Girls Trip~OLD THREAD (see first post for link to new one)

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So I think most of you know that I am taking my ASL 3 class to DL the weekend of March 9th. One of the parents of one of my two male students has been horrible! She keeps asking tons of questions and even tried to get me to change the return time since "teenagers do not stay up late on weeknights." :rotfl2: She has cc'd the principal on every email and even though I have answered every question and every possibility. She didn't like the idea of the male chaperone sharing a room with her son since it was a "strange man." (He is another parent and fingerprinted) So we had to increase the price of the trip to pay for an additional room. Then when the other boy's father decided to come, it left her son in a room alone. She is also not comfortable with this - he may feel excluded. Just yesterday she tells me there is a conflict with a track meet on the 10th (Deaf Day) and what can I do about it? Without telling you all about the rest of the ridiculousness, basically the principal and I asked her to join us for a meeting to discuss what her issues really are (last semester I wouldn't change her son's grade when he failed to complete and assignment and since then she has been out to get me.) I did answer the last of her questions and last night she finally responded - she is pulling her son because: she doesn't want her son in a room alone (he's a junior BTW), the other boy's father may or may not be going (really doesn't affect her plus she has known that father for over 10 years), & the parent meeting isn't this week (all trips have their meetings two weeks out). I think I actually jumped for joy to see that I will no longer have to deal with her crap on this trip. The boy seems pretty upset that he cannot go. She is crazy and gets so grumpy when she doesn't get her way and I am so glad that the administration is finally seeing what I am going through and sympathizing with me. I have never seen a mother who on one hand tells me in front of her son that, "he is not very bright," (he's a great kid) and then babies him so much that as a junior cannot do anything without an adult present.
So I think most of you know that I am taking my ASL 3 class to DL the weekend of March 9th. One of the parents of one of my two male students has been horrible! She keeps asking tons of questions and even tried to get me to change the return time since "teenagers do not stay up late on weeknights." :rotfl2: She has cc'd the principal on every email and even though I have answered every question and every possibility. She didn't like the idea of the male chaperone sharing a room with her son since it was a "strange man." (He is another parent and fingerprinted) So we had to increase the price of the trip to pay for an additional room. Then when the other boy's father decided to come, it left her son in a room alone. She is also not comfortable with this - he may feel excluded. Just yesterday she tells me there is a conflict with a track meet on the 10th (Deaf Day) and what can I do about it? Without telling you all about the rest of the ridiculousness, basically the principal and I asked her to join us for a meeting to discuss what her issues really are (last semester I wouldn't change her son's grade when he failed to complete and assignment and since then she has been out to get me.) I did answer the last of her questions and last night she finally responded - she is pulling her son because: she doesn't want her son in a room alone (he's a junior BTW), the other boy's father may or may not be going (really doesn't affect her plus she has known that father for over 10 years), & the parent meeting isn't this week (all trips have their meetings two weeks out). I think I actually jumped for joy to see that I will no longer have to deal with her crap on this trip. The boy seems pretty upset that he cannot go. She is crazy and gets so grumpy when she doesn't get her way and I am so glad that the administration is finally seeing what I am going through and sympathizing with me. I have never seen a mother who on one hand tells me in front of her son that, "he is not very bright," (he's a great kid) and then babies him so much that as a junior cannot do anything without an adult present.

Yikes Jen! She's like the "nightmare" parent you always hear about but hope is only a myth. Her poor kid. And looking ahead....her poor future daughter-in-law! :scared1:
:banana: :yay: :woohoo: :cool1: :cheer2: Okay, we have our first team name!!!!! :banana: :yay: :woohoo: :cool1: :cheer2: And it's a darn good one! Very creative thinking, ladies. I can't wait to see if the costumes/accessories are just as clever. I'm sure they will be!! :thumbsup2

Good luck to the:
"Pixie Powered Dashing Diva Detectives"

We've come up with a team name.....

Ravishing Racing InvestigatEARS!!!

Wow!! We knew you guys would come up with some awesome names - these are great!!

