Wk of Feb 10th-- WISH Walking/Running Club

jmasgat: of COURSE there is chocolate involved! We are NOT barbarians.

deekaypee: I so hope I get that mojo back soon. It's been gone too long.

Cam: Craig promises to resurrect that thread. In all it's glory. He is a sweety, isn't he!

Lily is home and in pain. But I think being at home and in pain is better than being in the hospital in pain. God bless her and I hope she gets better really soon.

No training today. I'm going to try to run 3 miles outside tomorrow. Don't know if it will happen. Stay tuned for details.

I tell you what, if I get one more request from someone beginning to build up to the January half or full, I'll write it out in a separate thread and delicately ask Darlin' Lily (did you get to come home today Lily?) to sticky the thread. That way the new folks who are beginning the process could see it.

*Raising my hand over here*
I'd love to hear your advice! I am in month two of my training and running is a completely new thing for me. DH and I registered for the Half with friends. If you get a chance to make a post with your tips, I would be thankful! :)

On a side note, not a good week here. I did some miles inside on the Gazelle but the weather has been too bad to get outside and work on the Couch25K as I was. I am frustrated but the sides of the roads are really icy/bumpy with frozen slush and so I have been staying in. I really just wish it would all melt and warm up!

Thanks everyone about the info on the ice baths. :thumbsup2

Would a tray or two from the freezer suffice? :confused3

How soon after the run should you do this? I usually like to eat lunch when I get back in.
And I'm assuming I should also take a cold shower after I get out of the bath? (Should be fun trying to shave my legs... :laughing: )
Hi All -

I fought back the ol' LTO and got out and ran my 10 miler today. We ran lots of mean ole hills that had my legs begging for mercy. I think I am ready for my half marathon in two weeks.

Shan - I usually get a large bag of ice from the grocery store. There needs to be a significant amount of ice to make it worthwhile. Once I have done the ice bath I treat myself to a warm shower. I run about 20 minutes from my house so I rarely get in my ice bath until about 45 minutes after my run.

Another point about ice baths: I have skipped them after 20 milers but taken them after an 8 miler. I only take them when I am going to need to recover quickly. If I need to run again the next day, I might take one. If I have the luxury of resting for a day or two, I skip the ice bath and live with the aches. I actually LIKE the way my legs feel after a hard run.

Today I feel great, all the sudden I feel good about running again. :goodvibes

Hi all! Newbie here! :wave:

I love the team support I have witnessed and heard about so much about so I am looking to make myself officially a WISHER. My DH is sort of an "honorary" WISHER already -- kzmarathon. He's really the runner in the family racking up 1000 miles while running in the hot desert sands of Iraq. He's my hero! :lovestruc :lovestruc

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and start getting to know you all better. I'm currently training for the Cotton Row 5K in Huntsville, AL in May and the WDW Half. It will be my 5th time going for the Donald and I'm hoping for a PR! :woohoo: :thumbsup2 :donald:

Happy training!

I keep reading about the ice baths... I don't know. I don't like cold! (That's why I live in the SOUTH! LOL!)

Debra, Take care of that knee.

Kristen. Welcome. I am a newbie too, but everyone seems very nice. (A little crazy, but very nice :rotfl2: ) And I am VERY impresssed by your DH!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

I went out and did five miles in an hour. Pretty good for me. I have hopes of not being DLF next week, but I will be in the back of the pack. That's what I get for starting to train for a 10K three weeks in advance. :confused3

As I was leaving the park, Randy showed up to start his 20 miler..... So the "runing together" is really kind of "We talk about it!" LOL! He is very supportive of me however.

I still haven't signed up for the Minnie... I Have a training plan, but I am just scared i can't do a 15K (of course If I can can't do this, HOW do I plan to do the half???)

And Lensham's thread on running shorts has me wanting to go shop for "new stuff" LOL!

Have a great holiday for those of you that get it. (I will be at work, we don't get President's Day!)
Hi all! Newbie here! :wave:

I love the team support I have witnessed and heard about so much about so I am looking to make myself officially a WISHER. My DH is sort of an "honorary" WISHER already -- kzmarathon. He's really the runner in the family racking up 1000 miles while running in the hot desert sands of Iraq. He's my hero! :lovestruc :lovestruc

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and start getting to know you all better. I'm currently training for the Cotton Row 5K in Huntsville, AL in May and the WDW Half. It will be my 5th time going for the Donald and I'm hoping for a PR! :woohoo: :thumbsup2 :donald:

Happy training!



