You'll be seeing me a lot on this board from now on!


Knee deep in snow
Apr 23, 2000
Because....We just bought our very first pop up camper!! I am sooooo excited!!! It's a brand spankin' new Rockwood 1940Ltd. I can't wait to go to FW! I'm going to have tons of questions for all of you. I can't think of a single one right now becuase I'm to excited!!! Did I tell you how excited I am?!! :D


Visit my family website! a work in progress
Visit my Tinkerbell web site!
<font color=red>First WDW trip Dec 2000 PO and OKW</font>
<font color=blue>Next WDW trip DIS-Convention 2001! Port Orleans, AKL Dec 2-6</font>
A new camper is so exciting! We expect to hear all your questions and adventures here on the board.

I've noticed that it seems the families that are enjoying themselves the best in the campgrounds are the ones in the popups.
Hi McKeefamily3
Glad to hear you got a new camper,you'll love it.
There is nothing like packing that baby up and going to your favorite place and just kicking back.Have any ??? just ask.Also you may want to check out this site Popuptimes.Just for people with pop-ups.See ya We4camp/We4mickey


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