Wow, what a day

WDW Poly Princess

Needs a Disney Fix
Jul 17, 2000
Just needed to share, I guess.

The bad news: Today my boyfriend of a little over a year and I broke up :(

The good news: Today I paid the deposit on my room at the Poly for a trip in November. I'm going to disney world, baby.

Crystal's Tip for dealing with Break Ups #1- a new skirt, earrings, 2 books, $12 worth of Godiva chocolates, and best vacation ever really help one deal with things.
Hi, Crystal. Sorry about the breakup, but you sure sound like you have everything under control with some great diversions. And you can't beat the Poly. Are you going late in November, like last year. Would love to do a park with you again, we had such fun at MVMCP last year!!!! :bounce:
Oh Crystal :( ... so sorry to hear about your breakup. I'm currently (yes still :rolleyes: )dealing with my own breakup so I really really feel for you. :( You certainly sound like you're dealing with things really well, but if you ever want someone to talk to, I'm just a PM away, okay? :)


You're going to WDW!!!!! :teeth:
*HUGS* to you, Crystal.

Have a GREAT trip in November....:D
If you have to go through a break up, sounds like you've got the perfect way to help the healing process. {{hugs}}
Sorry to hear about the break up, but remember, everything happens for a reason. Seems like things are looking up for you already.
Take care and have a great trip!
{{{hugs}}} Crystal I am so sorry to hear about your break up, but it sure sounds like you found a good way to help take some of the pain away. I hope you have a wonderful trip in November!
Sorry about your break up. Just remember though, every break up with the wrong person will bring you one step closer to finally meeting the right one! Some of my funnest times were after a break up, sounds like your doing what I would have done!
I'm sorry about your breakup :( , but I love the way you're handling it. :) If I were there, I'd commiserate with you with one of those Godiva goodies. {{{{Hugs}}}}
Sorry to hear you broke up, but sounds like you're on your way to a great trip!
Sorry to hear about your breakup, sweetie. {{{HUGS}}} hope your broken heart heals soon. That trip should help alot :)


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