Where did this heat and all these people come from? The new PTR/TR link 5/7

Congrats on tackling the orange side!!!! WAY TO GO!

I think it was so neat that you got to spend some time with your parents on this trip! What fun!
First off--Sorry the job didn't work out. There's still at least a month until school starts (at least for us), so there's still time for something to work out.

Love your update. I rode the orange side when that was the only choice back in 2005--I've never done it again!

I cracked up when I saw your two important crops!
Sorry about the job, Katie :hug:. Your update was terrific, though! That picture of your parents is so cute!! Everything I've heard about the Behind the Seeds tour has been really positive-- I hope they return to FL so they can do it!
Question about Mission Space. I have been hesitant to ride it for fear of claustrophobia. Is it a really confined space?
woo!! I have finally caught up!!! What an amazing time so far!! I love your report!!! Your right, it was super hot and crowded the week before too! I'm so proud you did the orange mission! Way to go girl! :)
Sorry I've been MIA! We are doing some work on our house while Greg had a couple weeks away from basketball (he does have practice a few evenings this week and all next week leading up to a tournament then he will be done again until early winter) He had disconnected our internet cord while working in the kitchen and finally reconnected it today. I have missed it so!! I am able to FB and see a bit of the Dis on my phone but it just is not easy to type messages

Ugggg, Mission Space :sick: It is the simulation that makes me sick as well - I tried it once and will never try it again!

That picture of the dessert case at Sunshine Seasons is making me hungry, yum!

I think your parents would love the Behind the Seeds tour, I hope it works out and they can go :thumbsup2

I remembered feeling pretty much the same way doing the green side, I rather enjoyed the g-forces, it was the rocking around of the landing simulation that did me in.

I didn't want anything there at 9 in the morning but boy I could take 2 or 3 of those babies right now!

First, I am sending you hugs & good thoughts for a job.

Your Epcot morning looks like fun!! I remeber the first time we rode Mussion Space; I was positive my cousin was going to get sick, I spent most of the ride trying to see what I could re-purpose into a barf bag!! :)

Thanks Katie!

In a pinch, it's amazing what can do for a barf bag (who was it that saw a creative mom on the monorail repurposing a urinal for her young son? I want to say Michelle :confused3)

Great update, Katie. Love the pictures of the F&G and the Land. I'm with you and Michelle--once was enough on Mission for me. Mark insisted I would love it. My face was not it's natural color for at least four hours after I rode that ride. :scared1:

I'm glad the wooziness didn't last too long. I was feeling basically back to normal by the time I made my way back outside

Great update!! I love the Land ride at Epcot!!! Such a peaceful but educational ride!!! Glad you were able to spend some time with your parents!! That is awesome!!!!

Thinking of you and the reservation job, will be doing lots of prayer for you!!!

Thanks Jen! One more decent prospect just came open at the high school here too, not teaching but regular school hours and good para pay.

Enjoyed your update. I didn't do Living with the Land last year but will this time. So nice that your parents came.

I just love Living with the Land. I did it in 2008 as a time filler and had no idea how much everyone would enjoy it!

I have only done the green side of MS and even that I will never do again. Too claustrophobic for me. :sick:

I never tire of pictures of those beautiful F&G topiaries! I really need to make it down there for a festival other than food and wine... :rolleyes1

Glad you are more optimistic on the job front. Good thoughts are headed your way! :wizard:

Someday I must join you for F&W :thumbsup2

I'm not really a huge breakfast eater either. I can usually last on just coffee until lunchtime or so. And it sort of feels like wasted park time to me so I would have been the same way as you Katie. Her breakfast does look very yummy though!

We held off on Mission Space for a long time on our last trip because I get very motion sick and I didn't think the kids would enjoy it. Well, the Dramamine worked and the kids loved it. It's neat when rides surprise you in a good way. :)

You parents are adorable. I'm glad they enjoyed the ride so much!!

Good luck on this other job opportunity Katie. It's hard to wait and wonder why you weren't chosen. I hope you nail this next interview!

I'm exactly the same way...coffee when I wake up and I'm good until 11 or so and by that time I'm ready for lunch food

Glad you got to try it without feeling poorly. My motion issues are unpredictable so I'm leary sometimes because I never know what will bother it. I've discovered that dark seems to make a difference. On Soarin I have no issues until the Disneyland scene and I really think it's because of the dark :confused3

I e-mailed the principal and asked if he could give me any feedback on my interview to help me in the future but he couldn't give me any info because of legal reasons, that just stinks!
Hmmmm....now you have tempted me into trying Green next trip. I have been an Orange rider til now because I am also prone to motion sickness.

