Random Acts of Disney Kindness

Come on Julia!:rotfl: Now you have me thinking how that went. It wasn't much candy, hopefully it was received with the innocence that it was given.:confused3

I'm sure it was- it would have been by me.

It's just all in how you tell the story!
I love all of the stories on here :goodvibes We too have given out FP and been lucky enough to also receive 1 or 2 along the way.

On our first day there at Christmas we had been up 17 hours or so (travelling from the UK) and went to Epcot for a ride on the ball and an ice-cream to try and stay awake a bit longer. We were next in line when the CM shouted 'free ice-cream, anyone want a free ice-cream', well how could we say no? So a lovely sundae was ours - a lovely start to our trip.
I just got back from a week long trip and had some great moments. My aunt is a retired teacher who now substitutes at many of the area schools. She spent the first 3 weeks of the semester with some of the special needs classes. When she told them she was going to Disney to see her niece, they were very excited. My aunt wanted to take something back to them so we were collecting the Mickey stickers that CM's give out. We had managed to get get almost enough as we were leaving MK for the day. My aunt stopped by a CM at the exit to the Emporium and asked if she could possibly get 2 more stickers. When the CM heard why, she not only got the stickers, but she gave my aunt enough Mickey pencils for everyone in the class. We made sure to get the CM's name and stop by City Hall and leave a comment card. (Thanks Karie!)

During my visit, I was also handed a FP for the princesses. THis is especially nice because I am a 40 year old woman who was at the parks by myself! I couldn't believe it when a very nice mother handed me the fastpass and then, made sure I was in line behind her when we went in to see the Princesses. Thank you, thank you.

I also tried to pay it all back by taking pictures of people. Since I"m by myself, I don't really have a schedule so I offer to take pictures whenever I see people trying to take photos of themselves or offer to take a picture so everyone can be in the family photo.
This is a FANTASTIC thread!

In August we were eating at Starring Rolls in DHS. My 4 year old son has recently become a Star Wars nut and struck up a "conversation" with a man at another table about Star Wars. Knowing that not all adults want to speak to 4-year olds at great lengths, I tried to reel my DS back in - but the man encouraged my DS and continued to speak with him-asking him questions, etc. It was very, very sweet and made this Momma smile.

Then, just before this man and his wife left, he gave my DS a Mickey Jedi pin.

We had one sweaty, happy kid! :goodvibes

I forgot to add - one of my most treasured memories was back in 2008 on my DS' first trip he was given HUNDREDS of Mickey stickers - no joke. We had his hair cut and we probably walked out with half a roll, and he continued to get huge strips of them daily.

On our last night, after Wishes, we waited to the side as the crowds filtered down Main Street. I pulled out the giant stack of Mickey stickers and quietly handed them out to kids as they walked past - just sticking it out in front of them, at their level. I recall many of them looking up in wonder with a grin. Some parents caught it, some didn't. It was so fun and it blessed me just seeing their faces glowing. It's amazing what a simple sticker can do!
When I see a group taking their own pictures, I offer to take a pic of the whole group. :thumbsup2

I love it when others return the favor. It is a definite boost to have the whole family in the pic.

The pics from our first trip was all DS and me....no DH in the pics. He was always the one taking the pics.
This is a FANTASTIC thread!

In August we were eating at Starring Rolls in DHS. My 4 year old son has recently become a Star Wars nut and struck up a "conversation" with a man at another table about Star Wars. Knowing that not all adults want to speak to 4-year olds at great lengths, I tried to reel my DS back in - but the man encouraged my DS and continued to speak with him-asking him questions, etc. It was very, very sweet and made this Momma smile.

Then, just before this man and his wife left, he gave my DS a Mickey Jedi pin.

We had one sweaty, happy kid! :goodvibes


What a nice thing for him to do for your son...and what a gorgeous child. OMGoodness!! :lovestruc
I forgot to add - one of my most treasured memories was back in 2008 on my DS' first trip he was given HUNDREDS of Mickey stickers - no joke. We had his hair cut and we probably walked out with half a roll, and he continued to get huge strips of them daily.

On our last night, after Wishes, we waited to the side as the crowds filtered down Main Street. I pulled out the giant stack of Mickey stickers and quietly handed them out to kids as they walked past - just sticking it out in front of them, at their level. I recall many of them looking up in wonder with a grin. Some parents caught it, some didn't. It was so fun and it blessed me just seeing their faces glowing. It's amazing what a simple sticker can do!

