Wrapped presents on planes


Sep 2, 1999
I was all set to bring wrapped presents for my 3 year old to open on our flight (as suggested on these boards). However,I was just looking at the Delta website and it says not to bring on wrapped presents and anything that is and can't to identified will be opened. Well I have a heap of presents (most identifiable) but I don't want to stand there going through each and every present. Has anyone had recent experience with this?

they may make you open them because new laws that say they must go through every
package I would call and ask before just showing up and being upset.

good luck
From what I've read from the airlines, they WILL open wrapped presents.

I have an idea though which I've done before. I purchased a pack of goddie back gift bags from a party store (you can get disney designs) and put the small presents and toys for the flights in those. A couple of larger items I put two bags on one item, i.e. one covering each end. But if you had really large items you could buy a seperate large bag. They're really cheap, but festive, security can easily peek in the bags, and you get about 8 in a pack I think.

Hope this helps some.
A friend of mine traveled over Christmas. She knew not to wrap anything because her DH is a flight attendant, but she said everyone who had wrapped gifts had them unwrapped by security. One family also was chosen to be searched again at the gate, so their packages got unwrapped twice.
The gift bag suggestion sounds like a winner. And you would have the bags for the 3 year old to play with. I remember my kids liked to "package" things at that age.
Try bringing some colorful tissue paper and
gift bags. Then Delta can peek inside the bag
the bag. Maybe your lttle one can be occupied by another
adult while Delta does the search.

Happy flying !

PS - I found a pin with an angel and a plane for my kids.
Our trip to WDW will be their first plane flight.
I am giving them their "wings" on the plane.


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