Disboutiquers Part 29 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

Hello, I have been on the disboards awhile, but have never found this thread before. I have finally made it thru this thread and I must say I am highly impressed with the talent on this board. I am not sure my sewing skills are good enough to be here, but I thought I would jump in instead of being a lurker. I have a son, so I don't have many cute disney outfits, but when he was younger, I made his halloween costume every year. This one particular year he was crazy over Peter Pan and captain hook, so I made him a Captain Hook outfit. It doesn't compare to what you guys do, and it was quite a few years ago, but thought I would share anyway. I can't wait to see more pics of all your guys stuff, you have inspired me to start sewing again.


Welcome! Your Captain Hook looks very cute. Please share pictures of your work as you start sewing again.

Hello All.
I have not posted in awhile, but I have been keeping up and everything is beautiful.


I am making my sweet daughter the PINK Cinderella dress for Halloween. So far I am very pleased with how it is turning out; however, I am having a hard time with the fabric bows. I have made sewn ones and just turned ones. Both kinds look ok, but not full and puffy like I want. Any ideas or suggestions? I like the turned bows for the top, but not the bottom and the sewn ones are not full enough for that either. Please help! :)

Did you look at Carla's Bow Sash tutorial? It is one of the free patterns available from youcanmakethis.com. I have used it a few times and I quite like the results.
I am sewing for the first time using a one directional print. Unfortunately, I didn't realize I needed to check which way the pattern was facing. I have fabric for an upside down Bambi skirt. Oh well, going back to the sewing store! Lesson learned :)

Oh the joy of directional prints. I'm glad you can get more fabric and maybe you can repurpose the skirt into something else?

I do love the dress, I think it is awesome and you look great with that "other" Merida! Looks like you had fun, even though you said it was really crowded. You photos also make me really glad I got photopass+ for our trip. ETA: Oh, and I am dressing up as tinkerbell, which is going to make me wish I had shed 50 or more lbs too. Plus-sized Tink, coming through! I am hoping that my kids will be so stinkin' cute in their Hook and Smee getups no one will notice Tink. ;)

WE leave in 2 weeks and my boys will not stop reminding me "2 weeks! 2 weeks!" even though they really don't have any concept of time. It's cute.

Yay!!!! :) I can't wait to see pics of all the fun y'all have! :)

What fun! I love designing rooms and organizing! And you get to do two rooms! Hooray!

:) I'm pretty excited!

Thank you to ALL who have inquired about me :) I am sorry I haven't quoted everyone and haven't quoted all the fabulous creations too. I have to ditto what Sunshine said and apologize for not properly crediting/quoting.

The PA who saw me was really nice, but he's not quite sure what is wrong with me. He is treating me as having a sinus infection because one gland at the back of my neck hurt when he applied pressure, but then again the entire side of my left neck hurt (and shoulder, and arm). I also have the headaches and ear pain that correspond with sinus infections, but I've had sinus infections in the past and they weren't at all like this. I also have not had a fever which he found strange. So he gave me a Z-pack and then has me taking indocin and flexaril for my neck and shoulder pain. I will say it is helping as my pain has drastically decreased. And I did go to work on Friday, though I can't say I was at my best. I am still tired and wear out easily and have not done any more on my dd's Halloween jeans that I had wanted to get done so she could wear them on Friday. I am now doubting I'll even get them done by Monday. My house is a mess, I am behind on laundry and my dogs stink. I am just doing things in baby steps though until I fully recuperate. And I hope to go back and try to catch up and participate more here. But I did just have to quote this one:

Hope you continue to feel better, Andrea!!!

Sounds like you have a fun plan going! Please show us the before/after pictures!

I definitely will! :)

So happy for you that you will get a dedicated sewing space and your daughter will get a new bigger room. The way you have it planned out sounds like a ton of fun. We redecorated my older daughter's room one year when she went to sleep away camp. I sold her old furniture and found a new set for her. We got a new rug and a new comforter set. She was so surprised! How fun for your dd to wake up in her new room on Christmas. She must be a sound sleeper for you to be planning to move her in the middle of the night.

