Wk of Dec 4--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

Colleen - I know what farmer blow is, although I've firmly drawn a line there, but what is horking?????
Renee- I'll be doing a combination of both, although there will be more walking than running, I'm sure.

TEK224 said:
Please tell me WHY we are subjecting ourselves to this torture?? :confused3
So why do we subject ourselves to this? Oh yeah -I WANT THAT GOOFY MEDAL!!!

(pity party is now over!)
The medal is great! But the bragging rights are even better!

Melissa - I am with you! I cannot blow my boogers on the ground (it may be that it would get all over me too). Although all my running buddies (except Bree) do it. Including DH. However, while I was finishing the Marathon this weekend, this liquid stuff was pouring out of my nose and I did not even wipe it off b/c I did not want to waist the energy! I bet my finishing picture is just beautiful! :rotfl:

DD5 is feeling better and off to school. Hope to swim today. Still a little sore frome Saturday but can at least walk normal. Dh did double LRs this weekend (11 & 22) and he is not even sore. He tried to make me feel better by saying we did the same amount of milage (I did 6 & 26.2) and I did the last 26.2 faster than he did. But that doesn't make me feel better. He should be at least stiff. :rolleyes:
I still cannot figure out how to get the pixs from my email to the dis boards. Can anyone help? :badpc:
Wow I missed alot yesterday. Thanks for the advise about the blisters. I got the pedicure 2 months ago. You would think it would be better by now. One heel is starting to calous up. Going to look soooo pretty when I where sandals at WDW. I am going to go thru the boys closets this week to put up summer clothes, but I guess I need to keep some out for WDW. Can you believe it is in less than 5 weeks!!! I am so excited I cant stand it. Who would have ever thought I would be this excited about wogging 13.1 miles and getting up at 3:00 a.m. to do it ?!?!

xterratri- gorgeous pics!

Lisa-love the medal pic! Next year I may have to go for the Mickey. If I get Donald & Minnie, it wouldnt be a complete set without it , right?

Lily- awesome job on the LR :cheer2:

Kathy- great job on your LR. I cant believe you did it in that cooooold weather. You're a true athlete now :Pinkbounc

Helen- thanks, I'll try the tape next weekend.

Honkers, boogies & going to the store sweaty & gross. This sport has turned us into some classy broads, eh? :rotfl2:

Have a great week everyone!
wiskband said:
Hi all............... been gone a while I was just wondering.................
will you all be running...............walking..............or both?

Hey Renee! I run to the mile markers then walk 1 minute. Will do this the whole race. Are you running the 1/2, full, or both? I am doing both. However, I do have to say near the end, running feels better for me than walking. Good luck!
MelRhoads said:
Colleen - I know what farmer blow is, although I've firmly drawn a line there, but what is horking?????

First of all I do not do the farmer blow, but a modified more dignified lady-life version of it...and of course when NO ONE is around. It is amazing what we share with each other. As for horking, just imagine you have flem deep in your throat (especially after a stuffy chest cold) ...you need to expel of it somehow...
Helen - I struggle with the emotional aspect of the race also. I've cried too many times already just looking at DH's race packet. :love: I cried during the 2005 marathon and DH has already been warned since he'll be running the 1/2 with me. Just expect the tears...Great job on your 20 miler!!

Kathy - Yeah on your LW!! I feel your pain in regards to the NY weather. My treadmill is acting up and my biggest fear is that I will be forced to train outside.

Crazy4Pooh- I'm still waiting for my packet too. The sick irony is that DH has had his for 3 weeks now...

Terri - Congrats on the 13.1. I hope you're feeling better today. That Goofy medal is all the inspiration you'll need. I'm right there with you girl!!

Lily - yeah on the 18 miles!!

10 for me on Saturday and 20 on Sunday. No ill-effects today. :cheer2: The treadmill is acting up, so DH has to call for service. Therefore, I'll be going to the Y today for my run. Way too cold for me to run outside. I really want my packet and my race numbers!! I am getting SO excited and cannot believe it is merely a month away. I can't wait to meet you guys. Happy training to you all:banana:
:guilty: :guilty: :guilty:
Well, for the first time since I started, I failed on a L-LR. I'm hopin git was because, except for about 15 minutes, I was in 6 inches of snow, or icelike glass or 3-4 inches of frozen slush. Every step was taken cautiously and required a ton of effort. Dh quit at 15.5 with me. My legs never warme up it was btwn 21 and 28 while we ran. We could hardly walk when we stopped. DH wants to find cheap plane tickets to somewhere snow-less for our 20, because I just don't think we can do 20 in those conditions if we couldn't do 18. Now I'm scared.

