Would you pay rack rate for HRH?


Future Floridian
Aug 18, 1999
It seems the best I can do for 6/19 -6/24 for HRH is rack rate of $205.00 per night. Do you think it is worth it? It sounds like there will be no discounts during this time period. I asked about entertainment and AAA. Anyone have any ideas? Do they still offer discounts with the Universal Fan Club? Thanks!
Generally, I view paying rack rate as paying retail: I rarely do it. However, if I am hard-pressed, I will pay rack rate, especially with the perks for onsite hotels.

Did you call Universal? I did get rack rate for HRH on 4/29, but then I checked www.hoteldiscounts.com and found a rate for $169. Then I went to www.travelscape.com and found a HRH room for $159!


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Joey Ramone is gone but he's not forgotten

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
You might also try for a Universal vacation package. We had the Adventure package which included lodging at HRH, park passes for each of us (two adults and two juniors--third day free with Discover card), dinner for four, and souvenir cups. I figured out that it cost about $150/night (tax included) for the lodging when I priced it out, and the package included things we would have purchased anyway. Good luck.

Hard Rock Hotel 4/01
Wyndham Palace 7/00
Port Orleans & DCL 12/00
Disneyland Paris 4/99
AllStar Sports 2/98
After doing the math on our vacation in june, american airlines vacation package is about $120/night at HRH...i think you must stay 3 nights for this package deal and they are offering this "garden or pool view intro deal" along with regular garden and pool view rates...its worth checking out, by the way the best rates are only offered at their website https://aav3avacations.com but i finalize by phone (800-321-2121), because i have a phobia about put my cc number on the internet. good luck...
Beckles, I checked on Travelscape too and found thd $169.00 per night rate. I was so excited until I went to book the rate and found that there was an additional $50.00 per night charge for more than 2 people in the room. (4 of us are going, 1 adult and 3 kids.) So that turned out to be higher than the rack rate for me.

Sherrilatte, I will check the package deal out.

I did call again this morning, and they offered me 3 nights at PB Bay View for $189.00/nt. I went ahead and booked that for 6/19 - 6/22, just in case.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Sometimes kids don't count. They want to know how many adults are going to be in the room. HRH does not charge for children up to a certain age. Call HRH and see what they say about the kids rates.

The package deal does not sound too bad either. :)
Sherrilatte, I just re-read your post, does the package you got include your airfare? We already have our plane tickets through Southwest. I got round trip from Nashville to Tampa for $118.00 per night.

Expedia. com has it for $169/night typing in 1 adult three kids. There is an extra charge of $50/night there too however
Are you sure the "rack rate" of $205 is for four adults then, because that's extremely low ...

Anyway, do not book through Expedia. The rates you see on Expedia are the exact same thing as Travelscape ... as a matter of fact they are Travelscape, Expedia gets them through Travelscape. By booking with Expedia, all you do is add yet another middleman, you're better off dealing directly with Travelscape rather than going through Expedia to get to Travelscape (in case of customer service problems).
No, I am not sure if the rack rate for 4 adults is $205.00, however, I did ask reservations when I called and they told me they consider anyone under the age of 17 a child. I also reserved a room on the net for 2 nites at Hard Rock Hotel and the rate for that is $205.00, but that is really for 1 adult and 3 kids.
that's right Kimcon...this package included everything including park passes, airfare, airport transportation, and some other misc perks like wet and wild...you got a better rate on your ticket than i did though, and i'm coming from little rock via dallas to orlando.
Just a reminder--there are packages through Universal that don't include airfare. Their number is 800-711-0800 and I think web address is www.universalstudios.com and then click on theme parks. We had the adventure package using our Discover Card.

Hard Rock Hotel 4/01
Wyndham Palace 7/00
Port Orleans & DCL 12/00
Disneyland Paris 4/99
AllStar Sports 2/98

[This message was edited by Ariel'sMom on 04-18-01 at 08:13 AM.]
Hi Ariel's Mom! Just wanted to let you know that I did call about the Discover package yesterday, and it was blacked out for the time period we were going. Thanks for the suggestion!
Just returned from a stay at HRH. Booked through expedia and was also told that I would be charged $5o per child in the room. I actually called expedia because I read in the small print that HRH does not charge for children (under a certain age) in the same room. Expedia told me to just list the # of adults and in the notes state the number of children in the room so that we would get a room with 2 beds, rather than one king. It worked out fine.


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