I love that feeling...:flower3:
such great ideas! I was at Target this morning and in their dollar bins were packs of 15 glow bracelts for $1.00 I bought extras so we can hand some out to other kids :)
In February my parents and I were on Splash Mountain when it broke down. I was flying out that afternoon and would not have a chance to use the fast pass the CM gave me. We found a family of three and gave them the fast passes and the family was so thrilled!

Another time my friend and I were on the bus heading back to our resort when we noticed a mother having difficulty dealing with her baby, the stroller, and all her bags. We asked her if we could help in some way, and she handed us her baby! She got herself organized, took a deep breath, and took her baby back. She thanked us for holding her baby for moment. Not what we expected, but we were happy to help!

My best friend and I spent our birthdays in WDW one year. We were so impressed by the number of strangers who wished us happy birthdays, not just the cast members. Now I try to go out of my way to wish people a happy birthday if they are wearing a birthday pin. :goodvibes
We leave for WDW in 12 days.. and I am SO going to make it my personal mission to spread Pixie Dust for as many people as I can during our trip.

Can someone tell me about the thank you cards for cast members and details about the mints? I would LOVE to do some cool things for the people who work so hard to create the magic...

Thanks so much for this thread!
I have 2 to share:

In 2008 we were at MVMCP, at the show in Tomorrowland and a gentleman gave my daughter what I thought was a Mickey plush - it turned out to be a Pal Mickey!

Just last month we were in line at the turnstiles at Epcot for a early breakfast. Another guest in the line came up to me and said that she had extra jibbitz and asked if she could share them with my DDs. They were both thrilled!
Two years ago, we were in an accident on the way to WDW. I ended up with my neck broken in two places, 10 fractures in my ribs, and a small head bleed so I was sent to a trauma center in GA. My daughter and a friend were both injured but not badly. Friends who were meeting us in WDW turned around and came back up to GA. They took the girls back to WDW after they were released from the ER so they wouldn't have to stay at the center with me. They were barely old enough to check into the resort. However, they were young enough, they were pretty shaken up over the whole thing. They got there in the middle of the night and finally felt like leaving their room early the next afternoon. When they came back, they had a tray full of zebra domes, chocolate treats including chocolate spoons, and a couple of mugs. The tray had a note from Tinkerbell telling them she hoped they felt better soon. When I was released, we decided to go ahead and go to WDW since I couldn't fly and was closer to Orlando than home. The front desk CM's at Kidani sent me a care package of treats and a travel bottle in a soft ice chest. We were there on DVC points so we didn't expect service except once. The mousekeeper saw me and talked to her manager who allowed her to come in and help out in the room every day. I loved Disney before the wreck, but loved it even more after all they did to make me as comfortable as they could with all the injuries I had.
Two years ago, we were in an accident on the way to WDW. I ended up with my neck broken in two places, 10 fractures in my ribs, and a small head bleed so I was sent to a trauma center in GA. My daughter and a friend were both injured but not badly. Friends who were meeting us in WDW turned around and came back up to GA. They took the girls back to WDW after they were released from the ER so they wouldn't have to stay at the center with me. They were barely old enough to check into the resort. However, they were young enough, they were pretty shaken up over the whole thing. They got there in the middle of the night and finally felt like leaving their room early the next afternoon. When they came back, they had a tray full of zebra domes, chocolate treats including chocolate spoons, and a couple of mugs. The tray had a note from Tinkerbell telling them she hoped they felt better soon. When I was released, we decided to go ahead and go to WDW since I couldn't fly and was closer to Orlando than home. The front desk CM's at Kidani sent me a care package of treats and a travel bottle in a soft ice chest. We were there on DVC points so we didn't expect service except once. The mousekeeper saw me and talked to her manager who allowed her to come in and help out in the room every day. I loved Disney before the wreck, but loved it even more after all they did to make me as comfortable as they could with all the injuries I had.

I'm tearing up after that one! I still think we need a tears of joy smilie.:flower3:
I posted this on a similar thread, but not this one, so here it goes.