I think I will have to do it. Very fearful of getting sick, but I don't want to find out years from now that like you, I could have done it all along without problem.

Glad your parents liked the Living with the Land ride. What a great idea for a gift for them with the Behind the Seeds Tour!:goodvibes
I am very proud of you, Katie, for trying the orange side of Mission:Space! :laughing: I will continue to skip that ride, though. ;)

We have lots of cotton here in Georgia -- I could send you some if you want -- my dad grows it for fun in his garden, and we have a bunch from last year. Then, Patrick could see what it looks like up close and personal. :laughing:

I don't know if you are joking or not but I would actually love some cotton! I remember one time as a kid my Dad went somewhere on a work trip and brought home cotton. This Iowa girl thought it was pretty darn cool!

Your latest installment made me wonder whether I should give Mission Space another shot. It's one of very few rides to make me feel sick, but maybe I should try again. Hmmm.....

I also enjoyed your shots of the pastry case at Sunshine Seasons. I love that place :)

I always hear great things about Sunshine Seasons but I've never eaten there because WS just has too many awesome choices that I'm drawn in that direction!

Great Update! I love the Land, we did the Behind the Seeds and it was very interesting. There are pics in my TR below (probably on the 1st page, it's not that long). I have never done Mission Space, I didn't want to go on it by myself and DH wanted nothing to do with it, I guess I'll have to wait till another trip with more people...

I'm going to have to check out your TR!

I want to at least try all the rides in Disney eventually (except for Stitch of course!)

I did the orange side once - and yep, it was enough! :laughing:

The Behind the Seeds tour sounds so interesting, both Joe and I want to do it sometime and we aren't "garden" people - I bet your folks would love every minute of it! What a very good idea for a Christmas gift!

I know my parents would love the tour but would never choose to spend the money on themselves. I love the idea of getting them a christmas present that they will enjoy!

Gosh! I've been MIA and missed out hearing the outcome of you job. So sorry to read that. :hug:

Your update on Epcot so far is great and I love the fact that you went on the orange side...I did this in 2005 and wasn't brave enough to go back for a second time this time round.

Great food porn and the live food porn shots are excellent too :thumbsup2

I'm really glad I did it and I might be enticed back on oneday when the memory of it fades just a bit. I have a feeling Greg will want to try the orange side next time we go together.

Congrats on tackling the orange side!!!! WAY TO GO!

I think it was so neat that you got to spend some time with your parents on this trip! What fun!

I was a little surprised when they suggested they might join us for a day but we had a great time. At one point my Dad asked my Mom if they go again next winter if they have to fly me down to be their tour planner...I said YES!

First off--Sorry the job didn't work out. There's still at least a month until school starts (at least for us), so there's still time for something to work out.

Love your update. I rode the orange side when that was the only choice back in 2005--I've never done it again!

I cracked up when I saw your two important crops!

We have about 5 1/2 weeks before school starts again so there's still time...keeping my fingers crossed!

will you ever try the green side?

If there was a cheese plant, that would have been a list of 3 :rotfl:

Sorry about the job, Katie :hug:. Your update was terrific, though! That picture of your parents is so cute!! Everything I've heard about the Behind the Seeds tour has been really positive-- I hope they return to FL so they can do it!

My parents have a winter home in Florida (near Sarasota) and so do 2 of my Mom's sister's so I hope they decide to take advantage of the Florida resident deals sometime!

Question about Mission Space. I have been hesitant to ride it for fear of claustrophobia. Is it a really confined space?

I have to admit, I'm not terribly sensitive to space issues so I can't say for sure. It definitely is a small space, picture 4 people on a large sofa with walls all around you. I'm not sure it would be a good choice for claustrophobia

woo!! I have finally caught up!!! What an amazing time so far!! I love your report!!! Your right, it was super hot and crowded the week before too! I'm so proud you did the orange mission! Way to go girl! :)

Thanks Stace! It's good to see you around the dis some more...will you be updating your TR anytime soon? :rolleyes1
Hmmmm....now you have tempted me into trying Green next trip. I have been an Orange rider til now because I am also prone to motion sickness.

I think I will have to do it. Very fearful of getting sick, but I don't want to find out years from now that like you, I could have done it all along without problem.

Glad your parents liked the Living with the Land ride. What a great idea for a gift for them with the Behind the Seeds Tour!:goodvibes

Do you mean you have done Greeen all along? (no g-forces, considered less intense) Maybe it's just my experience but the g-forces really didn't bother me at all :confused3 althought the sensation of your ****s being smashed into your armpits is certainly a unique one :rotfl2:
Question about Mission Space. I have been hesitant to ride it for fear of claustrophobia. Is it a really confined space?

