Brooklynn takes Bella to meet Cinderella! Page 242 Downtown Disney

I always remind myself that my Great Value generic Nutrigrain bars are helping me pay for the next trip of Tusker House breakfasts! :thumbsup2

I have the same thoughts about my daily PBJ sammies that I have at my desk while I Dis. All that money I don't spend on lunches, movies, Starbucks, jewelry, clothes, etc. goes for Disney trips, and I am quite happy with the arrangement. :)

Haha, I am! I want to try someplace that we've never been before and there are so many choices -- it is very hard for someone as indecisive as me. :laughing: I'm going to look at the Cape May menu, and will most likely add it to the list of places I am considering. ;)

You will love that one!

This picture is the BEST! I'm not really a breakfast eater and in fact I often feel sick most of the day if I dare eat before 10:00 am but these breakfast buffets always look so yummy!

Sometimes Brooklynn gets a little giddy around her favorite Disney pals. She just got all 'flappy' when Mickey started signing her book. :laughing:

We have done like 10:30 brunches, and then we only eat one other meal that day.

We had a litttle something before we left and then just had mickey bars instead and then that night we had date night :thumbsup2 (TR). I thought about picnic in the park but I still think the idea needs some more adjusting. I do like the universal fastpass machines:thumbsup2.
10 isn't enough :scared1:

Ten is not enough for me! I'm thinking twelve would be good, and after that fourteen. :laughing:

Great pics as always. Is Tigger at Tusker House? If he is not, I might book it for next time. Cayley is still scared of him. What did the MRI say?

No Tigger there.

MRI news to follow.

Just wanted to say, I love your trip reports! We're taking our 18 month old twin girls to Disney for the first time in September - and are taking their MeMom with us - we can't wait! It's been so nice reading your earlier trip reports to see how Brooklynn enjoyed her trips around that age!

We're so glad you are with us! We have fun here. At least I think so!

It's great that your girls are getting magical time with their MeMom. I treasure with all of my heart my time with my girls - and most especially our Disney time, because when I'm there, I'm thinking of nothing else out here in the world but them!

MeMom there is no lull in this crazy house. Soccer first game tomorrow. Preschool first day, pumpkin patches, Halloween (not a trip to WDW to get some MNSSHP fun though) and all kinds of great stuff.

I have lived your life - 3 busy kids - only I was the only adult, so I am familiar with crazy. As long as you keep us posted on your kiddies, we'll let you wait until June for your next trip. ;)

Aww, MeMom, the pics of the girls are great! I know you are very proud.
I can't wait to take Ty.
How did the results from your MRI turn out? Hope it's not a major thing and you'll be ready for October.

You will have so much fun with Ty! It just gets that much happier with your little sweeties there.

I should be good to go in October. :thumbsup2

It's late and I'm wondering if you heard anything back on the MRI.....


Here's the news: I spent about forty minutes in a tube with just my neck and head sticking out on Thursday. I was ready to throw my arms up and sound some kind of alarm on the machine if it dared to try to put my head in! The last five minutes, my back was cramping so bad, but I wasn't allowed to move. I was glad when it was over!

The results were that I have multiple tears inside and out on/in my meniscus. He will do the surgery on 9-9-09. The lady that gave me all the pre-op paperwork wanted to know if I wanted to do it at 9 o'clock after she saw the date. I told her no, I'd like it at 9:09. :) She said she'd see what she could do! :laughing:

He said my knee will not be 100%, but he can get most of the pain gone, so I'll take that. He said I'd be off of it about a week and can go back to school on crutches for however long it takes to start putting weight on it.

I am mad at myself, though, because if I had gone a week earlier, I could have had it this coming week, which means I could have gotten out of doing all my testing!!! Our Reading Specialist would have ended up doing it for me.

Stupid, stupid me!!!! Is there a smilie that is beating its own head? :laughing:
Good morning Memom. :wave:. I am getting ready to make my dining reservations. I will comeback and tell you all about them. I will come back and tell you about the Christmas Train too. Sorry to hear about your knee surgery not being a week earlier. I can only hope that when Lexi goes off to school she gets a teacher as good as you.
I'm glad you were able to get through the MRI. I've never had one, but it doesn't sound fun! I'll be praying that your surgery goes well and you have a quick recovery.

Stupid, stupid me!!!! Is there a smilie that is beating its own head? :laughing:

Can't find it but I did find this

Glad you have everything set up. You will fell so much better after its done and get a little rehab behind ya!!

