You got a cold, what is your go to medicine ?

For just a cold, I take EmergenC and drink some elderberry syrup. Not sure if it actually works but I usually feel better pretty quick when I take them. LoL If I feel really bad at night, I'll take some Nyquil to get some sleep.
Aspirin and a hot shower and sleep - and poof - it’s gone
Coricidan at very first sign. Zicam nose swabs and throat spray.
If bad sore throat, Salt gargle and Q-tip Nyquil where it's bad. (works wonderfully)
Nyquil at night for sure.
Ginger and lemon water fresh made. Chest rubs like Vick’s or eucalyptus/ thyme oils. Only medicine I take is nasal spray at Night when really bad.
Nyquil at night. If it's the beginning of the cold and I'm home from work feeling awful, I take Nyquil during the day too. I may as well sleep. :p
And you go into a data base so you can't pharmacy hop to get your meth making supplies.
Right? And the funny thing is we are a family of five so if we all get a cold around the same time I have to send my husband or kids to restock because I already bought my share. Ridiculous. It’s probably easier to get drugs off the street than the pharmacy.
I juice. I juice daily but if I feel a cold coming on I’ll do a special “cold and flu” juice.

If it’s a really bad head cold Sudafed, DayQuil and NyQuil usually do the truck.
I don't have a "go to" because I can't remember the last time I had a cold. I guess I'd try some Alka-Seltzer, just the basic type.
Mucinex or Robitussin - they break up that thin film that gets stuck in your respiratory track and causes pain so you can cough and blow it out so it doesn’t hurt anymore. And of course, ibuprofen.
I wish that I could take Mucinex, but the guaifenesin makes me stink. Worse than asparagus pee stink. It comes out of my pores. I can't stand myself.

I take the "good stuff" from behind the pharmacy counter and Delsym for coughs.

On another note, if you haven't heard of Nose Better, it is amazing! It's a clear salve for your nose when you've blown it so much that it's raw. It also has a menthol that makes your nose feel better. Amazon carries it. I've never seen it in a store. Before finding that, I'd put diaper rash cream on my nose when going to sleep, but that's not clear, and I wouldn't use it during the day, but it helps until you blow your nose a few times the next day.
I don't have a "go to" because I can't remember the last time I had a cold. I guess I'd try some Alka-Seltzer, just the basic type.
I'm a Total Alka -plus girl. My grandma used to work on the line at Bayer so I grew up with Alka Seltzer, Flinstone Vitamins, One-a-day & Bactine
There's nothing that really helps so I usually just tough it out. I might use throat lozenges of cough drops though.


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