Bill Richardson endorses Obama

Obama won the "first half". But everything I've read is that he will be unsuccessful in getting enough delegates to earn the nomination.

Then the Supers decide based on a number of factors.


1) He won more states
2) He won more votes
3) He won more delegates
Obama won the "first half". But everything I've read is that he will be unsuccessful in getting enough delegates to earn the nomination.
Then the Supers decide based on a number of factors.

1) He won more states
2) He won more votes
3) He won more delegates
The facts are there, if you believe in the concepts of mathematics.
And yet, Bill and Hillary have convinced their supporters that the magical election fairy will descend, touch Hillary with her wand, and Poof! Hillary will be the nominee.
While I was suprised, I wasn't.

My feelings are just another politician doing and saying what he has to to get elected. Like all the other politicians before him he'll owe too many, too much. I've felt right along Obama would win the democrated nomination and would be our next President. I don't think there's any stoping him.

While not my choice, I do believe we need some changes in Washington. My feelings are there won't be much change. We need to cut taxes and cut government spending and all I see is talk of more, and more spending. If anything things could get worst. To raise any kind of taxes would cripple our country. I see so many people struggling to make ends meet, so many on the brink of losing everything. Can an Obama Presidency make the changes needed in this country. I sure hope so. Because we sure do need a President who cares about all it people. Not cripple one for the other.
Whoever has the most delegates should win.

That's an opinion, not the nominating rule. But if BO can't get the minimum the SDs may include total delgates & who our wildly succesful House Majority leader favors......or they may choose the person who ends up with the highest popular vote & the person who can win in November.

If the SDs don't respect that, then I'm out.

I think many BO supporters will take their ball & Pastor Jeremiah videos & go home. ;)

As for the coffers, only one candidate is financially sound. Check the latest FEC reports. ;)

I didn't attribute squat. The quote function is acting up tonite. (as several have indicated to above.) :)

All you have to do is delete the second quote part next to your actual name. Once a post is quoted that was messed up (a few pages back) each quote after that is messed up.

ETA: I'm sure that didn't make any sense but I don't know how to explain how to fix it. :lmao: sorry!
I'll be writing in Obama, but I also will be switching to Independent if the SDs overturn it.

I read the DNC is experiencing severe money issues. Donations have dried up and they are way short of what is needed to make the deposits for the Denver ceremonies. I really don't see this correcting itself until we've named a candidate.

I haven't donated to the DNC in over a year...and won't until this is over. The last person that called my house looking for a check got an earful. :teeth: If they do the right thing and nominate the person that gets the most votes, they can depend on me for another couple hundred bucks a year. If they don't, then I'm done with them.

No facts, but my gut tells me that Ohio, Florida, Michigan, Penn & New Jersey are all important states in the general election.... & that HC would likely win 4 or 5 of these.

After the Pastor videos & the realization by Independents & Middle Class Democrats that BO isn't a "new" kind of candidate, but a "mud slinging" flawed candidate like all the rest......I don't see BO winning even 3 of these states in the General Election against McCain. (Probably MI & Penn, but not the others.)

See my earlier post that actually looks at the numbers from the latest head-to-head polls between both candidates and McCain.

I don't understand the word "overturn"?

Obama won the "first half". But everything I've read is that he will be unsuccessful in getting enough delegates to earn the nomination.

Then the Supers decide based on a number of factors.

How can something be "overturned" when no one won?

(the DNC experiencing "money issues" isn't a compelling reason for shutting down the nominating fact given how glutoneous the BO & HC coffers's pretty funny.)

The HC "coffers" aren't so "glutoneous" after all...Hillary's got financial problems...and pretty severe ones. She's looking at about 4 million dollars cash on hand. Not bad...until you realize Barack has well over 32 million. He can outspend her close to 10 to 1 based on current finances.

As for what "overturn" means awarding the nomination to the person that won the fewest states, the fewest pledged delegates, and the lowest popular vote (though how "popular vote" can be counted in a contest that includes caucuses is beyond me).

This "electoral math" stuff is complete nonsense, and if you read my earlier post, you'll see why.
While I was suprised, I wasn't.

My feelings are just another politician doing and saying what he has to to get elected. Like all the other politicians before him he'll owe too many, too much. I've felt right along Obama would win the democrated nomination and would be our next President. I don't think there's any stoping him.

While not my choice, I do believe we need some changes in Washington. My feelings are there won't be much change. We need to cut taxes and cut government spending and all I see is talk of more, and more spending. If anything things could get worst. To raise any kind of taxes would cripple our country. I see so many people struggling to make ends meet, so many on the brink of losing everything. Can an Obama Presidency make the changes needed in this country. I sure hope so. Because we sure do need a President who cares about all it people. Not cripple one for the other.

These are my thoughts exactly. Both Obama and Hillary have said that their first move would be to remove all the tax cuts. How in the world is this going to help anyone, people are barely making it right now, take a few hundred bucks away from them each month and you'll see a lot of folks go under.

I think it pretty clear that the only reason the democratic leadership has allowed the race to come down to Hillary vs. Obama is because they don't want to be in office right now. They know neither of these people have a chance of winning and it's a lot easier to sit back and whine about how the republicans are ruining the country than it is to try to fix it.
These are my thoughts exactly. Both Obama and Hillary have said that their first move would be to remove all the tax cuts. How in the world is this going to help anyone, people are barely making it right now, take a few hundred bucks away from them each month and you'll see a lot of folks go under.

That is simply untrue. What they've said is that they will allow the Bush tax cuts to lapse for the very top income brackets. That's it. I don't think people in that bracket are in any immediate danger of "going under."

