no end since I don't think that should be a step I have to do, but the issue persists. Any other ideas? Maybe after my trip I will pack it up and pay the restocking fee and buy thread someplace else.
We got home from our 3 days in Disney World last night and I'm trying to adjust to being back in the real world (that 4:30 alarm clock was really rough this morning). But we had a really great time and are talking about the next trip already, maybe a 1 day run in December to see the Christmas decorations:santa:.
Diane Congrats on your new machine :cool1:

Thank you to all for your kind comments about Dorrrine and Ginger's Halloween outfits. It felt good to be sewing for them again.

But, the big news is that my son got his slipcover yesterday and he likes it!

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

I'm wondering how long it will last because it was made from those T-shirt/jersey sheets that are fairly lightweight and mucho stretchy.

Anywho, since a picture is worth 1,000 words (sadly not $1,000) here tis.


:rolleyes1 Did I mention that the love seat has a pull out bed that would comfortably fit one lumpy mother?

I missed this when I posted yesterday:confused3 Great job on the slip covers.

When you say add pockets do you mean back pockets or like hand pockets (or both?)
I don't recall seeing them with pockets.
I think they will look super cute for chef Mickey and *maybe* the plane ride home that afternoon. But they might not be warm enough to land in Chicago! I think they will be great PJs though later on. I liked them so much that when I was at Joann today I bought 8 yards of cute polar bears in argyle sweaters flannel (on sale btw for $2.79/yard) to make pj pants for my sons, 5-year-old nephew and possibly my husband and me for Christmas. My mom, brother and nephew are supposed to visit from Colorado for Christmas so I think matching Christmas Jammie's are in order.

Back to the last few projects...

I added them to the side. I haven't tried any other way yet but here are samples of what I did



We got home from our 3 days in Disney World last night and I'm trying to adjust to being back in the real world (that 4:30 alarm clock was really rough this morning). But we had a really great time and are talking about the next trip already, maybe a 1 day run in December to see the Christmas decorations:santa:.

Those short trips are killers. I was more tired from our 4 day trip than being there for 2 weeks. :scared:
So my new baby arrived today. Isn't she beautiful?????

I got her unpacked today but she arrived very late in the day and I only got to set her up. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to read the directions and get sewing on her. I am already behind on my projects.

In other good news, I picked up my Ellageo from the repair shop today. They were able to fix it. They said that they found a wad of thread in the upper threader. My thread must have started to shred and created a jam up there. Now I have to figure out what to do with the Ellageo. I guess I will probably try to sell her. It will be sad because she has been a loyal and trusted friend for the last 5 years.

Congrats on your new machine and finding out that the Ellageo could be fixed. I hope you will enjoy your 4000D. I hope you can get a good price for the Ellageo if you decide to sell it.

Oh and thanks for posting all the pictures of "dressing up" the Easy Fits. I need to keep them in mind for future projects.

So here's a thing: I bought a bunch of thread, I think an assortment of 30 or so from thread art based on a recommendation on the last thread. I have some of theirs in large cones, but this was smaller spools. And so far almost every one of them has a burr or sharp edge or little plasticky bit sticking out the end that snags and screws up the tension and causes the needle to flex and then break. I emailed them about it but got a not too concerned response that I could return it with a restocking fee. (Annoyed)
I've tried clipping and filing the rough spots, though it irritates me to no end since I don't think that should be a step I have to do, but the issue persists. Any other ideas? Maybe after my trip I will pack it up and pay the restocking fee and buy thread someplace else.

I am sorry that you had problems with the thread. I have been very happy with the thread I got from Marathon last year.

We got home from our 3 days in Disney World last night and I'm trying to adjust to being back in the real world (that 4:30 alarm clock was really rough this morning). But we had a really great time and are talking about the next trip already, maybe a 1 day run in December to see the Christmas decorations:santa:.

Welcome back! I hope you had a great time when you were there.
Wow! Ask and ye shall receive! Thanks. I didn't think of cargo pockets. That's a good idea.

So here's a thing: I bought a bunch of thread, I think an assortment of 30 or so from thread art based on a recommendation on the last thread. I have some of theirs in large cones, but this was smaller spools. And so far almost every one of them has a burr or sharp edge or little plasticky bit sticking out the end that snags and screws up the tension and causes the needle to flex and then break. I emailed them about it but got a not too concerned response that I could return it with a restocking fee. (Annoyed)
I've tried clipping and filing the rough spots, though it irritates me to no end since I don't think that should be a step I have to do, but the issue persists. Any other ideas? Maybe after my trip I will pack it up and pay the restocking fee and buy thread someplace else.

