Bizarre ? but we are puzzled


DIS Veteran
Jan 6, 2006
This might not be the best place to post this, but thought someone might have some ideas.

My 8 month old nephew is constantly digging his feet together like they really itch, he makes them really red and sometimes scratches them with his toenails. What could possibly be wrong with them?

He also has started pulling his hair for no apparent reason (not all the time maybe 1-2 times a day we have saw him do it), and he screams out all the time. He is really intelligent has been trying to walk for over a month now, jabbering and speaking words to. I do know he is spoiled rotten so that could just be why he screams. What is your opinion? Do you think any of these things are related.
Are his feet red at all? He may be allergic to one of the new foods he is trying or from dragging his feet across the carpet when he is crawling. Does he wear footie-pajamas? So many things to worry about with little munchkins. He may just pull his hair because he can. LOL He is seeing cause and effect. Check with his doctor if he keeps with the itchy-feet -- can you imagine something so irritating as having a constant itch and not being able to do anything about it? Good luck.
With doctor okay, I would try a topical anti-itch cream on his feet and then leave barefoot or cotton socks washed in super gentle detergent. It sounds to me like these may be separate issues. We are such an allergy-prone family, though, that's where my mind goes first. Good luck to the little guy!

it may be nothing but sounds a little like Autism Spectrum disorder maybe Aspergers syndrome.

Geez!!!! Don't automatically "diagnose" the child with autism! Holy smokes!! It could be something as simple as a new laundry detergent that's irritating his skin to a new soap or shampoo his mom is using on him to just some allergens in the air. It could also be some type of "summer cold" --- I've had one for the past 2 weeks and, in addition to the usual cold symptoms, my feet have been itching like mad and my FACE is constantly itchy and it drives me NUTS and my hair always feels "wrong" and I have to pull at it, push it back, etc. (gee, I wonder if I have Autism Spectrum disorder or Aspergers syndrome? I better get checked!)

People are so quick to 'diagnose' kids with ADD, ADHD, Autism and everything else these days!! I can guarantee you, about 90% of the "diagnosed" kids have absolutely NOTHING wrong with them except a parent/doctor looking for an easy excuse!
He might be allergic to something which is touching his skin. This could be laundry detergent, a soap or bath product or even a lotion or cream. I speak from experience, since I am allergic to many normally harmless items such as bubble bath and Vaseline. I would take him to his doctor for help determining what exactly is causing the problem.
Has he had a strep infection recently, possibly as an ear infection?

There is something called PANDAS, it's an autoimmune issue from a strep infection that brings on sudden obsessive behavior.

From the time my DD learned to sit up until she learned to walk, she would sit up, reach down and scratch her legs to the point where she often had scratches on them. I think it was just a matter of her being bored or something similar. She also has, for the longest time, pulled her hair. She has always had a ton of it and it is super curly so apparently it's fun to pull. Now that she is older, she mainly just does this when she is sitting in her highchair (yay for bananas and pasta in her hair!). As for the screaming, DD has just started this in the past couple of weeks and I think it's just part of becoming a toddler. Maybe if your nephew is pulling himself up, make sure he doesn't have something like a splinter stuck in his foot or maybe an ingrown/bothersome toenail. Sorry, that's all I can think of.
he screams out all the time. He is really intelligent has been trying to walk for over a month now, jabbering and speaking words to. .

I just re-read this and it brought back a memory of when my DD was a baby. She would jabber/babble a lot, forming some words. Other times, she would just be sitting or lying there wiggling around, playing and let out these SHRIEKS.... it was actually funny because you could see her gearing up for it. She would wiggle a little, take a deep breath and "eeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh!" super, super loud.

There was nothing wrong with her ---- just trying to convey happiness, laughter, contentment or whatever.

Don't read too much into what babies/toddlers do. 99.9% of the time, they're just having fun.
When I was a kid my feet were really itchy and I eventually ended up at a podiatrist that said it was from not keeping them dry or drying them enough after my bath. Maybe his Mom could try drying them off real well and putting some Aveeno or Eucerin cream on them to see if that stops him from rubbing them.