Last November I was in DHS (on a solo trip) and was looking for somewhere to eat dinner. I decided on the Backlot Express as I wanted one of the Turkey on Ciabatta subs. As I walked in it was very empty, but I didn't think much of it. When I got up to the register the cashier apologized and said they were closed. I had failed to check the closing time on my map to see that they closed early, about 5 minutes before I got there. I started to walk out when the manager, Michael, came over and told me they still had some food left and if I wanted something they still had I could get it. I asked if they had any of the Turkey subs and he checked. He came back out with a turkey sub with fries and a large cup. I tried to pay but he said the registers were all closed already so I could have them for free. I was surprised, but happy, and thanked him many times. I also wrote in about him to Guest Relations.

It was my own fault for not reading the map, but he was so nice and went above and beyond by not only checking for what I wanted and bringing it out for me, but also letting me have it all for free. I won't ever forget that, and I plan on going by there in February to see if he is there to thank him again. :goodvibes
I found the templates for the mints and the thank you cards on the creative disigns portion of the forum
In February my parents and I were on Splash Mountain when it broke down. I was flying out that afternoon and would not have a chance to use the fast pass the CM gave me. We found a family of three and gave them the fast passes and the family was so thrilled!

Another time my friend and I were on the bus heading back to our resort when we noticed a mother having difficulty dealing with her baby, the stroller, and all her bags. We asked her if we could help in some way, and she handed us her baby! She got herself organized, took a deep breath, and took her baby back. She thanked us for holding her baby for moment. Not what we expected, but we were happy to help!

My best friend and I spent our birthdays in WDW one year. We were so impressed by the number of strangers who wished us happy birthdays, not just the cast members. Now I try to go out of my way to wish people a happy birthday if they are wearing a birthday pin. :goodvibes


Two years ago, we were in an accident on the way to WDW. I ended up with my neck broken in two places, 10 fractures in my ribs, and a small head bleed so I was sent to a trauma center in GA. My daughter and a friend were both injured but not badly. Friends who were meeting us in WDW turned around and came back up to GA. They took the girls back to WDW after they were released from the ER so they wouldn't have to stay at the center with me. They were barely old enough to check into the resort. However, they were young enough, they were pretty shaken up over the whole thing. They got there in the middle of the night and finally felt like leaving their room early the next afternoon. When they came back, they had a tray full of zebra domes, chocolate treats including chocolate spoons, and a couple of mugs. The tray had a note from Tinkerbell telling them she hoped they felt better soon. When I was released, we decided to go ahead and go to WDW since I couldn't fly and was closer to Orlando than home. The front desk CM's at Kidani sent me a care package of treats and a travel bottle in a soft ice chest. We were there on DVC points so we didn't expect service except once. The mousekeeper saw me and talked to her manager who allowed her to come in and help out in the room every day. I loved Disney before the wreck, but loved it even more after all they did to make me as comfortable as they could with all the injuries I had.

Happy that you are okay!:)

I posted this on a similar thread, but not this one, so here it goes.

Last November I was in DHS (on a solo trip) and was looking for somewhere to eat dinner. I decided on the Backlot Express as I wanted one of the Turkey on Ciabatta subs. As I walked in it was very empty, but I didn't think much of it. When I got up to the register the cashier apologized and said they were closed. I had failed to check the closing time on my map to see that they closed early, about 5 minutes before I got there. I started to walk out when the manager, Michael, came over and told me they still had some food left and if I wanted something they still had I could get it. I asked if they had any of the Turkey subs and he checked. He came back out with a turkey sub with fries and a large cup. I tried to pay but he said the registers were all closed already so I could have them for free. I was surprised, but happy, and thanked him many times. I also wrote in about him to Guest Relations.

It was my own fault for not reading the map, but he was so nice and went above and beyond by not only checking for what I wanted and bringing it out for me, but also letting me have it all for free. I won't ever forget that, and I plan on going by there in February to see if he is there to thank him again. :goodvibes

The other day I was at the caramel shop in Germany. The lady in front of my was buying treats for all of her grandchildren. She was trying to decide what to get for herself, and I mentioned I had been craving the chocolate/caramel covered strawberry for WEEKS. She decided to get it, and we talked for a little bit in line. At the cash register, all of her grandkids were saying thank you, so I threw in a thank you so I wouldn't be left out. We laughed and she told me to throw my strawberry in and she'd pay for it! I couldn't do it-even though it was a SUPER nice gesture, I just felt bad. It wasn't what I was going for, but I thanked her anyway. I saw her a little later and said thank you again for the thought, and she thanked me for suggesting the strawberry! I love nice people :)


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