Is it possible that the other end of the spool has no snags?
Diane Congrats on your new machine :cool1:


I tried out the new machine today. It was sooooo great! I love that it cut the jump stitches and I loved the self threader. My eyesight isn't what it used to be and threading the needle is getting harder these days. Also, it is much quieter than the Ellageo.

I remember those shorts. They are such cute sets! I made my niece a dress with the same applique on it. Wasn't it your husband that noticed that his shirt and my niece's dress had the same design????

Congrats on your new machine and finding out that the Ellageo could be fixed. I hope you will enjoy your 4000D. I hope you can get a good price for the Ellageo if you decide to sell it.

Oh and thanks for posting all the pictures of "dressing up" the Easy Fits. I need to keep them in mind for future projects.
Thanks! The new machine is great! I am pretty sure that I am going to sell the Ellageo. I can't really justify having two machines.

I had fun when I was trying out all the different ideas that I had for the Easy fits. I think that the only picture I forgot to post was the one where I turned them into bloomers to go under a dress that I'd made. My niece loved the capri easy fits with the keyhole openings. She wore those a ton over the summer.

I meant to get the comment about the thread. I am very disappointed to hear that Threadart isn't standing behind their products. If you are having trouble with the thread, they should replace it! I've been buying from them for several years and I'm not happy to hear about poor customer service.
Is it possible that the other end of the spool has no snags?

I meant to get the comment about the thread. I am very disappointed to hear that Threadart isn't standing behind their products. If you are having trouble with the thread, they should replace it! I've been buying from them for several years and I'm not happy to hear about poor customer service.

The thread has rough burrs on both ends. It is really frustrating. I was disappointed in the service too, I guess I just sort of expect more. But I don't have time to deal with it right now.
I think once the trip is over and I have a minute to think I will just send it back and get the larger cone-shaped spools. Which, to be honest, is sort of what I thought I was getting. I will suck it up and pay the restock fee and consider it a rental for the thread I used. Maybe I should send along a bill for the half-dozen needles and the 2 t-shirts that I wrecked?

I don't think I can appropriately thank/blame you all for my ridiculous addiction to making sure my kids are the cutest dressed tots in the all of Disney World next week when we go. Because I just got a reservation for 'ohana breakfast, and thought I would regret it if I didn't make outfits, I came up with this today. Of course the other shirt needs the applique and the other shorts need assembly. I did try, rather unsuccessfully, to add to the easy-fits to spice it up a little... the pocket is WAY too high, I had it double-sewn before I ironed down the waist casing. Also the little leaf applique thing (which is like on Lilo's dress.) I did by hand appliqué and on this particular pair I had it upside down and thought I was putting it on the leg not the hip... but I really like the shirt, that little strip of corresponding fabric added a little to the ensemble.

You can see in the 2nd picture just how bad the pocket is. Oh well. Live and learn, right? Of course the second pair I have already appliqued the leaf and added the pocket. I did just a zig zag on the edges of the pocket, to sort of match the zig zag on the applique and on the stripe.

My mother in law is coming for the weekend, she emailed me this morning to tell me to plan to sew all day Saturday and she will entertain my children. Nothing is better for my productivity than completely ignoring my kids!
The thread has rough burrs on both ends. It is really frustrating. I was disappointed in the service too, I guess I just sort of expect more. But I don't have time to deal with it right now.
I think once the trip is over and I have a minute to think I will just send it back and get the larger cone-shaped spools. Which, to be honest, is sort of what I thought I was getting. I will suck it up and pay the restock fee and consider it a rental for the thread I used. Maybe I should send along a bill for the half-dozen needles and the 2 t-shirts that I wrecked?

Do you have a little plastic round thing that you put on the end of the machine so the thread doesn't hit the messed up part? I know, great description there! Look in your little bag of accessories. If I am understanding right this will solve all your problems, although it irks me when I have to use it, one extra step each time. I love marathon thread BTW.
Do you have a little plastic round thing that you put on the end of the machine so the thread doesn't hit the messed up part? I know, great description there! Look in your little bag of accessories. If I am understanding right this will solve all your problems, although it irks me when I have to use it, one extra step each time. I love marathon thread BTW.
DO you mean like a vertical post instead of the horizontal one that the thread is usually on? Or do you mean something that goes onto the actual thread spool? I have a mesh thing that was supposed to go around the thread, I never use it. It's like a hairnet.
DO you mean like a vertical post instead of the horizontal one that the thread is usually on? Or do you mean something that goes onto the actual thread spool? I have a mesh thing that was supposed to go around the thread, I never use it. It's like a hairnet.