The hair pulling, it seems like one of my kids did that just because they were mad and happen to get ahold of it? I don't know.
It's always best to take a baby to the pediatrician if you suspect something could be wrong. A good doctor will be glad to put your fears to rest and not make you feel stupid if it turns out to be nothing.

That being said, my babies always rubbed their feet together when they could sit up. My first dd did it so much that we put a baby soccer ball at her feet and it looked like she was playing ball! :rotfl: That being said, her feet were never all red even with as much kicking and rubbing as she did. So it is possible that something could be bothering him like previous posters have suggested, or maybe his toenails are scraping him as he is doing this. :confused3

As far as hair pulling, that is normal. All of my kids have done that. They discover they have hair, they pull it. They can't get to it, they pull it some more. Screaming is perfectly normal, even a lot - screaming constantly, maybe not so much. Remember, babies who are learning so many new things, especially walking, can be frustrated and exhausted. They're little people with feelings too. And the jabbering is a good sign; he's practicing talking.

If you're worried, tell the pediatrician all the concerns, and I'm sure they'll be glad to check it out. :thumbsup2
My DD is 9 months and just started the hair pulling. She constantly pulls mine and DD3's hair and she just figured out she has her own. She makes lovely hair styles with her food.

The screaming out could be another way of expressing himself. It got your attention, so he'll continue to do it.

I agree with PP's, verify if there's been a food change, clothing change or soap change. There's no harm in going to his pediatrician for a consult.
The rubbing of the feet sounds like a contact allergy to me. And you stated that he has been trying to walk? It could also be something in the carpet. Have a peds doc check it out.

The hair pulling and screaming out sound normal to me though.
NYCDiane;32938013 People are so quick to 'diagnose' kids with ADD said:
I will have to remember that point the next time that my DS see's his Neurologist. Funny how BC&BS pays for these twice yearly visits in full, should I advise them also that there is nothing wrong with DS?? Where exactly does your medical degree come from?? Or what degree do you have to make this decision? I am really eager to learn more. I will have to tell DH that all our problems are related to poor parenting, and looking for an easy excuse, he will be so relieved. So now all we have to do is learn to be "good parents" and all DS problems will magically evaporate.

To think I found the answer to my prayers on the Budget boards of the Dis.
People are so quick to 'diagnose' kids with ADD, ADHD, Autism and everything else these days!! I can guarantee you, about 90% of the "diagnosed" kids have absolutely NOTHING wrong with them except a parent/doctor looking for an easy excuse!

I work in the field and it is not easy to get a kid diagnosed with Autism. ADHD may be over diagnosed but no where near the 90% you made up. Both are very real conditions that parents have to deal with every day. Your condescending attitude really only reflects your narrow mindedness and doesn't represent any actual real statistics.

To the OP, 8 months is way to young to diagnose anything. Ask the ped if you are concerned.
I will have to remember that point the next time that my DS see's his Neurologist. Funny how BC&BS pays for these twice yearly visits in full, should I advise them also that there is nothing wrong with DS?? Where exactly does your medical degree come from?? Or what degree do you have to make this decision? I am really eager to learn more. I will have to tell DH that all our problems are related to poor parenting, and looking for an easy excuse, he will be so relieved. So now all we have to do is learn to be "good parents" and all DS problems will magically evaporate.

To think I found the answer to my prayers on the Budget boards of the Dis.

I didn't say ALL...... I said that docs/parents are much too quick to diagnose.... A child isn't reciting the Gettysburg Address by 10 months? OMG! He must be Autistic!! My 4 year old can't sit through a 90 minute movie without squirming around? ADD!

You can't say that over the past 15 years, children have been "overdiagnosed" with these problems. In years past, it was "ants in the pants" and a normal part of being a kid. Today, it's ADD/ADHD and let's get them on meds to change the chemical makeup of their brain so they "calm down".

I'm not saying your child doesn't have whatever condition you take him in for. What I'm saying is that there is serious overdiagnosis these days becuase it's much easier to "diagnose" than to actually find a reason for the problems or to let a child learn and grow at their own rate.