Woo hoo! We have our first team names, and I must say that they both are fabulous. I can tell you right now that the scavvy committee is going to have a hard time choosing a winner for the best team name. :confused3

Jen, i'm echoing Capri's comment.
The best news is that now you can enjoy your trip! :cool1:

Stacie, you know that someone should have room for you somewhere on Sunday night! :crowded:

Beth, thanks for your kind words.:hug:

Last but not least.
Just found out that Michelle/pixiedustmom has been in the hospital with pulmonary embolism with several clots in her left lung. She has been in a lot of pain from what it sounds like. She was able to go home, but has to give herself shots. :eek: Sounds like it is pretty serious. I bet she would love some get well wishes! :flower3:
Beth, Can you please change my days to Thursday through Sunday? Since it's only Vicki and I rooming together, and she's leaving on Sunday, I really don't want to pay for the room by myself for 1 night. Can't wait to see you all!!

Hey Stacielee, Daisy and I have room I think! Joni isn't responding to anything so we will have space for one more! I am sure Daisy would be fine with it (although I should probably ask since she is the one who booked the room:thumbsup2)!

Is anyone flying into LAX on Thursday the 23rd around 9:40 and want to share transportation? If not, no worries, I can always book Supershuttle.

Beth, Can you please change my days to Thursday through Sunday? Since it's only Vicki and I rooming together, and she's leaving on Sunday, I really don't want to pay for the room by myself for 1 night. Can't wait to see you all!!

Hi there! :wave2:
I will be staying over Sunday night by myself as well, so you're welcome to room with me!
I'm at the Desert Inn & Suites, so if you don't mind bringing your stuff over, there'd be plenty of room! :)

Beth- head over to Victoria's secret or fredericks to get your Dh a present ;)
I'm not trying to scare him or give him a heart attack!! :scared1: lol

We've come up with a team name.....

Ravishing Racing InvestigatEARS!!!
Love it!!! :cool1: Such creative thinkers in this bunch. I'd be at a total loss. lol I will add it to the front page now.

Yikes Jen! She's like the "nightmare" parent you always hear about but hope is only a myth. Her poor kid. And looking ahead....her poor future daughter-in-law! :scared1:
I second that! Yikes!!

Last but not least.
Just found out that Michelle/pixiedustmom has been in the hospital with pulmonary embolism with several clots in her left lung. She has been in a lot of pain from what it sounds like. She was able to go home, but has to give herself shots. :eek: Sounds like it is pretty serious. I bet she would love some get well wishes! :flower3:
Thanks, Mel. She posted that on Facebook as well. Very scary. I'm just glad it was caught early and she was able to get some help for it. I hope she's better soon.
Sorry for the interruption, but just wanted to invite you all...


To help in the effort to raise money for Give Kids the World and just to have some fun, I will be hosting a get together in my villa at Disney Grand California while I am in town for the Tinkerbell run. DIS Divas are invited! Hope some of you in the area can make it for cocktails and appetizers. Some folks from the podcast may drop by, so it should be a great time

Not sure how many of you listen to the WDW or DL podcasts, but even if you just read the threads, you're probably familiar with the Power of 10 fundraiser that the DIS is spearheading. We'll be collecting donations at the party for the Power of 10 - Give Kids the World project, specifically to help DL podcaster Tony Spittell and his Tinkerbell Marathon donation drive. Tony is 70% to his $2,000 goal and we're trying to help him surpass this mark. So please go online (see link at bottom of message) and donate to this worthy cause, even if you can't make the party. If you donate online or at the party, you can get a ticket for a raffle that DL podcaster Nancy Johnson is organizing which will be held at a DIS meet on Jan 29 at Tangaroa Terrace. And if Tony reaches his goal of $2000, DIS founder Pete Werner will be giving away a GRAND SURPRISE PRIZE! He promises that the winner WILL travel somewhere! See details on Nancy Johnson's thread:

PM me if you can make it to the meet and I'll provide more details. Also, provide your cell number, so I can text you my room number as soon as I get it on Jan 26.