Have a good Saturday......I'm going to the Keith Urban concert tonight!! :yay:
DOH!!! Oh well!!!! :rotfl2:

I'm glad to hear you have a date and that you will have plenty of time to recover before your trip to Disney!!!!! Please keep us updated!!! I'm very happy that the doctor will be able to give you some substantial relief!! YAY!!
Love your Tusker House pictures! Looking at yours makes me wonder why I didn't take more of the inside and the decor. It's so cool in there. :thumbsup2

Glad you have a date for your surgery. :hug:
WOW, think of all the pictures MeMom will take now that she will be able to get around better. Praying for a successful surgery and a speedy healing process.
Yep, you should have planned that better so you wouldn't have had to test. ;)

I am so glad that you have a date set now! It must be a bit of a relief knowing the end of the pain is getting closer! :goodvibes
Memom so glad you get to have the surgery before your trip. I pray all will go well and you'll be up and totally healed and rarin' to go on your October trip!!
I am mad at myself, though, because if I had gone a week earlier, I could have had it this coming week, which means I could have gotten out of doing all my testing!!! Our Reading Specialist would have ended up doing it for me.

Stupid, stupid me!!!! Is there a smilie that is beating its own head? :laughing:[/B][/COLOR]

:rotfl: That cracked me up! You sound like me...anything to get out of testing!

Glad to hear everything should be better with your knee by trip time! :woohoo:
I'm glad the MRI is done with and you have a date set to get your knee fixed. Sorry you couldn't get out of the testing, but I'm glad that you'll be mostly pain-free very soon!
Two August babies got me out of some testing too- glad you have a date, and time to recover before WDW.
Good morning Memom. :wave:. I am getting ready to make my dining reservations. I will comeback and tell you all about them. I will come back and tell you about the Christmas Train too. Sorry to hear about your knee surgery not being a week earlier. I can only hope that when Lexi goes off to school she gets a teacher as good as you.

We'll look forward to hearing about all the good places you are going to eat!

I wish the Christmas Train would come here, but I think Memphis is the closest it got/is getting.

If you mean a teacher that would rather teach than test, I think you're going to find them everywhere! I know she'll have good teachers, although they probably won't be allowed to be as good as they would like to be. It won't be their fault; it's just the way things are.

I'm glad you were able to get through the MRI. I've never had one, but it doesn't sound fun! I'll be praying that your surgery goes well and you have a quick recovery.


Not fun at all. When she rolled me in, I must have had a worried look, because she said that I wouldn't go in any further except maybe an inch or two. Believe me, I was on the ready in case it went past the two inch limit! :laughing:

Can't find it but I did find this

Glad you have everything set up. You will fell so much better after its done and get a little rehab behind ya!!

Have a good Saturday......I'm going to the Keith Urban concert tonight!! :yay:

That'll do. I can't believe I'm wasting a whole surgery and not getting out of testing. Maybe I should schedule it for next September and time it a little better! ;)

Have fun at the concert! Who is going? Just you and Matt?

DOH!!! Oh well!!!! :rotfl2:

I'm glad to hear you have a date and that you will have plenty of time to recover before your trip to Disney!!!!! Please keep us updated!!! I'm very happy that the doctor will be able to give you some substantial relief!! YAY!!

I will be happy with substantial relief. :thumbsup2

Here's some pixie dust for that knee!pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:

Thanks! I can't wait to just walk around Disney World again without hobbling.

Love your Tusker House pictures! Looking at yours makes me wonder why I didn't take more of the inside and the decor. It's so cool in there. :thumbsup2

Glad you have a date for your surgery. :hug:

It is cool. I liked all those different colored plates, too!
Did you notice the one picture of the crocodile? :scared1:

WOW, think of all the pictures MeMom will take now that she will be able to get around better. Praying for a successful surgery and a speedy healing process.

I will surpass the 5100 with ease! :cool1:
Last summer I think it was 6300-6400, so I was a slacker this year!

Yep, you should have planned that better so you wouldn't have had to test. ;)

I am so glad that you have a date set now! It must be a bit of a relief knowing the end of the pain is getting closer! :goodvibes

It is a relief knowing that after a little while of more pain right after the surgery, there will be less pain.

Memom so glad you get to have the surgery before your trip. I pray all will go well and you'll be up and totally healed and rarin' to go on your October trip!!

I'm glad, too, and even though it is done at the hospital, it's still a 'go home that day' deal, so I'll be propped up in my own bed that night.

:rotfl: That cracked me up! You sound like me...anything to get out of testing!

Glad to hear everything should be better with your knee by trip time! :woohoo:

I know you know what I'm thinking then. 23 running records, 23 sight words lists, 23 phonemic awareness tests. That's all we've done all week, and that is all we'll do this week, too. Meanwhile, the kids sit over there and do busy work while we try to keep order from over in the corner.

I'm glad the MRI is done with and you have a date set to get your knee fixed. Sorry you couldn't get out of the testing, but I'm glad that you'll be mostly pain-free very soon!

I could have if I had been smart! But nooooo....

Two August babies got me out of some testing too- glad you have a date, and time to recover before WDW.

That's it. Next year, I'll have a baby!!!! :rotfl:

I know you are relieved knowing relief is around the corner. Best of luck with the upcoming surgery. :flower3:

Thanks. I probably will be at the hospital the better part of the day, but I'll be home by evening, so I'm happy with that.


