Yecats & mom, Day 6 (part 1) 11/16/04 shopping


Living to vacation.
Jan 8, 2003
Day 6 (part 1) - Tuesday, November 16, 2004:

MOM - 57 year old somewhat disney nut.
ME - 34 year old DISNEY NUT who has had to wait one full year for her Disney fix.

1. Breakfast at Shoneys
2. Offsite shopping
3. MGM
4. Fantasmic Dinner package at Hollywood & Vine
5. Swimming at Luna Park

8:15 no ringy ding dong this morning. Why can I no longer sleep past 8 o'clock. We had set the Mickey morning wake up call for 9:30 as we intended for today to be a really late wakeup day but oh well for that. I was up and looked over at mom and had a feeling that she was lightly sleeping. Today's plans included us spending the day at MGM (my goal this trip was basically to do one park per day when able to). We had originally decided to basically walk into MGM around 11:30 but eat a sandwich in our studio before going that way the only meal being paid for today is the Fantasmic Dinner Package.

So it's now 8:10 and I decided to see if mom was lightly sleeping so then I asked in a really low tone, Mom you up. Yep was her response. Do you want to do something? Why not since I'm up. I suggested that we eat at Shoney's and hit some of the cheap souvenir stores. Mom agreed. Didn't really take us long to get ready as we always fix everything we need the night before. We were out in the parking lot of BW at 8:45 and heading to Shoney's in Kissimmee.

Well it didn't take us anytime to get to the Shoney's near the corner of Sherbeth Road. Most people eating around were British (at least 3, possibly 4 families - one may have been Irish) so it was apparently Brits Day at Shoney's. You could tell that everyone was either heading to Disney or US and all the kids were happy to be there. Well quick service, 2 plates of food each, 30 minutes and 10 pounds later it was time to go shopping. Breakfast cost all of $17 with tip I believe - not bad.

Mom and I always make time to hit a few of the stipe or shopping malls in the area as you can get nice things at a lower price for Disney apparel. This year we hit a few stores up and down the area of US192 (Kissimmee, FL) $80 later we are the proud owners of 2 Disney jackets, 1 sweatshirt and 2 Disney t-shirts as well as some pens and a few other small momento's. What I've noticed in what we bought is that these shops used to have a few items of the true Disney gear that you would find sold in the shops at the onproperty resorts and in some park stores as well. This trip some of these items have changed a bit (guessed this would happen in time) for instance, the T-shirts have the Disney characters and castle but instead of saying WDW they say Orlando (but they have the official disney tags in the shirts so they look ligit). These were a few of the observations that I noticed on this shopping trip. Anyway by 11:45 we were back in the room putting up our packages.

We decided to take the Friendship boat to MGM and headed out right when it was landing at the BW. What timing. Upon entering we were stopped briefly by a survey CM who only asked for our zip code (it was about 12:30 at this point). We then rented a locker and basically put everything in it (water, snacks, rain gear, fannypacks) and I only carried around my videocamera which had a new cartridge in it, park tickets and room key card to charge dinner. Off we went free as birds. We decided to ride the Great Movie Ride (long wait of 25 minutes when it was advertising 15 minute wait). Then headed down sunset. Mom doesn't like to ride ToT (not really my fave either but I usually ride it once per trip) or RnRC but they both had 20 min. waits (this was about the most crowded part of the park so I decided to wait) but they had just opened the line up to let people in for B&B show. I asked mom to wait at the entrance and ran to the bakery at the end of the block to get two chocolate covered rice crispy treats to eat while we waited for the show to begin (boy what a $7.00 lunch that was). Well four for a $ was playing and everyone was really enjoying the show (which I taped a good part of). Then the show started (of course mom loves this show). You always leave this show in a good mood. Anyway, I looked at the wait times for RnRC (had a longer wait time and I decided that I didn't feel like criss crossing the park for a fp time so I didn't ride them this time around.

We both decided to head off to the bathroom but the line for the one by B&B was too long so we went to the one by the animator's studio. We walked in to the area where the Animator's studio tour begins but decided not to wait for that and headed to WWTBAM (first time for mom to play it). We waited about 15 minutes to be let in and we managed to sit where one of the test camera's films the audience so we got to see ourselves on the screen. Anyway the show starts adn the first person called up was a 14 yr old British kid who just guessed the order of the answers to the questions (is this rigged or what). Anyway he made it up to the 1K by using all of his chances (50/50, phone, etc.) so he at least got the pins for playing but of course missed the $2K question. Then an older lady won the next chance to play. She got up as far as the 3rd to last question (where did the word tabby cat originate from) and at this point she didn't have any options left and lost but she got the two sets of pins, tshirt and cap and was very happy she had a great time.

Afterwards we walked out and into Little Mermaid (another cute show that mom really loves). Then it was almost time for dinner but I was hoping to be able to ride Star Tours and did (the ride was a little rough was at least the galaxy was saved.). So we came out and began to walk over to Hollywood and Vine as it was 4:05 and our ps was for 4:15. There was a strange street scene going on at the corner of Hollywood Blvd. There were about 8 CM's dressed in 40's type clothing trying to do a funny street scene but it just wasn't that interesting so we went to check in early for dinner at Hollywood and Vine but that will be part 2.


Breakfast at Shoney's - :D
Shopping for cheap sourvenirs - :cool1:
MGM fun - :Pinkbounc
Rice crispy treats - :earseek:

Part 2 should be ready for tomorrow and will be about H&V and how better since last year and fun on the Boardwalk.


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