If you’d like to find out more about the fundraiser, please check out Tony’s page:

For more on the Power of 10 and Give Kids the World, visit:

Thanks and hope to see some of you at GCV!!! :woohoo:

I hope to be there Jen!
I'm doing the Tinkerbell 5K with Kallie, Chris & Dagny...maybe Sue Ellen. Is anybody else doing that one too?

Did Jill confirm this? Just want to make sure. I must've missed it somewhere.

Happy Monday, ladies!! :)
That's what I'm planning on :) I'll warn them now to staff extra CM's for check out...LOL

almost spewed my water out over this one....LOL Sooo funny!

Linda - I'm actually having to bail on the trip this year. I haven't said much, but we will be moving at the end of February, so it's just not going to work out this year. Have a really nice drink for me, 'K??

BTW - I love ordering shirts from Zazzle. They always do a great job :thumbsup2

True dat - no trippy for me right now. I'll be celebrating my b-day by unpacking boxes - woo hoo.

...... and I think we rocked at hunting for eggs and bacon (and Mickey pancakes!). I remember looking out the windows and seeing teams rushing by in the rain as Heather, Shirley, you, and I sat there in the warmth, enjoying our yummy brekkie :rolleyes1 Ahhh, good times :thumbsup2

I just found out that Alaska Air has a sucky way to deal with trip cancellations. I've had to cancel flights before with Allegiant and they just subtract whatever cancellation fee from the credit, but with Alaska you have to pay the fee and then get the entire ticket price you paid as a credit. Boo hiss.
I'm sorry to hear you won't make the trip...along with others :( Good luck with your move!

Woo hoo! We have our first team names, and I must say that they both are fabulous. I can tell you right now that the scavvy committee is going to have a hard time choosing a winner for the best team name. :confused3

Jen, i'm echoing Capri's comment.
The best news is that now you can enjoy your trip! :cool1:

Stacie, you know that someone should have room for you somewhere on Sunday night! :crowded:

Beth, thanks for your kind words.:hug:

Last but not least.
Just found out that Michelle/pixiedustmom has been in the hospital with pulmonary embolism with several clots in her left lung. She has been in a lot of pain from what it sounds like. She was able to go home, but has to give herself shots. :eek: Sounds like it is pretty serious. I bet she would love some get well wishes! :flower3:
Sending pixie dust to Michelle! How scary!

The trip is just around the riverbend girls!! So exciting.
I leave for WDW next Tuesday night, with 6 of my old Disney Store CM friends! It's a very long overdue trip, that we finally all pulled together. A few have never been before, so thats always fun!

Looking foward to seeing you all next month :)
Yikes Jen! She's like the "nightmare" parent you always hear about but hope is only a myth. Her poor kid. And looking ahead....her poor future daughter-in-law! :scared1:

Seriously! hahaha....I could see it now: "Why are you dating my son? He's not very bright." OR she will be the mom from "I Love You Forever."

The terrible motorcycle fatality next to my gym gave me a heart attack tonight! Both of my trainers ride motorcycles and I was praying it wasn't one of them. It wasn't. Someone elses family is going to be devastated. Another man in Nevada Country was "swallowed" by a wood chipper today. What a horrible, depressing day. :sad2: Can someone share some awesome, good news?!
Hey Stacielee, Daisy and I have room I think! Joni isn't responding to anything so we will have space for one more! I am sure Daisy would be fine with it (although I should probably ask since she is the one who booked the room:thumbsup2)!


Oh, I have no problem with that! I have sent Joni a message and heard nothing back from her. Anybody know anything? I think her disboard name is PrincesssKayla?

Trying to firm up the room stuff.

For those that have stayed there before....any requests that I should put on my Studio villa?

Can someone share some awesome, good news?!