No, the thread goes on and this you put this little plastic piece on. It is round and usually there are a couple of different sizes. You put it right on after the thread. Let me see if I can find a picture. If not I'll snap one.

Sorry, copied it from facebook so it is large! The white round thing should hopefully solve all the issues.

Nope. I use that. it still gets all tangled up somehow. and it is not always the back same end. I just need to get a dremmel and sand down all my spools. Which is a completely reasonable thing to spend time on, right?
Do you think the thread isn't wound right or can you see it actually catching on the spool? Mine couldn't possibly catch using that thing, the thread can't physically hit it.
Oh, and I forgot, I whipped this up today too. (and by me, I mean almost entirely my PE770)

My mother-in-law has harped on me for months about not having a proper business card holder. Because in the scheme of my life, this is a truly important detail? Anyway, I found a freebie, in the hoop Monogramed one which took all of 15 minutes. Check that off the list.

Link. if you want it. Not affiliated, just found it in a google search and thought I would share.
The thread has rough burrs on both ends. It is really frustrating. I was disappointed in the service too, I guess I just sort of expect more. But I don't have time to deal with it right now.
I think once the trip is over and I have a minute to think I will just send it back and get the larger cone-shaped spools. Which, to be honest, is sort of what I thought I was getting. I will suck it up and pay the restock fee and consider it a rental for the thread I used. Maybe I should send along a bill for the half-dozen needles and the 2 t-shirts that I wrecked?

I don't think I can appropriately thank/blame you all for my ridiculous addiction to making sure my kids are the cutest dressed tots in the all of Disney World next week when we go. Because I just got a reservation for 'ohana breakfast, and thought I would regret it if I didn't make outfits, I came up with this today. Of course the other shirt needs the applique and the other shorts need assembly. I did try, rather unsuccessfully, to add to the easy-fits to spice it up a little... the pocket is WAY too high, I had it double-sewn before I ironed down the waist casing. Also the little leaf applique thing (which is like on Lilo's dress.) I did by hand appliqué and on this particular pair I had it upside down and thought I was putting it on the leg not the hip... but I really like the shirt, that little strip of corresponding fabric added a little to the ensemble.

You can see in the 2nd picture just how bad the pocket is. Oh well. Live and learn, right? Of course the second pair I have already appliqued the leaf and added the pocket. I did just a zig zag on the edges of the pocket, to sort of match the zig zag on the applique and on the stripe.

My mother in law is coming for the weekend, she emailed me this morning to tell me to plan to sew all day Saturday and she will entertain my children. Nothing is better for my productivity than completely ignoring my kids!

Oh, and I forgot, I whipped this up today too. (and by me, I mean almost entirely my PE770)

My mother-in-law has harped on me for months about not having a proper business card holder. Because in the scheme of my life, this is a truly important detail? Anyway, I found a freebie, in the hoop Monogramed one which took all of 15 minutes. Check that off the list.

Link. if you want it. Not affiliated, just found it in a google search and thought I would share.

That is a very cute outfit and I really like the card holder too.
So many cute outfits have been posted lately. Really makes me wish we had a trip planned.

So here's a thing: I bought a bunch of thread, I think an assortment of 30 or so from thread art based on a recommendation on the last thread. I have some of theirs in large cones, but this was smaller spools. And so far almost every one of them has a burr or sharp edge or little plasticky bit sticking out the end that snags and screws up the tension and causes the needle to flex and then break. I emailed them about it but got a not too concerned response that I could return it with a restocking fee. (Annoyed)
I've tried clipping and filing the rough spots, though it irritates me to no end since I don't think that should be a step I have to do, but the issue persists. Any other ideas? Maybe after my trip I will pack it up and pay the restocking fee and buy thread someplace else.

Oh, how I feel your pain with their thread. I've had the same problem with burrs on the spools and used an old nail file to sand them out. That seemed to help but I'm still not happy with their thread. I have issues with it looping coming off the spool and either catching on the part of the bobbin winder behind the spool or wrapping around the bottom of the spool, then tightening and snapping needles or snagging the shirt. I also find certain colours seem to shred more than others. I have to watch the machine constantly when I use their thread. I have a couple of spools of another brand of thread that I bought locally and they never give me any trouble. Except for the fact that they are $$$$ and have very few colour options, I'd use them exclusively.

