Wk Of Sept 22 - WISH Walking/Running Club

...Can you believe the way some of these people act when you are not watching!?! Shocking, just shocking.
Lily, don't belive anything PatsFan Bill says, you know how those big city lawyers twist the truth.
Hey guys--You never know who's watching when you think no one is. You should know that! pug: :dogdance: :dog2: ::cop:

Karen & John, congratulations! You do such fantastic catch up that I would never be able to meet your skill. The recap is perfect.

MSDave, we are here for you whenever you can find it in you to get back.

Kristi, enjoy the celebration today!
Just a real quick :moped: for me. LTO has seriously been an issue lately. But today I made it out for my LR knowing I can't do it tomorrow because of a dr appt, and I can't get it Saturday because of DS's football game. So after dropping Michael off at school I hauled butt to the trail to run my 15 miles ( I was getting tired of that daggum treadmill). I ran the first 10 in 1:35:03 (avg 9:30 mpm) and the last 5 in 42:31 (avg 8:30 mpm). So it's done and over with. I already have 26 miles put in this week and still have another 3 to put in tomorrow, so my total for the week will be 29. I think that's ties with my record number of miles in one week during training last year, and I'm not even half way there yet!! Well... gotta hop in the shower before I go pick Michael up for school. I have spent my entire day running, literally!!

Vic - I am so sorry to hear about Shadow. I literally started crying the other day when I thought about how old my guys are getting and that I will eventually lose them. It just breaks your heart.

Mike - I think Christa was behind some of those "I can't squat to pee conversations!!"

Hey, all you CDC people...
I just got a poster from RunEasy! It's a picture of the race with ALL of the registrants names printed over it...cool! :goodvibes Anne
Hey Anne - I got the poster also. Check out the left hand side, kind of middle-ish. There is a bright green shirt but I can't make out if it is a WISHer or not. The time on the clock is 2:20ish and I know we had some WISHers come in around that time. Wouldn't that be cool if it was one of us????? Oh and my girls made me show them my teeny tiny name, they thought that was so cool!

OK, no training to report from me, yesterday was a rest day. I hope to get in at least 40 minutes on the TM tonight. My household is just crazy lately and finding time is getting really hard!!!

Vic - I am sorry for your loss. Both of my pets are getting up there in age. I hope your Shadow gives you many happy thoughts!!!!
Had a decent week running so far. I absolutely love the Garmin 205! It feels nice to be on top of the distance, time, and pace you are running. I have a tendency to get lazy on my weekly runs but now I look down and if I see a 10:00 pace I speed up. It's kept me focused on running a consistent pace.

I actually ran 10 miles yesterday morning before work. I figured I would beat myself up this week because I have this LBI 18-mile race to get ready for next Sunday. 18 miles will be new territory for me but I'm not too worried. I may feel differently next Sunday.

Okay…I have to say it. Lets go PHILLIES!!!! It’s September and for the first time in years football in Philadelphia is taking a backseat to baseball. Go Cardinals…beat the Mets!
Vic - So sorry to hear about Shadow. :grouphug: Hugs for you and the family.

Angie - I so understand how you're feeling. I've definitely been semi-depressed, but no one at home or work quite gets exactly what's wrong with me. I don't even get it, but I do know it's related to not running! Hang in there and enjoy Food & Wine and getting to be a spectator.

Karen - Congratulations!

Renee - Will definitely let you know where I am (of course I'll either be wearing a WISH shirt or visor too!) I'm still not giving up completely - if there's any chance of getting back out there, I may walk the half, but I'm telling myself that it's over! I checked the website last night and they don't do refunds but will apply the money towards next year. BTW, DH's boys' team is at Smith Creek Sat AM - are you going to be in the area? And great job on the hills!

TXAng - I thought my family was the only one with weird spacing between kids. There's 15 years between my older sis and me, then 7 between me and my younger brother.

Meghan - Hadn't had a chance to say thanks for the PM. Lots of info to think about! GO HELIO!!! It looks like he has a really good chance of going far. There are advantages to being injured - lots more time to catch up on tv shows!

Just a quick drive by before I have to get ready for work.

Rest day for me after the awesome 14 miler yesterday. Legs feel really good.

Robert, Hope everything turns out ok for your knee!

Vic :grouphug: for you and your family over the passing of Shadow!:grouphug: May all the happiness and love that he gave you help ease the pain of his passing!

