Random things at Disney that bring tears to your eyes?

Setting the CD player in the rental car to "You can fly, you can fly..." to where Peter Pan says "off to Neverland!" and if I set it just right, Peter will say, "second star to the right and straight on to morning" as I drive under the sign. I know I'm back and the tears start flowing.

Pulling into the resort and having the guard say 'welcome home!'

Anything to do with Walt- the Partners statue, the film in 'One Man's Dream', (ok - ALL of One Man's Dream!)

The 9/11 scenes in HoP and The American Adventure (plus the whole montage in American Adventure).

The biggest is Wishes when the Blue Fairy invites us all to put our hearts together to make wish come true. 5 years ago, my DM was on chemotherapy. My wish was for her to be well. She was in remition for 3 1/2 years. Last year it came back. In November at MK I made that wish again, but the cancer was too aggressive and we lost her in January. This past trip last month the wish was, "I wish it never happened".

At every turn in WDW there's another memory for me, so being in my 40's, I wear sunglasses!
This thread has me all choked up!!

Mine are:
That first moment when I step on to Main St. USA and smell the sweet smells, hear the music, and realize I am "home" :goodvibes

Wishes. 'Nuff said.

The American Adventure gets to me everytime!

Seeing The Little Mermaid and Beauty & The Beast live on stage.

This January will be my son's first trip...he'll be 2 1/2. I'm sure there will be MANY tear worthy moments. He already loves Mickey and the gang and most especially loves Cars and Toy Story. So I just know he's going to love it as much as his mommy does :love:
One for me is when DS, 19 mos old at the time, rode Dumbo for the 1st time. He was laughing and squealing, I just love that moment! He called it "Bumbo" & wanted to go again & again.

When DS, still 19 mos old (same trip), got up every morning & climbed right into his stroller saying "GO GO GO!" I loved that he couldn't wait to get back to the parks.

Then when 2nd DS, 1 yr at the time, met Mickey for the 1st time. He kept staring at Mickey & then reached out and touched his nose.

DH proposed to me while we were on the 7 Seas Lagoon in a 2 seater mouseboat. He stopped right in front of the view of the castle. So, every time I see the lagoon, I get teary eyed remembering that moment.

Of course, the castle, Wishes, watching my DH having a blast w/our boys, leaving for the airport on DME as well.

When we 1st walk into a park on our 1st day & I know I'm back home.
When I was a girl, my folks always had us walk past the statue of Mickey and Walt on our last day to say thank you. I have my girls do that now and bawl like a baby.

Love reading everyone's posts! Thank you!

I saw another post that said you inspired them to start this tradition. You've inspired me too! Thanks!

We're leaving Saturday for our DD10's 2nd trip, our DD7's 2nd (but the first one she'll remember), and our DS3's 1st trip. They have no idea, and our 2 DDs have been "saving up" a dollar here and a dollar there of their own money to pay for a family trip to Disney. They think it'll be years before we get to go. But we're going to wake them up on Saturday and ask them if they know of anyone who'd like to go to Disney today. I'm tearing up reading these posts and thinking how many of their wishes are going to come true and how many memories we're going to make while we're there!
My son, now 18, has Down Syndrome. The two of us go about once a year. My all-time favorite was once shortly after DME started.

DS was probably 12 or 13. EVERY single DME CM totally and completely "ignored" me - instead dealing with/talking only with DS. It made him feel very important and special.

If something really was needed from me that he didn't know/didn't have, they asked him to ask me. For example "tell your mom you need the bus tickets (when they needed our DME paperwork)." And then told him "ok - now take your mom to that line over there" (and another CM lead/showed DS.) At least 3 CM's "teamed up" on this. DS left feeling like he'd handled the whole thing all by himself.

I'm so pleased that you posted this. What a wonderful memory. :hug:
The ballerina bird routine in The Festival of the Lion King. Was a ballet dancer in my younger years :-)rotfl:) and that would have been my dream job. It's so beautiful- bring tears to my eyes EVERY time! :love:
We are also adoptive parents. Isnt it wonderful. No one knows but us how wonderful it is to expand a family this way. congrats.

Thank you! We're very excited, it's been a very long difficult road for all three of us. What better way to celebrate the end than with Mickey? :goodvibes
Well, we've only been once. Here is a partial list of the things that choked me up...

Seeing the CMs at the Magical Express counter at the airport waving at us with their big Mickey gloves.

Pulling into POP and hearing "Welcome Home".

Driving under the Magic Kingdom sign for the first time.

The opening show at Magic Kingdom.

Seeing the castle.

Seeing the Magic, Memories and You castle show.

Seeing Wishes.

Just seeing the joy and excitement on my kids' faces all day, every day that we were there.

Seeing my daughter cry the day we left. Also the CM who came running over and wanted to know why the princess was crying.

My 11 year old son buying my 8 year old daughter a stuffed animal she wanted but didn't have money for, and handing it to her while saying "After all, this is the place where dreams come true."

Ok, this one just made me tear up a little. How sweet! I cannot wait for our first magical trip coming up in 173 days!
Reading these posts are making me choke back tears and hide the fact from my DH who would shake his head and say "Oh my word!" Like he never shed a tear at Disney. :rotfl:

Driving into our resort.

Seeing the Castle the first time into the park.

Watching our kids light up when meeting their favorite characters.

Another who cries hearing Jiminy Cricket during Wishes.

Saying "until next time" to the Castle.