OCTOBER TRIP NEWS: My daughter has been at it again, friends!
She went behind my back and took us out of All Star Music.
She said she'd rather try staying off-site!

Okay, are you in shock???

Well, I really just wanted to see all of your unbelieving faces.
It was worth it.
You guys made some great faces! :laughing:

She really did take us out of Music, though,
but she put us in


That's pretty cool, because neither of us have stayed there!

So, on this trip, we get to mark off another resort and another restaurant for Jill and two for me. :banana:

Very nice.

I have seven weeks to practice my French, you know. ;)
We stayed at POFQ in 2007 and loved it! You are going to love it too!
Jill, great choice!

MMMMM beignets....

Oh and I did make a face, and read it out loud in disbelief to Marc!:lmao:

He said to give you the advice of wearing a black shirt to breakfast when you have your beignets:cutie:
I was so excited about the resort change that I forgot to comment about your knee surgery. I'm glad it's scheduled and you are going to be on the mend real soon. Will Jill and the girls be able to come and stay with you for a few days? I think Brooklynn and that Dr. kit just might be the cure to a MeMom that is feeling a bit poorly!:goodvibes
I'm really sorry that you have to waste a perfectly good surgery and not get out of testing, is there anyway they can get you in earlier?
We'll look forward to hearing about all the good places you are going to eat!

The online dining reservation did not work for me so I had to email my TA (at 5:30 this morning) and she was able to get everything I wanted.:cool1:
I am eating at Crystal Palace, O'hanna's, Le Cellier, Sci-fi,HDDR, Rose and Crown, 50's Primetime Cafe, Boma, Liberty Tavern, and Tony's. The only one I think I am going to change is CP. I wanted breakfast before the park opened but I could only get in at 9am. I think I will see if I can switch LTT and CP that day.

I wish the Christmas Train would come here, but I think Memphis is the closest it got/is getting.

It was very neat. I was actually surprised that my dd liked it as much as she did. We are going back tomorrow because she wants to bring her daddy. (Maybe this time I will remember my camera so I can take pictures for my Dis friends.:blush:)

If you mean a teacher that would rather teach than test, I think you're going to find them everywhere! I know she'll have good teachers, although they probably won't be allowed to be as good as they would like to be. It won't be their fault; it's just the way things are.

I was talking to my mother about all the testing and she said she was glad she taught in our Church school. She didn't have to do all that testing. Actually I think I am going to be her teacher. We are leaning towards homeschooling.

OCTOBER TRIP NEWS: My daughter has been at it again, friends!
She went behind my back and took us out of All Star Music.
She said she'd rather try staying off-site!

Okay, are you in shock???

Well, I really just wanted to see all of your unbelieving faces.
It was worth it.
You guys made some great faces! :laughing:

She really did take us out of Music, though,
but she put us in


That's pretty cool, because neither of us have stayed there!

So, on this trip, we get to mark off another resort and another restaurant for Jill and two for me. :banana:

Very nice.

I have seven weeks to practice my French, you know. ;)

Oui. I am so glad you get to try a new resort and new resturants.
We stayed at POFQ in 2007 and loved it! You are going to love it too!
Jill, great choice!

MMMMM beignets....

Oh and I did make a face, and read it out loud in disbelief to Marc!:lmao:

He said to give you the advice of wearing a black shirt to breakfast when you have your beignets:cutie:

I knew you guys would be in utter disbelief! :laughing:

Yeah, you can tell Marc I've eaten beignets at POFQ before, and it will definitely be white shirt day. I may even bring a bib! :)

I was so excited about the resort change that I forgot to comment about your knee surgery. I'm glad it's scheduled and you are going to be on the mend real soon. Will Jill and the girls be able to come and stay with you for a few days? I think Brooklynn and that Dr. kit just might be the cure to a MeMom that is feeling a bit poorly!:goodvibes
I'm really sorry that you have to waste a perfectly good surgery and not get out of testing, is there anyway they can get you in earlier?

She probably can't take off. I imagine she'll come up that weekend. Trent will get me there and get me back, he says.

There couldn't be a better cure for what ails me than seeing those girls!

I know! Isn't it sickening? I'll have to plan better for next year.
I'm sure this raggedy old body could come up with some kind of good surgery to get me out of testing! :idea:

By the way, I got busy reclaiming my house this morning. Since we got back from the trip and I went right to school, along with birthday parties and being lame, this house was looking like a big closet. I cleaned out the back room, the den, washed clothes, and cleaned the fridge out. It looked like it was going to rain earlier, so I decided to stay in today. I'm going to go to the Disney Store tomorrow right after church, I promise! I'm going to church, Disney Store, and Kroger - in that order. I will have your bag in hand, and I'll let you know when it is on its way to you. I had your address, but I'm not sure I still do, so PM me when you have a minute.


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