Once she falls asleep, she's pretty sound. She also usually falls asleep first in our bedroom, so that should really make moving both the rooms and her easy. LOL

I also wanted to say that I did two shirts with the glow in the dark fabric and glow in the dark thread. I tried to take a picture but it didn't really show up. You'll just have to believe me that they turned out AWESOME! Both of my uber picky daughters loved them. I use black shirts with the white glow in the dark fabric. I put their names on the Mickey heads with neon pink thread. I'll tell them to get a good picture of them in the shirts when they are at Disney.

That sounds so cool and I can't wait to see pics!!!!

So it wouldn't ¢o$t anything, my son asked me to make it from his t-shirt sheets. That is the gull darndest material to work with! Mucho stretchy.

I don't want you to think I was stalling, but I made a mini cardboard loveseat in an effort to visualize the "problem".


Here's a surprise -- it didn't seem to help any.:confused3

I ended up making covers for each of the cushions. I have a papasan chair from my sister, and a couple years ago I made a cover for it thinking the cats would spend every napping moment in it and get it all furry. (They did not.) Coincidentally, I had snap tape from her that I used for that cover, so I seam rippered it off to use on the cushion covers.

I made a 3" wide band to go around the bottom of the loveseat, and I sent sent him the flat sheet and a pair of scissors and told thim to drape the sheet over the sofa, put the cushions on, put the band around the bottom, then cut off the excess.


I keep tracking the package, and all I know is that it's left New Jersey. I can't wait to hear how he loves it. But in case he doesn't, I've saved the scraps so I can sew them back together and he'll have his sheet, good as new.


Don't you just love a story with a great beginning, riveting middle and compelling conclusion? Who needs princess: or pirate: when they have decorating drama?

Gotta run. My husband said someone from HGTV is on the phone and wants my advice on an interior design project.

Wow, I am impressed you took that on!!! How did it all turn out, has your son sent pics yet?

Yeah for getting your own sewing space. We use my DDs room as a guest room and it works out very well. Your Christmas eve plans sounds very exciting.

Yeah, my bedroom was always the guest room, too, so I am surprised DH thought of it before I did. :)

I need a few opinions.

Which way would you run the strips for a sash/ruffle.

Option 1 - Horizontal

Untitled by peachygreen2010, on Flickr

Option 2 - Vertical

Untitled by peachygreen2010, on Flickr

Option 3 - None of the above.

I like vertical for the ruffle and horizontal for the sash.

Hello, I have been on the disboards awhile, but have never found this thread before. I have finally made it thru this thread and I must say I am highly impressed with the talent on this board. I am not sure my sewing skills are good enough to be here, but I thought I would jump in instead of being a lurker. I have a son, so I don't have many cute disney outfits, but when he was younger, I made his halloween costume every year. This one particular year he was crazy over Peter Pan and captain hook, so I made him a Captain Hook outfit. It doesn't compare to what you guys do, and it was quite a few years ago, but thought I would share anyway. I can't wait to see more pics of all your guys stuff, you have inspired me to start sewing again.


Love it!!!!!

Hello All.
I have not posted in awhile, but I have been keeping up and everything is beautiful.


I am making my sweet daughter the PINK Cinderella dress for Halloween. So far I am very pleased with how it is turning out; however, I am having a hard time with the fabric bows. I have made sewn ones and just turned ones. Both kinds look ok, but not full and puffy like I want. Any ideas or suggestions? I like the turned bows for the top, but not the bottom and the sewn ones are not full enough for that either. Please help! :)

Would lightly stuffing with fiberfil work?
DH will be gone almost all week this week so I am getting the velcro tomorrow for my mother's clown costume and have been enlisted by my DD15 to make her a Sailor Moon halloween costume and she even let me make a duct tape body double of her. Wish I had more duct tape but I think it will work okay. I know what I need to do better next time. I need the red white and blue fabric for her costume too so I guess I better find that pattern and see how much.

And thank you everyone for all the compliments on my costume. My first pics were horrible but photopass was great !

I agree, your Merida costume looked great!