Kristen, welcome to the WISHers. Big cheers for your hubby who's defending our country!!!
Hi all! Newbie here! :wave:

I love the team support I have witnessed and heard about so much about so I am looking to make myself officially a WISHER. My DH is sort of an "honorary" WISHER already -- kzmarathon. He's really the runner in the family racking up 1000 miles while running in the hot desert sands of Iraq. He's my hero! :lovestruc :lovestruc

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and start getting to know you all better. I'm currently training for the Cotton Row 5K in Huntsville, AL in May and the WDW Half. It will be my 5th time going for the Donald and I'm hoping for a PR! :woohoo: :thumbsup2 :donald:

Happy training!


Hi all! Newbie here! :wave:

I love the team support I have witnessed and heard about so much about so I am looking to make myself officially a WISHER. My DH is sort of an "honorary" WISHER already -- kzmarathon. He's really the runner in the family racking up 1000 miles while running in the hot desert sands of Iraq. He's my hero! :lovestruc :lovestruc

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and start getting to know you all better. I'm currently training for the Cotton Row 5K in Huntsville, AL in May and the WDW Half. It will be my 5th time going for the Donald and I'm hoping for a PR! :woohoo: :thumbsup2 :donald:

Happy training!


Hi, Kristen!! How are you, sweetie? :love: If anyone doesn't know it, Kristen's husband is Kevin who has been Howard's race partner (and Lynne's) the past two years at Disney. We are so blessed to call them our friends -- close in our hearts no matter how far away we are from each other. They are an absolutely remarkable couple of people -- so Kristen will fit in here soooo well. Oh, and Kevin is our Minister for our Disney Vow Renewal next January, too. :bride:

Kristen -- I am so proud of you for carving time out this week to get out running -- I can't imagine how difficult that might be at times. Everyone here understands about LTO ("life took over"). Be sure to let us know how your training is going. I KNOW you'll get your PR on January 10! :woohoo:

Thank you so much to everyone for making Kristen feel welcome. And I am going to take the opportunity to ask everyone to keep Kevin and his whole family in your prayers until he is safely home again. :lovestruc :grouphug:
Maherae and Cecilia: Wait, we don't need to be naked for the ice bath? There might have been a hot brandy involved? Dang! I think DOOD just likes to torture me with his stoic ways. Either that, or it's a free show (and not much of one, as I huddled and used language I forgot I knew.) :rotfl: Thanks for the tips!

Erica: DOOD thanks you for helping him realize what he's in for next January. I thank you for making me laugh uncontrollably.

Diane: We're going to a new yoga class tomorrow, and crossing our fingers that this one will feel like the right balance of challenging and relaxing. Not asking for much, are we?

Martha: I hope your 3 miles flies by and is fun!

Allyson: Congrats on signing up for the 1/2 and with friends. That will make training more enjoyable. I hope the weather clears up for you, as it can be frustrating not to be outside. Better than risking injury on icy paths, though!

Kristen: Welcome to the WISH team. It sounds like you're already an old hand, so I'll be looking forward to your stories, your tips, and your overall presence. Do tell your DH we appreciate all that he does! It's also good to put names to another couple that I know (vicariously) through Cam's stories.

CarolA: Good job on the 5 miler! I'm sure the race will go as well as possible. Remember DLF > DNF > DNS! One step, one race at a time. We know you can do the 15K and the 1/2!

As for me: After yesterday's pity party, I ended up icing my knee again and taking it easy. This morning I told myself to "man up" since there was no pain, and I managed to complete a measly little run. The run was short and slow, but I did it. The knee's still tender but it feels better than yesterday, so I'm hopeful my revised schedule will alleviate the problem without throwing me off schedule; DOOD and I have decided to commit to Cleveland in May (1/2 for me, full for him). I'll need to be open to a RW, I think, but I should be able to complete the 1/2. And my motto thus far in my racing career is "train to complete, not to compete." Lame as my knee, I know.


:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

:lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc

I think that'll just about cover it. :rolleyes1

Nice to see you posting here! I am sure you'll get that PR in January!


Welcome Kristen! :flower3:

I finally just did it today, went back outside. I had to be careful to avoid sections of ice but I was so tired of being inside. It was cold, below 30, but I warmed up quick. Did W1D2 of the Couch 25K again (I am repeating Week One) and really felt good. I think I can move to W2 now.