I think it pretty clear that the only reason the democratic leadership has allowed the race to come down to Hillary vs. Obama is because they don't want to be in office right now. They know neither of these people have a chance of winning and it's a lot easier to sit back and whine about how the republicans are ruining the country than it is to try to fix it.

The Democratic leadership doesn't decide when candidates must get out of a race. Believe me...if it were up to Howard Dean, we'd have a nominee right now, and the Florida and Michigan debacle would be behind us completely.

As for "not having a chance of winning"...Barack Obama will cream John McCain. It won't even be close. The only chance McCain has is to stay away from Bush and stay further away from any stage that he'd have to share with Obama...'cause the easier it is to compare the two, the worse it is for McCain. Their debates - assuming McCain agrees to any - will be Kennedy-Nixon all over again, with the same result...except this time, the Dem won't just have the telegenic edge, but also the rhetorical one.

Seriously...why do you think Republicans are pulling so hard for Hillary to win the nomination? They know they don't stand a chance against Obama. Their only hope of winning the election is to have Hillary up there as the great bugaboo that they can use to scare the far right into coming out in support of a man that they don't care for.
Seriously...why do you think Republicans are pulling so hard for Hillary to win the nomination? They know they don't stand a chance against Obama. Their only hope of winning the election is to have Hillary up there as the great bugaboo that they can use to scare the far right into coming out in support of a man that they don't care for.

They are desperate for Hillary to be the competitor. And what would be a better 527 ad than a war hero vs a former first lady who lies about being under sniper fire?

1) He won more states
2) He won more votes
3) He won more delegates

He will have won more states at the end of the primary season (which is a meaningless stat).

He is currently ahead in the popular vote & we'll see how it ends up at the end of the primary season. (since i believe in math, i think that is more important than the other two mentioned above).

He will have more delegates at the end of the primary season.....but not enough for the nomination. So him claiming victory is like a team claiming victory for having "more points" at the end of the third quarter.

The Fourth Quarter will include the Pabst Blue Ribbon drinkers of PA, IN & NC & then the Supers. It should be entertaining.

The SuperDs will decide & they will take into account numbers 2 & 3 (in that order) as well as electibility, who's peaking & who "peaked" & whatever other skeleton comes out of the closets.

That is unless HC decides to concede.......



All you have to do is delete the second quote part next to your actual name. Once a post is quoted that was messed up (a few pages back) each quote after that is messed up.

ETA: I'm sure that didn't make any sense but I don't know how to explain how to fix it. :lmao: sorry!

Thanks NJ. :)
They are desperate for Hillary to be the competitor. And what would be a better 527 ad than a war hero vs a former first lady who lies about being under sniper fire?

one with an Obama preacher preaching hate?

sorry - you left me an opening....... ;)
He will have won more states at the end of the primary season (which is a meaningless stat).

He is currently ahead in the popular vote & we'll see how it ends up at the end of the primary season. (since i believe in math, i think that is more important than the other two mentioned above).

He will have more delegates at the end of the primary season.....but not enough for the nomination. So him claiming victory is like a team claiming victory for having "more points" at the end of the third quarter.

The Fourth Quarter will include the Pabst Blue Ribbon drinkers of PA, IN & NC & then the Supers. It should be entertaining.

The SuperDs will decide & they will take into account numbers 2 & 3 (in that order) as well as electibility, who's peaking & who "peaked" & whatever other skeleton comes out of the closets.

That is unless HC decides to concede.......




I think if still has the lead in all those three factors above after the primaries are over, I can't see how anyone would be comfortable in giving the nomination to Hillary. We will probably have Hillary win PA, WV, KY, PR and Obama will probably win MT, SD, OR, Guam, and IN.

Yes, Obama won't have enough pledged delegates but he was elected by the voters in the primary. Hillary is trying to find a way of getting selected by the superdelegates.
I think if still has the lead in all those three factors above after the primaries are over, I can't see how anyone would be comfortable in giving the nomination to Hillary. We will probably have Hillary win PA, WV, KY, PR and Obama will probably win MT, SD, OR, Guam, and IN.

Yes, Obama won't have enough pledged delegates but he was elected by the voters in the primary. Hillary is trying to find a way of getting selected by the superdelegates.

So is Obama though.

Fact- neither one will have enough - supers will decide it. This is due to the proportional wins.......

You guys feel it should be decided based on quantity of pledged delegates. If I were on "your side" I'd feel the same.

Hillary and some Hillary supporters argue - wait a minute - its very close - maybe some other intangibles should be looked at.

Personally - I think if she gets a lead in the popular vote - then she's got a case to be made.

I think that if he is leading in delegates and votes - most likely the supers will vote for him. I know they're supposed to vote based on their consciences. I also know both candidates are lobbying them heavily.

You guys seem to want their (the supers) votes to be mandated for the one ahead, but not 100% there yet. Its a position I understand.

I just wish we could all stop the attacks against each other and our candidates.

There is stuff about Obama I don't like - and stuff about Hillary you all don't like -- but we're all supposed to be on the same team. We're treating each other like the "enemy."

:confused3 :confused3 :confused3
1 - Hillary has virtually no chance of catching him in popular vote. Even if you counted Florida, she'd still be behind by several hundred thousand votes, and she isn't going to make that all up in the remaining 7 contests. It just ain't happening.

2 - She's willing to do ANTYHING to win...including tearing the party apart by getting pledged delegates to flip:

Newsweek said:
Citing wiggle room in an obscure, 26-year-old Democratic Party rule, Hillary Clinton's campaign is leaving the door open to the idea of attempting to persuade Barack Obama's pledged delegates to switch their votes at the last minute and back the New York senator—despite fears among some party officials that it could throw this summer's Denver convention into chaos.

She's beat. She knows it. She's willing to do anything to make it not happen.


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