Oh I used to LOVE Sailor Moon way back in the day (golly, now I feel old and I'm not really! Or maybe I am and I'm just in denial! HA! :rotfl:) I can't wait to see what you come up with for that one.

And GL working on the clown costume. Hope you were able to get some of it finished.

Oh I am sorry to hear that the family visit was interupted by a stomach bug. I hope people managed to have a good time despite the sickness.

Thank you. we did have a fairly good time. We just took turns with the sickies staying behind at home and the others who felt good going out and doing things.

Hello, I have been on the disboards awhile, but have never found this thread before. I have finally made it thru this thread and I must say I am highly impressed with the talent on this board. I am not sure my sewing skills are good enough to be here, but I thought I would jump in instead of being a lurker. I have a son, so I don't have many cute disney outfits, but when he was younger, I made his halloween costume every year. This one particular year he was crazy over Peter Pan and captain hook, so I made him a Captain Hook outfit. It doesn't compare to what you guys do, and it was quite a few years ago, but thought I would share anyway. I can't wait to see more pics of all your guys stuff, you have inspired me to start sewing again.


Oh my golly that looks GREAT! And it's no small feat to work with crushed panne! That stuff is a booger to work with: super stretchy and fuzzes like mad! SO pat yourself on the back! Can't wait to see what you start making. Welcome!

Welcome. I am new too but I am new to sewing altogether. I think your Captian hook looks great!! I spent my evening becoming one with my seam ripper because I m working on my first pattern and managed to sewing the top of the shirt skirt closed. Yay me!! These ladies are very inspirational!!

Hee hee, I have SO done that! But Michele is right, you DO learn a lot with your seam ripper in hand. Can't wait to see this finished project!

:scared: Glad everyone is on the mend. How nice of your ILs to share :rotfl:

Thanks! Yes, I've found that the only thing no one EVER seems to mind sharing are GERMS! :P

Hello All.
I have not posted in awhile, but I have been keeping up and everything is beautiful.


I am making my sweet daughter the PINK Cinderella dress for Halloween. So far I am very pleased with how it is turning out; however, I am having a hard time with the fabric bows. I have made sewn ones and just turned ones. Both kinds look ok, but not full and puffy like I want. Any ideas or suggestions? I like the turned bows for the top, but not the bottom and the sewn ones are not full enough for that either. Please help! :)

Hmm, i don't really have any ideas for you other than the CarlaC tutorial that someone already posted. What about doing a google search for bow tie tutorial and see how they are making their bows?

Once she falls asleep, she's pretty sound. She also usually falls asleep first in our bedroom, so that should really make moving both the rooms and her easy. LOL

Congrats on making the switch and getting your OWN DEDICATED sewing space!!!

ANDREA feel better friend!!!

and peachygreen2010: didn't grab the quote, but I like vertical for both the sash and ruffles.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Something really crazy just happened here. We had an earthquake..... that doesn't normally happen in NH. It actually happened in Maine but was felt as far west as NY and as far south as CT and RI. My whole house shook.
Sounds like you have a great plan for the upgrade. I would like to find out how you like the 4000D as it would be one of the options I'd consider for my upgrade.
I'll let you know how I like it as soon as I get it and try it out!

Hello, I have been on the disboards awhile, but have never found this thread before. I have finally made it thru this thread and I must say I am highly impressed with the talent on this board. This one particular year he was crazy over Peter Pan and captain hook, so I made him a Captain Hook outfit.

Welcome to the group and I love the Captain Hook outfit. It is very cute!

I just dropped in to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHIARA!!!! Hope you are having a fabulous day :)
I didn't know it was Chiara's birthday today. I hope she has a happy one!

Something really crazy just happened here. We had an earthquake..... that doesn't normally happen in NH. It actually happened in Maine but was felt as far west as NY and as far south as CT and RI. My whole house shook.
Oh my goodness! We had that happen here last year. I hope that everybody is ok and that no damage was done. The Washington Monument is still undergoing restoration from the quake we had here.