Allyson :)

I have been training this week :banana: after my speedy run on Monday I decided I might be able to pull off a good speed at MINNIE after all. So here is what I have done since tuesday:

Wednesday: rest
Thursday: speedwork on treadmill and Bodyflow (yoga - kinda) I really pushed myself on treadmill speedwork. In fact on the whole discussion of what do we think about while we run?? Seriously all I thought the whole time was "HOW STUPID WILL I LOOK IF I BARF ALL OVER THIS TREADMILL RIGHT NOW?":lmao:
Friday: nothing!!! :scared1:
Saturday: Gym - Core, Bodypump (weights), Bodyattack (good old fashioned aerobics which I have figured out is the perfect addition to my training plan because we do a lot of athletic type intervals where I REALLY spike my heart rate and am able to push myself. )

Tomorrow will be 5 or 6 miles?? depends on how I feel. So far back is GREAT!!! Sorry once again no time to catch up with everyone, but tomorrow before church I am going to jump on here and try to stay on it this week!! :lovestruc

P.S. - I might have to change my ticker because I am thinking about doing RYKA IRONGIRL 5 or 10K in Clearwater which is actully right by where the marina I might build is going to be. The race is April 5 I haven't decided yet, almost the whole thing is over a bridge toward the beach which goes at a pretty decent incline. Guess I will have to add hillwork to treadmill?!!!
Hi all! Newbie here! :wave:

I love the team support I have witnessed and heard about so much about so I am looking to make myself officially a WISHER. My DH is sort of an "honorary" WISHER already -- kzmarathon. He's really the runner in the family racking up 1000 miles while running in the hot desert sands of Iraq. He's my hero! :lovestruc :lovestruc

Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and start getting to know you all better. I'm currently training for the Cotton Row 5K in Huntsville, AL in May and the WDW Half. It will be my 5th time going for the Donald and I'm hoping for a PR! :woohoo: :thumbsup2 :donald:

Happy training!


Welcome Kristen! :hug: I am in training for the CR 10K (if I chicken out, I may do the 5K with ya';) )! Glad to have you here! You'll really like it here. Everyone here is so supportive, and they have answers and advice for everything, so just ask. I wanted to do the UAH 10K, and thanks to my WISH advisors, I've decided to wait until the Cotton Row. It would be too much too fast. Hope to see you around.
I went out and did five miles in an hour. Pretty good for me. I have hopes of not being DLF next week, but I will be in the back of the pack. That's what I get for starting to train for a 10K three weeks in advance. :confused3

I still haven't signed up for the Minnie... I Have a training plan, but I am just scared i can't do a 15K (of course If I can can't do this, HOW do I plan to do the half???)

You can do it! I signed up for it and I don't come close to 5 miles in an hour, I'm closer to 4 miles in an hour. Go for it!
Kristen. Welcome. I am a newbie too, but everyone seems very nice. (A little crazy, but very nice And I am VERY impresssed by your DH!
I think we all must be a little crazy to do this! Thanks for the welcome.


Kristen, welcome to the WISHers. Big cheers for your hubby who's defending our country!!!
Thank you!! I'm very proud of him and even more anxious for him to get home!

Thank you!

Hi, Kristen!! How are you, sweetie? :love: If anyone doesn't know it, Kristen's husband is Kevin who has been Howard's race partner (and Lynne's) the past two years at Disney. We are so blessed to call them our friends -- close in our hearts no matter how far away we are from each other. They are an absolutely remarkable couple of people -- so Kristen will fit in here soooo well. Oh, and Kevin is our Minister for our Disney Vow Renewal next January, too.

Kristen -- I am so proud of you for carving time out this week to get out running -- I can't imagine how difficult that might be at times. Everyone here understands about LTO ("life took over"). Be sure to let us know how your training is going. I KNOW you'll get your PR on January 10!

Thank you so much to everyone for making Kristen feel welcome. And I am going to take the opportunity to ask everyone to keep Kevin and his whole family in your prayers until he is safely home again.
Cam and Howard are two of the reasons I really want to be part of this group! They have represented WISHers very well. Thanks for all your kind words! Prayers are always welcome and appreciated!

Kristen:[/B] Welcome to the WISH team. It sounds like you're already an old hand, so I'll be looking forward to your stories, your tips, and your overall presence. Do tell your DH we appreciate all that he does! It's also good to put names to another couple that I know (vicariously) through Cam's stories.
I'll let me DH know -- thanks!



I think that'll just about cover it. :rolleyes1

Nice to see you posting here! I am sure you'll get that PR in January!


Thanks, Howard!!

Welcome Kristen! :flower3:
Allyson :)
Thank you!!

Welcome Kristen! :hug: I am in training for the CR 10K (if I chicken out, I may do the 5K with ya';) )! Glad to have you here! You'll really like it here. Everyone here is so supportive, and they have answers and advice for everything, so just ask. I wanted to do the UAH 10K, and thanks to my WISH advisors, I've decided to wait until the Cotton Row. It would be too much too fast. Hope to see you around.
My DH is running the 10K! If you change your mind just let me know. We need to meet up before the race to say hi!
Thanks everyone for the well wishes! I just back from the doctor, the baby is fine. :) :rainbow: The doctor checked the heartbeat, it's at 150--does any one want to make a guess if the baby is a boy or a girl??? ;)


I know it's a little late, but I'm so glad to hear that your baby is doing fine!

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