Wyndham Orlando Resort??


found her happily ever after!!!
Oct 17, 2000
Has anyone stayed at the Wyndham on International Drive? I bid on a 7 night stay through Priceline and won ... very excited about getting this hotel so far. Have found a few reviews on Sheryl's Priceline Bidding Forum. Only $239.05 for 7 nights!! Yippee! Sorry - kinda nuts about getting this deal even though it's not until November.

I've stayed there. It's okay, but nothing special. It's big so we had trouble getting oriented to where our room was, parking in the wrong place once or twice.

We spent very little time at the hotel, so I have no informstion on restaurants, but the pool was nice.
I just stayed there this weekend. We were upgraded to a kids suite...we had bunk beds and 2 full size beds and 2 TV's. There was a coffee pot & small fridge. We got it thru priceline also. We didn't use any of the resturants or pools (didn't have enough time) so I can't comment on them. I can tell you that the room was spotless and the grounds were beautiful. We were in bldg #7 and had no problem finding our room (but I can see how someone would get lost there...some bldgs can't be accessed by car). We really enjoyed our stay & would stay there again anytime. The staff are very nice. My 9 year old liked it better than some of the Disney Resorts :)


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