WWDave won't have any adult supervision until Sunday as I start my work week tonight and will only see him in passing the next few days. So all of you will have to try and keep him in line:lmao:

Have a great weekend all. Good luck to everybody racing or preparing for races!

oops messed up the quote function - but MDM posted:

Renee - Will definitely let you know where I am (of course I'll either be wearing a WISH shirt or visor too!) I'm still not giving up completely - if there's any chance of getting back out there, I may walk the half, but I'm telling myself that it's over! I checked the website last night and they don't do refunds but will apply the money towards next year.

Jackie, I copied this directly from the Disney Sports website:

If your registration for the 2008 event is confirmed and you are unable to participate, you will receive guaranteed entry into the 2009 race if you notify us in writing postmarked by November 13, 2007. Please note: You are still required to register for the 2009 race and your entry fee for the 2008 race WILL NOT transfer to the 2009 race.

If you don't participate in January 2008 you will lose your registration fee. I don't want you to make a decision based on carrying over your registration!
oops messed up the quote function - but MDM posted:

Renee - Will definitely let you know where I am (of course I'll either be wearing a WISH shirt or visor too!) I'm still not giving up completely - if there's any chance of getting back out there, I may walk the half, but I'm telling myself that it's over! I checked the website last night and they don't do refunds but will apply the money towards next year.

Jackie, I copied this directly from the Disney Sports website:

If your registration for the 2008 event is confirmed and you are unable to participate, you will receive guaranteed entry into the 2009 race if you notify us in writing postmarked by November 13, 2007. Please note: You are still required to register for the 2009 race and your entry fee for the 2008 race WILL NOT transfer to the 2009 race.

If you don't participate in January 2008 you will lose your registration fee. I don't want you to make a decision based on carrying over your registration!

BIG oops! Anne just pointed out that you were talking about another race, not WDW in January! Sorry for the confusion, that happens with me sometimes!
Quick training note- did 5 miles on TM yesterday. Finished a miserable run- got a little woozy, goosebumps, etc. Realized afterwards I was probably dehydrated. I'm usually pretty careful about drinking water and getting prepared before an outside run, but didn't really think it would be a problem at the gym!

Everyone take care of themselves- woozy and TM is a bad mix!:rotfl2:

Drank a bunch of water, got some sleep, and did a slowwww 3 miles on TM today. The TM only moved like it was supposed to, so that was an improvement!

Jen in GA
Renee - Will definitely let you know where I am (of course I'll either be wearing a WISH shirt or visor too!) I'm still not giving up completely - if there's any chance of getting back out there, I may walk the half, but I'm telling myself that it's over! I checked the website last night and they don't do refunds but will apply the money towards next year. BTW, DH's boys' team is at Smith Creek Sat AM - are you going to be in the area? And great job on the hills!
Darn! I'll be at WRAL fields on Saturday morning and then 2 games at Smith Creek on Sunday afternoon! Someday we've got to hit the same field at the same time.

It would be great if you could walk the half, but don't do it if it's going to put you too much at risk for missing out WDW in January!!
Vic: so very, very sorry about your loss. As Calcio said, we went through it twice in 2006 and it is hard no matter what. I will keep you in my thoughts. :hug:

SWDave: hope you get your spark back soon! We're here when you are ready. :grouphug:

Cam: glad to hear things are progressing with your renovation. As always, I LOVE to see the pictures.

WWDave: can ya send a little of that rain our way? It's been horribly dry here to say nothing of the heat. Oh, they promise us the rain and cooler temps but so far, nada! Glad to hear the run went well!

Karen and John: congratulations! I know you will be splendid grandparents! My Mom always said that she said no to her children, she was gonna say yes to her grandchildren!!

Dana: holy moly! What awesome times!! You go girl!!!! :woohoo:

Erica: :thumbsup2 on the 14 miler! I got 12 coming up on Sunday and I've been trying to think of how to get all those miles in. It's not easy around here and I refuse to use the TM.

Jen in GA: be careful! We want you healthy!!!

Workout with trainer this morning. She beat me up as usual. 3 miles tomorrow and 12 on sunday. I think I've figured out the route. Since it will involve several loops around the same area, or figure 8s, I do hope no one is watching. I can hear it now: hey look Ethel--that's the 4th time that same person has been around! :lmao:

Take care everyone.
Pat - Thanks for trying to look out for me anyway!