The OP mentioned itching and hair pulling. The other poster immediately said "it could be autism or aspergers"..... Are you kidding me?!?! I even looked at the link and the link has absolutely NOTHING to do with the symptoms the BABY has.
If the child is saying real words at 8 months, I'm pretty sure it isn't autism. Since one of the criteria is the language delay. Not that I'm a doctor either, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once.

I was thinking eczema, possibly? Which kinda follows an allergy.

Eucerin rocks. We usually slather it on like crazy (I always say like you're greasing a cake pan) and then we put some of DH's socks on, because they'll come up mid-thigh on a small child and almost impossible for them to scoot them off.

Go to the ped.
Did it start when he began walking? It could be the new toughing of the soles-he hasn't used them much until now.:) Is he suddenly wearing shoes? The moisture that stays in kid's shoes can be irritating. If they aren't breathable, that and footed PJs can keep them as wet as an old gym towel tossed in a locker.
I didn't say ALL...... I said that docs/parents are much too quick to diagnose.... A child isn't reciting the Gettysburg Address by 10 months? OMG! He must be Autistic!! My 4 year old can't sit through a 90 minute movie without squirming around? ADD!

You can't say that over the past 15 years, children have been "overdiagnosed" with these problems. In years past, it was "ants in the pants" and a normal part of being a kid. Today, it's ADD/ADHD and let's get them on meds to change the chemical makeup of their brain so they "calm down".

The OP mentioned itching and hair pulling. The other poster immediately said "it could be autism or aspergers"..... Are you kidding me?!?! I even looked at the link and the link has absolutely NOTHING to do with the symptoms the BABY has.

I think it depends on your level of interaction with children with these problems. When I read the OP post my first thought was also Autism related....due to warning bells going off in my head from signs we experienced with my nephew. He exhibited alot of signs early on...and granted he was not diagnoised till he was 2. However, because my SIL knew early on she made a huge difference in how she interacted with him and also how quickly she got help for him. Now at 5 he is doing amazing...and all his specialists and doctors say he would be a completely different kid had people not noticed the signs early.

All that being reason to assume anything, but definetly taking all possiblities into account is always wise.
Geez!!!! Don't automatically "diagnose" the child with autism! Holy smokes!! It could be something as simple as a new laundry detergent that's irritating his skin to a new soap or shampoo his mom is using on him to just some allergens in the air. It could also be some type of "summer cold" --- I've had one for the past 2 weeks and, in addition to the usual cold symptoms, my feet have been itching like mad and my FACE is constantly itchy and it drives me NUTS and my hair always feels "wrong" and I have to pull at it, push it back, etc. (gee, I wonder if I have Autism Spectrum disorder or Aspergers syndrome? I better get checked!)

People are so quick to 'diagnose' kids with ADD, ADHD, Autism and everything else these days!! I can guarantee you, about 90% of the "diagnosed" kids have absolutely NOTHING wrong with them except a parent/doctor looking for an easy excuse!

I am not diagnosing anyone, I said it may be nothing.

I agree children are over diagnosed and put on way too many meds!

She asked and I answered, having had a patient with similar symptoms, Autism is better diagnosed early than late.

I truly hope that it is just an allery, but if this were my son I would be concerned enough to want to elimate all the possibilities.

"Autistic children do not express interest in other people and often prefer to be alone. They may resist changes in their routine, repeat actions (e.g., turn in circles, flap their arms) over and over, and engage in self-injurious behavior (e.g., bite or scratch themselves, bang their head)."

the link was just to a autism site, here is another one:

So keep your Sarcastic remarks to yourself.

I think it depends on your level of interaction with children with these problems. When I read the OP post my first thought was also Autism related....due to warning bells going off in my head from signs we experienced with my nephew. He exhibited alot of signs early on...and granted he was not diagnoised till he was 2. However, because my SIL knew early on she made a huge difference in how she interacted with him and also how quickly she got help for him. Now at 5 he is doing amazing...and all his specialists and doctors say he would be a completely different kid had people not noticed the signs early.

All that being reason to assume anything, but definetly taking all possiblities into account is always wise.

ty, exactly my reaction.


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