I have to admit, I'm not terribly sensitive to space issues so I can't say for sure. It definitely is a small space, picture 4 people on a large sofa with walls all around you. I'm not sure it would be a good choice for claustrophobia

Of course everyone is different and I would hate to scare anyone away from something that they might really enjoy. But I will tell you that I don't consider myself to be someone who has major space issues and I wasn't sure I was going to make it. :scared: And I was in the "ship" with another adult and two kids. Katie describes it as a sofa but it felt like more of a loveseat to me. And of course it is a loveseat/sofa you are strapped into... :rolleyes1
I don't know if you are joking or not but I would actually love some cotton! I remember one time as a kid my Dad went somewhere on a work trip and brought home cotton. This Iowa girl thought it was pretty darn cool!

Oh, I am completely serious! :goodvibes PM me your address, and I will send you some! :thumbsup2
In a pinch, it's amazing what can do for a barf bag (who was it that saw a creative mom on the monorail repurposing a urinal for her young son? I want to say Michelle :confused3)

Yep, that was in my December TR - saw a lady have her son use a Disney shopping bag as a toilet :laughing:
Of course everyone is different and I would hate to scare anyone away from something that they might really enjoy. But I will tell you that I don't consider myself to be someone who has major space issues and I wasn't sure I was going to make it. :scared: And I was in the "ship" with another adult and two kids. Katie describes it as a sofa but it felt like more of a loveseat to me. And of course it is a loveseat/sofa you are strapped into... :rolleyes1

:laughing: OK, it sounds like C is more sensitive to confined space than I am. If you have space (no pun intended!) issues, probably best to skip it

Oh, I am completely serious! :goodvibes PM me your address, and I will send you some! :thumbsup2

Will do!

Yep, that was in my December TR - saw a lady have her son use a Disney shopping bag as a toilet :laughing:

I knew I hadn't imagined it! As the mom of boys, I have to appreciate the creativity...however gross it may be!
Day 4 continued

I forgot this picture in the previous update. When we first arrived in Epcot, Beth and I had to say good morning to SE


So when I left you, we had breakfast and visited the greenhouses then we headed out of the land


And walked in this direction. I love this picture which includes all the highlights of this spot


I took several blurry pictures of the Nemo gang as we entered the tanks




Take me with you! LOL!!


We headed first to see the manatees. I love these gentle creatures. We spent quite a bit of time watching them. This one was enjoying their early lunch


While this one continued to do laps. I found it fascinating how he (she?) would push itself along the bottom with it’s fins


Then went to visit the saltwater tanks



Found Nemo!




This guy must be a UNI Panther fan (GO CATS!!)


We didn’t forget the obligatory shark shot


Then of course had to say Hi to the rays


While we waited to talk to Crush, a young man named John was there waiting with me. He was an autistic child who for some reason took quite a liking to me. His Mom and Aunt apologized a couple times for some of his behavior (mostly touching me, of course a stranger to him) but I wasn't bothered by it and really had a nice time talking to him while we waited to be let in



It was a cute show as usual!
Do you mean you have done Greeen all along? (no g-forces, considered less intense) Maybe it's just my experience but the g-forces really didn't bother me at all :confused3 althought the sensation of your ****s being smashed into your armpits is certainly a unique one :rotfl2:

Sorry - yes, I got that completely backward.:upsidedow
After Crush is was time to return to the land


And do a little Soarin!!! I had told Mom (who hadn’t ever seen it before) and Dad that when we got to the CM, I was going to request a front row seat and we might have to wait a cycle but it would be worth it. As it turns out, I didn’t have to - we were assigned front and center!!!!!! I sat with my camera in my lap and just clicked the shutter button (no flash of course) and was amazed at how well my pictures came out…no narration necessary, just enjoy!









I love how the seahorse and starfish look as if they are just chatting with each other.:lmao:

wow your shots from Soarin' turned out Amazing.:thumbsup2

LOVE YOUR SOARIN' SHOTS! I always try this and it never works with my camera. :confused3 Woo hoo for front row and center! :thumbsup2

Wonderful pictures at the aquarium too! I love watching all the fish there.

I have two favorite parts of the Nemo ride. 1) Listening to Henry's reactions and trying to catch glimpses of his face in awe. 2) The starfish! He's hilarious!
Love the shark pic and of course I love going to see Crush.

Great shots on Soarin.


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