Btw, I love all the outfits you have made for your boys! They will certainly be the best dressed ones in WDW.

I am sorry that you had problems with the thread. I have been very happy with the thread I got from Marathon last year.
Did you get your thread from Marathon in Canada or the US? I was thinking of trying this thread since I have had so many issues with the others I have.
tinkbell13 said:
So many cute outfits have been posted lately. Really makes me wish we had a trip planned.

Oh, how I feel your pain with their thread. I've had the same problem with burrs on the spools and used an old nail file to sand them out. That seemed to help but I'm still not happy with their thread. I have issues with it looping coming off the spool and either catching on the part of the bobbin winder behind the spool or wrapping around the bottom of the spool, then tightening and snapping needles or snagging the shirt. I also find certain colours seem to shred more than others. I have to watch the machine constantly when I use their thread. I have a couple of spools of another brand of thread that I bought locally and they never give me any trouble. Except for the fact that they are $$$$ and have very few colour options, I'd use them exclusively.

Btw, I love all the outfits you have made for your boys! They will certainly be the best dressed ones in WDW.

Did you get your thread from Marathon in Canada or the US? I was thinking of trying this thread since I have had so many issues with the others I have.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. The larger cones I've never had trouble with thankfully. But now that you say that about the thread coming off I picked up a spool and a snarl of thread slipped off.

Thanks for the kind words on my boys' new wardrobe. I think we are all going to have a blast!

My mother in law is coming for the weekend, she emailed me this morning to tell me to plan to sew all day Saturday and she will entertain my children. Nothing is better for my productivity than completely ignoring my kids!
Those are some cute outfits even though the pocket is too high. With the shirt on, nobody else will know. It is hard to figure out where to put them the first time you do them. I used a pair of easy fit shorts I'd already made to play around with the pocket placement.

Hooray for your MIL! My in laws are awesome like that too. I always hear other people complaining about their in laws but mine are wonderful. I love hearing happy in law stories.

DO you mean like a vertical post instead of the horizontal one that the thread is usually on? Or do you mean something that goes onto the actual thread spool? I have a mesh thing that was supposed to go around the thread, I never use it. It's like a hairnet.
It is called a thread cap. My sewing machine came with them in two different sizes. One size for the cones of thread and one size for the wide spools. They do make it so that your thread doesn't touch the spool so there is no chance for it to get stuck on a burr. Maybe you can find some that fit your machine??

Oh, and I forgot, I whipped this up today too. (and by me, I mean almost entirely my PE770)
Very cute!

Did you get your thread from Marathon in Canada or the US? I was thinking of trying this thread since I have had so many issues with the others I have.
I just bought Marathon thread for the first time when I went to the Sewing Expo a couple of weeks ago. I am pretty happy with it so far. They had some cool stuff too like Glow in the Dark thread and thread that changes color in the sunlight.
I like the Stitch outfit. really cute and I don't think anyone will notice the pocket is off unless he has something sticking out of it. The card holder is cute and looks easy too. I like the simple monogram.

I would be really mad if all my thread I bought had burrs and would not be filing it down and would be calling my credit card company to let them know that item was definitely not as received and that the company is refusing to give me all my money back.

This has been a crazy week. My mother's costume is done. I made fuzzy pom-poms and used velcro on the back as requested and made the neck ruffle separate with velcro closure too. It is a little long but can't fix that now. Plenty of room for thicker clothes underneath for our cold NE halloweens. We had snow last year. A few too many images but I am proud of how nice my rolled hems came out and it all looks so clean. The colors are correct in the 2nd pic. I also made a bag to go with the costume for handing out candy from. I cut everything out on Tuesday, and got it done last night except for the bottom of the bag which I did this morning while my kids were getting ready for the bus.







I used this pattern.


Now I have a dress to make for my friends daughter and hopefully I can get it all done done today between laundry and dishes. It doesn't have much to it so I think I can do it. I hope the headache I had yesterday doesn't come back.

I really do need something to keep me busy in my brain. My DH is in CA right now getting ready to fly home after a big interview he had yesterday. If he gets the job, then we are moving. We still don't know where the job will be. The two main places are Mountain View, CA or Dallas, TX. The two places couldn't be more different and I don't know anyone in either place. I am torn which place I want the job to be. We could live better in TX but DH's grandmother doesn't live far from Mountain View. He visited with her last night for the first time in 18 years and she wants us out there. CA is just so very expensive to live. Ugh... moving from a town of less than 2,000 in NH mountains to either place will be hard. My brain is on overload.....


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