I've got 2 dates in the works...possibly 3 (with actual men LOL)! ;)

P.S. They will probably all end up being pigs, but at least I can get some practice on dating's been FOREVER!!!
TGIF, ladies!! And happy Friday the 13th. :cool1:

I leave for WDW next Tuesday night, with 6 of my old Disney Store CM friends! It's a very long overdue trip, that we finally all pulled together. A few have never been before, so thats always fun!
First of all, thanks for confirming the shopping trip. :thumbsup2
Second, have a great time in WDW!!! That's so cool that you are able to do so much with friends and family. You deserve it.

Seriously! hahaha....I could see it now: "Why are you dating my son? He's not very bright." OR she will be the mom from "I Love You Forever."
"I Love You Forever"? Do you mean that children's book? I bought that when the kids were little on someone's recommendation and it creeped me out. It started out very sweet, but when I got to the part where he's a grown man and she's climbing in his window in the middle of the night....whoa. :scared1: That was a bit much for me. :rotfl2:

I have sent Joni a message and heard nothing back from her. Anybody know anything?
No. I hope she's ok. Her last post on the DIS was back in December on the cruise line forums. She didn't sign up for meals or confirm wanting a shirt. Soooo.... :confused3

I've got 2 dates in the works...possibly 3 (with actual men LOL)! ;)
That is good news!! You go girl! :banana: Good luck. I hope at least one of them is decent. :wizard: Oh, and you know we want all the dirty details. popcorn::
You know the trip is getting close when hours are up! Well at least they are for Thursday and Friday. The Matterhorn being closed will save me a trip to the chiropracter. ;)

Jill, thanks for confirming CoD! Doesn't PFF start an hour after opening? If that is true then it will be at 9:00 and usually takes some time. Does everyone think that we will actually have time for CoD and still get back to the park for the BBQ by 11:30? I think we will be pushing it, at least for me as I am bringing an empty suitcase to fill! And did I hear something about them closing that area and moving it to a smaller area that might not accommodate our group? I guess what I am getting at is, and I know this might be blasphemy, what if we skipped PFF? :eek: :duck: Just a thought.
Personally, I don't mind missing PFF . . . . . I think it's cutting it too close too (even though I'm not even going to Company D!)
I've got 2 dates in the works...possibly 3 (with actual men LOL)! ;)

P.S. They will probably all end up being pigs, but at least I can get some practice on dating's been FOREVER!!!
oh la la! Here is hoping at least one of them goes well - and at least it's a free meal popcorn::

"I Love You Forever"? Do you mean that children's book? I bought that when the kids were little on someone's recommendation and it creeped me out. It started out very sweet, but when I got to the part where he's a grown man and she's climbing in his window in the middle of the night....whoa. :scared1: That was a bit much for me. :rotfl2:

I know, right? Who would allow their MIL to crawl through the window to rock their DH?! Creeeeeepy! I think the author had attatchment issues.

Why is it when I know a Disney trip is coming I cannot think about anything else? I want to start planning for our summer trip too, but have no idea if Cars will be open yet, Matterhorn re-opened, or what the hours are going to be like since DLR doesn't list their calendar very far out. It's the only thing that frustrates me with them.

So group rides! What about a claustophobic trip on the subs?! Or a bunch of grown women on Dumbo? :rotfl: I don't remember riding POC as a group last year - did I miss that?
I agree, if PFF starts an hour after opening, it is going to be too tight.

We might be able to fit in a quick group ride photo at park opening (Small World, Pirates, or Jungle Cruise) and then let the CoD ladies hightail it out of there.
Personally, I don't mind missing PFF . . . . . I think it's cutting it too close too (even though I'm not even going to Company D!)

Me three. Every few years is fine for me. Now CoD....that is more rare and special, IMO.
I have no idea how this happened, but I somehow managed to buy airplane tickets and pay for hotel without ever registering that my son Nico's birthday overlaps with this trip - 2/24. I've told him like five times - no, you can't go to DL on your birthday and here I am missing his birthday to go to DL. Not looking to win selfish mom of the year award. Must figure out how to make this all good. Boo on me!!
Didn't you just do that same thing in October without asking for time off work first? :rotfl: Sounds like you need to move closer! :goodvibes :thumbsup2 Hope everything works out that you can still come!
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