Happy Birthday Chiara

Something really crazy just happened here. We had an earthquake..... that doesn't normally happen in NH. It actually happened in Maine but was felt as far west as NY and as far south as CT and RI. My whole house shook.

I did not feel anything here, but other parts of RI said they did. I never felt the one that hit us last year either, but I think my whole street is built on ledge. :confused3

What I am worried about is our house in Maine. We are heading there this weekend anyway so hopefully there won't be any damage.:scared:
I just dropped in to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHIARA!!!! Hope you are having a fabulous day :)

I didn't know it's Chiara's birthday. I hope she is having a great day!

Something really crazy just happened here. We had an earthquake..... that doesn't normally happen in NH. It actually happened in Maine but was felt as far west as NY and as far south as CT and RI. My whole house shook.

I did not feel anything here, but other parts of RI said they did. I never felt the one that hit us last year either, but I think my whole street is built on ledge. :confused3

What I am worried about is our house in Maine. We are heading there this weekend anyway so hopefully there won't be any damage.:scared:

Oh my! I hope everyone is ok and nothing is damaged!
Hello, I have been on the disboards awhile, but have never found this thread before. I have finally made it thru this thread and I must say I am highly impressed with the talent on this board. I am not sure my sewing skills are good enough to be here, but I thought I would jump in instead of being a lurker. I have a son, so I don't have many cute disney outfits, but when he was younger, I made his halloween costume every year. This one particular year he was crazy over Peter Pan and captain hook, so I made him a Captain Hook outfit. It doesn't compare to what you guys do, and it was quite a few years ago, but thought I would share anyway. I can't wait to see more pics of all your guys stuff, you have inspired me to start sewing again.


You sell yourself short! Captain Hook looks great! Welcome!

Something really crazy just happened here. We had an earthquake..... that doesn't normally happen in NH. It actually happened in Maine but was felt as far west as NY and as far south as CT and RI. My whole house shook.

Wow! How scary! I hope everything is ok!

I just bought the Precious dress pattern today and I can't wait to try it out. The Peter Pan dress you made last year was so cute! I can't wait to see what you do this year.

I meant to comment on this a few days ago and forgot. I like that pattern quite a bit. The hidden button placket is quite clever. I don't like the sleeve band method though. Imo it is too thick, so I looked at a ready to wear dress of a similar style and found a cleaner (and easier) way to do it. I'll try to explain it when I finish this dress. I just have to make and attach a sash! I look forward to seeing your versions of the dress!

Happy birthday to Chiara!

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I am working on turning a couple of DS old jeans into a skirt for myself, I am resisting the urge to applique a mickey on the front :lmao:.

That is wierd you guys on the east coast had an earthquake, I didn't think that happend very often there. I live in CA, so we get them more often than I would like. I hope everyone is ok, and there wasn't any damage.

Sorry I forgot how to quote multiple threads, but I had to chuckle about the seam ripper. My seam ripper and I are very well aquainted.

The Meridia costume is awesome, nicely done!

and I like the stripes vertical.

I look forward to seeing and sharing more on this thread!
I did not feel anything here, but other parts of RI said they did. I never felt the one that hit us last year either, but I think my whole street is built on ledge. :confused3
What I am worried about is our house in Maine. We are heading there this weekend anyway so hopefully there won't be any damage.:scared:

I hope your house is okay. I haven't heard any reports of damage on TV.

Oh my! I hope everyone is ok and nothing is damaged!

No reports of damage anywhere that I've seen. Just a lot of shaking I didn't even realize it was an earthquake at first.

You sell yourself short! Captain Hook looks great! Welcome!

Wow! How scary! I hope everything is ok!


Yes, Captain Hook looks great. I somehow missed the quote of it.

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I am working on turning a couple of DS old jeans into a skirt for myself, I am resisting the urge to applique a mickey on the front :lmao:.

That is weird you guys on the east coast had an earthquake, I didn't think that happened very often there. I live in CA, so we get them more often than I would like. I hope everyone is ok, and there wasn't any damage.

Sorry I forgot how to quote multiple threads, but I had to chuckle about the seam ripper. My seam ripper and I are very well aquainted.

