Your favorite "guilty pleasure" singer

Inspired by Low-Key

Who is the one that you will listen straight through no matter who complains?

For me it's Andy Gibb- he was my first crush and no matter what I am doing, when he starts singing to me I am going to stop and listen.

One of my first crushes too! :love::love:

The poster of him in the white and blue satin jacket hung on my wall for many years.
For me, its terrible misogynistic rap, not a particular singer. I feel bad but the music is so good! I recently tried listening to the clean versions of some favorites with the kids, those songs don't even make sense.
Count me in as an Andy Gibb fan as well! My locker at school was lined with his posters. He was such a good looking man and by all accounts I have read a very kind, warm hearted person as well. At one point in time he had the world at his feet but, like so many others, drugs took a hold and destroyed him. Sometimes I youtube his music because sadly he is all but forgotten on the radio. Thanks, op, for bringing his name up.
I guess Clay Aiken, but honestly I am not embarrassed by anything I listen to. My current obsession is the musical Wonderland. The show is TERRIBLE, but I LOVE belting out all of the Mad Hatter's songs.
Love Barry Manilow!

He was on the farewell show to Kathie Lee Gifford last month and sadly he has pulled his face so tight, he no longer can really sing.
He was kinda just saying the words to "Can't Smile Without You".

** 10 years ago he was doing a concert on The Plaza on the Today Show and we were in Dean & Delucca's, he turned looked at me and waved, I was freaking out, my husband was hysterical at me acting like a schoolgirl, he was yes, yes, I saw it too! It was great!


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