A couple years ago, watching a little girl, about three years old, dressed in a pink ballerina dress walking hand-in-hand with Mary Poppins down the street before the start of the afternoon parade. No idea who she belonged too (Im sure her mom was just off to the side bawling, because I sure was.) The little girl looked like she could fly. She wasn't giddy or talking, just a little smile on her face, quietly in awe of who she was holding hands with. Ok...gotta go.:sad:
On our first trip, DD was 4. When she saw Tinker Bell fly down from the castle during the fireworks, she turned to me and said, "Mommy, this really IS the most magical place on earth!" Everyone around us chuckled, and as I looked around, I noticed I wasn't the only one with a tear in my eye.
For my daughter's first trip, we did the fireworks dessert reception - standing there when Tink flew directly over our head and my daughter thrilled and shreiking "Tink blew kisses to me - to me Mom" AMAZING. The tears were flowing.

That same night we stayed for extra magic hours - had bought glow bracelets before we left home. There was a family on the bus that was giving the "this is breaking the bank" vibe. My 5 year started talking to one of the children and before I knew it she was taking off her bracelets and giving them to her new friend. Naturally, the adults in our group followed suit and provided the siblings with matching bracelets and the look on the other Mom's face was gratefulness. I will never forget this moment and the reminder that the smallest gestures can make a huge difference.

To me this is what being at Disney is all about - The MAGICprincess:
Seeing families who you know saved for years just to be able to bring their children to The World.

Also, stepping onto Main St. at MK, the first monorail ride of every trip, the characters at our breakfast/lunch/dinner, and the biggest: watching my daughter's face light up every single moment of every single day that we're there.
A real day of tears today. Parked the car at 8am this morning at EPCOT and once we reach the bag check, could hear theEPCOT music, this always gets me; tried to stiffle the tears, to no avail.

Later when we went to get the fast passes for Soarin; as we entered the building and walked along the sloping walkway and down the escalators, it took me back 15 years ago when our twin boys were seven and it was our first trip.I could remember them running along as if it was yesterday. I balled again.
I sat alone in the cafe, while DH went back to the car, seeing the other little ones running round so excited, just started me off all over again.Disney brings back so many wonderful memories, and we are so blessed that we could bring our boys so often when they were growing up.
pffttt!! What a bunch of babies!!!:rotfl2:

Don't tell anyone, here's mine.

It was at DL 2009, my then DF first Disney trip. I was 8 months preggers with my DD(now 3) and it was mid October, my favorite time to go to Disney. I can't remeber the name of the parade, but the song was from Brother Bear about families. We were watching the parade near IASW and it comes to the point where the floats stop and they do their big number. The Lion King float stops right in front of us and the "birds" are spinning and all the other "animals" are dancing, and I couldn't hold it. DF looks at me and asks if I'm crying, I respond with a Napolean Dynamite, "Noooooooo" followed by "shut up!!" and then, it the most sappy voice I could muster, "It's so magical!";)
I know this will happen but...

All the times I been to Disney but never had the guts to muster Exp Everest. My dad who was 69 last year finally got the guts to go on it with me and talked me into it...and we both loved it!

I regret all the times I been there and was like Meh its too wild I'll pass!!

Unfortunately he passed November 2010 but my mom and I are going in 27 days so I'll def thank him for "making" me go on it.
Mine is when we are comming back to our room on our last night to see that dreaded magical express envelope hanging on our room door. It hits you like a ton of bricks....back to reality the next day magic is over....:sad1:
I just remembered a couple -- in 2005 I was on a magical trip with my then boyfriend (now husband) and it was his first time at Disney. I saw how much he loved it and it was making me so happy (ex was a hater).

We were leaving a park one night and it wasn't our last night but it was our last night in that park and I was saying goodbye in the way that I do. We must have missed something or couldn't get to do something I wanted to do or whatever and the boyfriend looked at me and said "don't worry we'll do it next time we come back" I lost it.

Anyway, at about our 4th night there we watched Fantasmic. Never saw it and didn't know what to expect. I flipped. I mean by the end I was crying my eyes out and couldn't stop. Every time I would try I would make it worse (sort of like that feeling after watching Beaches).

I'm walking out of the theater saying to my boyfriend I couldn't believe I was that bad and the big burly guy behind me overhears me. He told me not to feel bad as HE was getting choked up. Needless to say that made me cry even more.
I am crying of course now reading through all of these! I SO WISH I could see just ONE other person getting emotional AT wdw! BUT I am glad now to know that yall exist:)

Without fail, I cry the first time I see the castle..and that feeling of "everything is right in the world; I am home" washes over me.

My oldest DD was 3 at her first trip (she is now 7, but I will refer to her as DD3 for this story:). For over a year before the trip, DD3 had eat, slept and breathed Princess Aurora. DD3 and Princess Aurora had become "penpals"...DD3 would draw pictures to Princess Aurora and send her special things (like the glitter bandaid that the dr gave her at her shots, that she said she didn't want to use, instead she wanted to send it to Princess Aurora)...and "princess Aurora" sent DD3 letters and little gifts ect (obviously it was just me sending her those things). So when we actually got to MEET Aurora, I was overcome with emotion about it, and then panicked: what if DD3 mentioned the gifts and letters that "Aurora" had sent and the actual Princess Aurora blew my cover?!? and of course DD3 said something referencing their correspondence and Aurora totally went along with it...and I don't know that I have ever cried to hard. I could barely breathe. CM asked if I was alright.

I was speaking with a friend recently about how watching a child meet their favorite character at WDW is far more special than my meeting any living person (the President, rock star, ect). It is TRULY MAGIC!

Now I have three DD and many many wonderful moments in my life to be thankful for....but I swear that DD3 meeting Princess Aurora is the greatest!

ONLY FOUR DAYS and FIFTEEN hours (approximately:) til I see the castle again!!!!!!!!!


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