The Meridia costume is awesome, nicely done!

and I like the stripes vertical.

I look forward to seeing and sharing more on this thread!

Good luck with the skirts. Resist the urge... hehe.

it doesn't happen so often but weird things have been happening over the last few years so I'm not ruling anything out.

Just to the left of the quick reply butting is a button with quote marks, click that on each post you want to quote. Then on the last, hit the button marked quote.

Thanks for the compliment. Been sewing for only a couple of months so that was my "big thing" and the only thing that has actually been worn yet by anyone.

Can't wait to see what you do.
Only 10 days until our trip, I did the online checkin this morning, this is really happening! I did whip up some easy-fit pants (man, those are aptly named, they were super easy, even though I have never made pants before!) to go with my boys' birthday shirts for Chef Mickey birthday breakfast the day we leave Disney. My husband thinks they look like pajamas, which I suppose they sort of do, but I think they will be adorable at breakfast.

So that officially marks the end of the kids' clothing for the trip. Except we were just invited for breakfast at 'Ohana with a friend and got a reservation so I am compelled to find some Hawaiian style fabric and make them some shorts or a Stitch shirt or something. No meal should go un-customized!

I am still chugging away on the adult shirts, I will post when I have something to show. I asked my husband what he would like and he asked for an X-Men polo... sigh. His reasoning is that Disney owns Marvel so it's a Disney property now. This week has been crazy, I have gotten 7 orders for custom shirts in addition to my self-imposed workload. I finally put my shop on hiatus so I don't have a mental breakdown!

10 more days!
Thank you for the replies on my question about the fabric bow. I should have been clearer. I need the bows for the front of the dress. They are for looks not to tie anything. I looked up Carla C's pattern (very cute and will use it I am sure); however, it is not what I need. I guess what I need is a faux bow. ;)
I am SOOOOOO behind! I haven't had a chance to go back and look at what all I've missed!

Sorry for dropping off the face of the computer. The ILs all came down for a visit: MIL, FIL, BIL, SIL, and nephew. They brought a tummy bug with them. There was at least one person sick ALL.WEEK.LONG. as it passed from one person to another. I have never done so much laundry in my LIFE! The ILs left Sat morning and my last kiddo to get sick has finally rebounded, so we should be all clear from here on out.

Off to see what I've missed (other than all of you!)


So, your ILs made you ILL. . .sorry that's just the way my mind works.:lmao:

I think I'm all caught up and everything looks great and I'll never google kinky or Minx Club...:scared:
Thank you to all for your kind comments about Dorrrine and Ginger's Halloween outfits. It felt good to be sewing for them again.

But, the big news is that my son got his slipcover yesterday and he likes it!

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

I'm wondering how long it will last because it was made from those T-shirt/jersey sheets that are fairly lightweight and mucho stretchy.

Anywho, since a picture is worth 1,000 words (sadly not $1,000) here tis.


:rolleyes1 Did I mention that the love seat has a pull out bed that would comfortably fit one lumpy mother?
Oh my! I hope everyone is ok and nothing is damaged!
I hope your house is okay. I haven't heard any reports of damage on TV.

Thanks:goodvibes I am hoping that one of the neighbors in Maine would have called my if the house fell down.:confused:

it doesn't happen so often but weird things have been happening over the last few years so I'm not ruling anything out.

:scared1: So true... we had an earthquake, tornado, hurricane then and snow in October all last year so I am not ruling anything out with NE:rolleyes1

Only 10 days until our trip, I did the online checkin this morning, this is really happening! I did whip up some easy-fit pants (man, those are aptly named, they were super easy, even though I have never made pants before!) to go with my boys' birthday shirts for Chef Mickey birthday breakfast the day we leave Disney. My husband thinks they look like pajamas, which I suppose they sort of do, but I think they will be adorable at breakfast.

So that officially marks the end of the kids' clothing for the trip. Except we were just invited for breakfast at 'Ohana with a friend and got a reservation so I am compelled to find some Hawaiian style fabric and make them some shorts or a Stitch shirt or something. No meal should go un-customized!