Renee - Too funny- we'll be at Smith Creek Sat, WRAL Sunday. Next weekend it looks like I'll miss Sat for band competition, then back to WRAL Sunday. No wonder my van heads there by itself...

Erica - You expect us to keep Dave in line without your help? You think we're magicians?

GAJen - Careful with that TM!


Erica - You expect us to keep Dave in line without your help? You think we're magicians?


Jackie I can do this I really can.:rolleyes1

I went walking in the pouring rain yesterday and that was fun but I wouldn't want to do it every day.

I woke today to an awesome morning. It was 57 degrees so my warm robe felt good when I went out with the dog to pee. (The dog not me) see I didn't step in that trap again. There was a full moon so everything had a sureal look, kinda like the morning we did the Disney Marathon.:)

A morning like this is made to share but my pretty lady is working so I have to go alone. I'll enjoy the cool morning and fresh smell the rain left behind yesterday.:cloud9:

See Jackie I was good. I didn't mention anything about my friend PatsFan Bill taking what Jeanne said about the watermellon and the keyhole to heart and revamping his training.:eek:

Nor did I mention DianeL pinning her race bib to her leg, nope won't go there.

Martha I know you think I'll slip and fall into the pit of mischief that is waiting on all sides but nope, I can resist the temptation.pirate:

I heading out for my morning training walk. Probably 4 miles on the hills. That dear lady of mine did 14 on wed so I have to last least get in as many miles as she has this week or there will be no living with her.:love:

Have an awesome day y'all.

Quick post on a great morning. I got in 5 miles at 41:31 (8:22 pace). The weather here in South Jersey is a little warm for this time of year but I won't complain. I do not look forward to those sub-32 degree December mornings.

Oh yeah...the best part of the morning is watching the sports highlights of the FIRST PLACE PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES :cool1: and the moping NY Mets:confused3 . It's going to be a great baseball weekend!
Totally off topic, but I have to tell you how great Chad is! :goodvibes

Last night, the concert was general admission. We went to dinner & didn't kill ourselves trying to get into the venue early, to get really close. Well, my friends did get in early & saved us room up front on the rail (didn't know they were going to do that). So, we get there and I squeeze up next to them. Chad hates being that close - he feels very uncomfortable. So, he let me stay up there (he insisted) the entire show, while he went to the back by the audio board. I got to stay the entire show, on the rail at the lead singer's feet! I felt like a shmuck, ditching my hubby like that, but he kept text messaging me that he would kill me if I came back there with him. Chad is the best! :love: He even didn't complain when we hung around after the show to get autographs!

I have 6 miles on deck today.
I will hit the Y track and 5pm and report back...
Greetings, and TGIF!

I am nervous today since I have a race on Sunday and DO NOT feel well prepared. However, I am going to give it my all. Its either a PR or the ER! :woohoo:

It is time to move the alarm clock to other other side of the room. I am in the habit now of turning it off and going right back to sleep, which means no training for me. Which is exactly what happened this morning. :headache:

Chad - Please don't be spoiling her. Please.

WWDave - OK, let me think of some way to bait you into getting in trouble. It's SO much fun! :yay:

OK I have to kick some butt (Is that XT??) and fire someone today! :snooty:
Greetings, and TGIF!

I am nervous today since I have a race on Sunday and DO NOT feel well prepared. However, I am going to give it my all. Its either a PR or the ER! :woohoo:

Chad - Please don't be spoiling her. Please.

WWDave - OK, let me think of some way to bait you into getting in trouble. It's SO much fun! :yay:

Morning Judy.:hug:

Go get that PR, grace and beauty beats training everytime. Works for my dear lady anyway.:love:

I'm really going to stay out of trouble, well sorta.:rolleyes1

Chad: Dude you get them started and they come to expect it. When I took Erica and a girlfriend of ours to Disney for the 2006 half, they made me get up, go to the Bakery on the Boardwalk and call them on the cell and discribe what pastries they had that morning so I could bring them their choice for breakfast. They of course wanted their breakfast in bed. They claimed after that half in the cold that they couldn't move. Of course after breakfast and coffee they were ready to play in the parksd again. I'm telling you run while you can!:eek:

Good luck this weekend racers. There is a 5K run and a 3K walk race here tomorrow, I might go do the walk race. Not sure yet, last year this group, the BG High Cheerleaders, had the walk race on grass, you can't racewalk on grass.



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