yes to sitters and walkmans for planes


DIS Veteran
Jan 22, 2001
HI!!! I just got back a couple of weeks ago and wanted to share a couple of tips:

TAKE A WALKMAN with kiddie tapes. We did this for my DS who is 2. He didn't move an inch the whole 2 hour plane ride to Florida. I was truly amazed!!!

USE FAIRY GODMOTHERS: you may have seen a post I put up about being worried about doing this. Nothing to worry about! Our sitter was GREAT! She was older and my son loved her! She was very grandmotherly. She also told us that they only hire women 35and older and all local people (no imigrants, etc.) I have alos heard that the ohter sitting services are good too - I am just recommending FG because I used them. (It cost us $96 total for about 6 hours or so.) Well worth the money!

Just wanted to pass along those tips!

Here's some pixie dust for you all! *sprinkle*



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