I am still chugging away on the adult shirts, I will post when I have something to show. I asked my husband what he would like and he asked for an X-Men polo... sigh. His reasoning is that Disney owns Marvel so it's a Disney property now. This week has been crazy, I have gotten 7 orders for custom shirts in addition to my self-imposed workload. I finally put my shop on hiatus so I don't have a mental breakdown!

10 more days!

:cool1: :banana::yay::woohoo: 10 Days and those outfits are so cute. Some of us starting adding pockets to make look more like shorts but I think they look fine.
I meant to comment on this a few days ago and forgot. I like that pattern quite a bit. The hidden button placket is quite clever. I don't like the sleeve band method though. Imo it is too thick, so I looked at a ready to wear dress of a similar style and found a cleaner (and easier) way to do it. I'll try to explain it when I finish this dress. I just have to make and attach a sash! I look forward to seeing your versions of the dress!
I haven't even started it yet. But I'd love to see what you did to make the arm bands nicer. I have to admit that I also ordered 6 new patterns on the Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops website sale. They just arrived today. I have so many new patterns to work with now! I really need to get sewing.

Only 10 days until our trip, I did the online checkin this morning, this is really happening! I did whip up some easy-fit pants (man, those are aptly named, they were super easy, even though I have never made pants before!) to go with my boys' birthday shirts for Chef Mickey birthday breakfast the day we leave Disney. My husband thinks they look like pajamas, which I suppose they sort of do, but I think they will be adorable at breakfast.

Hooray for only 10 days left until your trip!

Very cute outfits! I do agree that the easy fit pants tend to look like pajama pants for older kids. For little ones, I think that they are great. We figured out last spring how to add pockets and jazz them up a bit to give them more of a pants look. But those are super cute just the way they are. I love the contrasting cuffs.

I think you were smart to close your Etsy shop temporarily. You want to be able to enjoy your vacation and not be too stressed out just before you leave.

Thank you for the replies on my question about the fabric bow. I should have been clearer. I need the bows for the front of the dress. They are for looks not to tie anything. I looked up Carla C's pattern (very cute and will use it I am sure); however, it is not what I need. I guess what I need is a faux bow. ;)
Sorry, I am a terrible bow maker so I don't have any hints for you. I can never even tie them so that they look pretty.

I'm wondering how long it will last because it was made from those T-shirt/jersey sheets that are fairly lightweight and mucho stretchy.

Anywho, since a picture is worth 1,000 words (sadly not $1,000) here tis.


:rolleyes1 Did I mention that the love seat has a pull out bed that would comfortably fit one lumpy mother?
It looks great! And since there is a mom who now knows how to make slipcovers, I am guessing that once these wear out somebody might get asked to make a new slipcover. Maybe you could deliver the next slipcover in person????

So my new baby arrived today. Isn't she beautiful?????

I got her unpacked today but she arrived very late in the day and I only got to set her up. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to read the directions and get sewing on her. I am already behind on my projects.

In other good news, I picked up my Ellageo from the repair shop today. They were able to fix it. They said that they found a wad of thread in the upper threader. My thread must have started to shred and created a jam up there. Now I have to figure out what to do with the Ellageo. I guess I will probably try to sell her. It will be sad because she has been a loyal and trusted friend for the last 5 years.
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I am working on turning a couple of DS old jeans into a skirt for myself, I am resisting the urge to applique a mickey on the front :lmao:.

I look forward to seeing and sharing more on this thread!

I don't see anything wrong with appliquing a Mickey on the front. Then again, I wear some of my Disney customs to work so I am probably not the best judge on that. :rotfl:

Only 10 days until our trip, I did the online checkin this morning, this is really happening! I did whip up some easy-fit pants (man, those are aptly named, they were super easy, even though I have never made pants before!) to go with my boys' birthday shirts for Chef Mickey birthday breakfast the day we leave Disney. My husband thinks they look like pajamas, which I suppose they sort of do, but I think they will be adorable at breakfast.

So that officially marks the end of the kids' clothing for the trip. Except we were just invited for breakfast at 'Ohana with a friend and got a reservation so I am compelled to find some Hawaiian style fabric and make them some shorts or a Stitch shirt or something. No meal should go un-customized!

I am still chugging away on the adult shirts, I will post when I have something to show. I asked my husband what he would like and he asked for an X-Men polo... sigh. His reasoning is that Disney owns Marvel so it's a Disney property now. This week has been crazy, I have gotten 7 orders for custom shirts in addition to my self-imposed workload. I finally put my shop on hiatus so I don't have a mental breakdown!

10 more days!

Congrats on 10 days to go! The outfits look fantastic! I hope your family will have a great trip!

Thank you for the replies on my question about the fabric bow. I should have been clearer. I need the bows for the front of the dress. They are for looks not to tie anything. I looked up Carla C's pattern (very cute and will use it I am sure); however, it is not what I need. I guess what I need is a faux bow. ;)

Hmmm, I wonder if you can do the bow with just 1" for the "sash" part?

Thank you to all for your kind comments about Dorrrine and Ginger's Halloween outfits. It felt good to be sewing for them again.

But, the big news is that my son got his slipcover yesterday and he likes it!

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

I'm wondering how long it will last because it was made from those T-shirt/jersey sheets that are fairly lightweight and mucho stretchy.

Anywho, since a picture is worth 1,000 words (sadly not $1,000) here tis.


:rolleyes1 Did I mention that the love seat has a pull out bed that would comfortably fit one lumpy mother?

I am glad that your son likes the slipcover. I hope you would get a chance to visit him and see the finished product in person!
miprender said:
Thanks:goodvibes I am hoping that one of the neighbors in Maine would have called my if the house fell down.:confused:

:scared1: So true... we had an earthquake, tornado, hurricane then and snow in October all last year so I am not ruling anything out with NE:rolleyes1

:cool1: :banana::yay::woohoo: 10 Days and those outfits are so cute. Some of us starting adding pockets to make look more like shorts but I think they look fine.

dianemom2 said:
I haven't even started it yet. But I'd love to see what you did to make the arm bands nicer. I have to admit that I also ordered 6 new patterns on the Fairytale Frocks and Lollipops website sale. They just arrived today. I have so many new patterns to work with now! I really need to get sewing.

Hooray for only 10 days left until your trip!

Very cute outfits! I do agree that the easy fit pants tend to look like pajama pants for older kids. For little ones, I think that they are great. We figured out last spring how to add pockets and jazz them up a bit to give them more of a pants look. But those are super cute just the way they are. I love the contrasting cuffs.

I think you were smart to close your Etsy shop temporarily. You want to be able to enjoy your vacation and not be too stressed out just before you leave.

Sorry, I am a terrible bow maker so I don't have any hints for you. I can never even tie them so that they look pretty.

It looks great! And since there is a mom who now knows how to make slipcovers, I am guessing that once these wear out somebody might get asked to make a new slipcover. Maybe you could deliver the next slipcover in person????

So my new baby arrived today. Isn't she beautiful?????

I got her unpacked today but she arrived very late in the day and I only got to set her up. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to read the directions and get sewing on her. I am already behind on my projects.

In other good news, I picked up my Ellageo from the repair shop today. They were able to fix it. They said that they found a wad of thread in the upper threader. My thread must have started to shred and created a jam up there. Now I have to figure out what to do with the Ellageo. I guess I will probably try to sell her. It will be sad because she has been a loyal and trusted friend for the last 5 years.

When you say add pockets do you mean back pockets or like hand pockets (or both?)
I don't recall seeing them with pockets.
I think they will look super cute for chef Mickey and *maybe* the plane ride home that afternoon. But they might not be warm enough to land in Chicago! I think they will be great PJs though later on. I liked them so much that when I was at Joann today I bought 8 yards of cute polar bears in argyle sweaters flannel (on sale btw for $2.79/yard) to make pj pants for my sons, 5-year-old nephew and possibly my husband and me for Christmas. My mom, brother and nephew are supposed to visit from Colorado for Christmas so I think matching Christmas Jammie's are in order.

Back to the last few projects...


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