I think it was lIly who did it on her TM. Wow. I just don't know if I could do it indoors (TM or track). I still have nightmares from running 2 indoors. Between teh dryness of teh air an dthe many circles, I just don't think I can mentally take that. (Not that I have access to either of those anyway.)

Forgive the downer post, it's just so close and it really does scare me. I've been going on teh "MfM hasn't failed me yet" feeling. I still don't know if it was just the snow and slush and cold, or taking my Gu too late at mile 13 or just that I really have missed too many runs during the week due to my hip. On the bright side, my hip feels ok today. The plan is just too work really hard the next 2 weeks and pray for reasonable weather for the 20. Let's hope that works. Last year and this year are the only years I can remeber the snow sticking before Christmas. I figured havign last year as a fluke would be a sign that the weather this year would be good. Yeah, right. We're supposed to get another 5 to 7 tonight. :guilty:

Congrats to everyone else who made it, and some under pretty nasty conditions too! :cheer2:
gatorphipps said:
Hey Renee! I run to the mile markers then walk 1 minute. Will do this the whole race. Are you running the 1/2, full, or both? I am doing both. However, I do have to say near the end, running feels better for me than walking. Good luck!
Hi, well I have been training myself to run 2 miles then walk 2 minutes.I trained like this last year as well however, I did not follow it! to be honest, once I got there I really tryed to run the whole thing of course I couldn't so I ran as far as I could then walked. lol. I am proabably gonna try and use the makers as well......... perhaps run to one or two then walk. I ended up (last year) using other people as markers. lol and trying to stay somewhat near the same people ( like playing catch up).
anyway, I will be doing the half (only) and so far, my only goal is to finish in better time than I did last year (3:01:30). i also found than after a period of time, running feels better to me than walking.
see ya there.

Happy Monday! I've been meaning to get on here all weekend, just never found the time. Well, I took the plunge this weekend: I took my very first ice bath. :cold: It was pretty much awful, but I wasn't sore the rest of the day and I wasn't sore at all on Sunday, so I guess it was worth it. I took Carrie's advice (at least I'm giving her credit for it :) ) and I sat in the empty tub and let the water fill up around me, I was wearing my Tinker Bell fleece, to make me feel the Disney magic and while I was soaking, I read Runner's World--to make me feel like an athlete! :teeth: That was the longest 10 minutes!! And when I got out, my legs were all red and splotchy, but I'm a believer now. :goodvibes

I had 9 miles on Saturday. It was rough. I finished in 1:52:03, I was pleased with that, especially since I felt like I was running and walking way slower than that. I'm not sure if it was the cold weather, having to leave my nice warm house, or the fact that I knew I had 2 hours of running ahead of me, but I was in a funk the whole 9 miles. I just didn't feel like being out there, I was sick of running, I was vowing to never run again after the half in January. But you know what, when my Garmin hit 9:00, my first thought was: I could have gone another 4.1 miles. :teeth:

Christa-- :cheer2: :cheer2: on your marathon!!! You definitely are the big :dog:. How did Bree do? Let her know that we miss her!

Lily--Yea on the 18 miles!!! :banana: :banana: All of you full marathoners amaze me--you guys ran or walked 18 miles this weekend. 18 Miles!!!!!! That is a long way! We have all worked so hard for the past however many months and we all deserve our medals. :cheer2: :cheer2: for us!!

Helen--I plan on bringing lots of tissues with me as I am a VERY emotional person. Sometimes I start crying during my training runs just because I can't believe I'm actually doing it.

Carrie-- :wizard: :wizard: for you and the arctic weather. I hope you are able to figure something out for your 20 miler.

Cam--I can't believe you walked 8 miles on the treadmill. Wow! 1 hour is my absolute limit. That must have been one smutty book to keep you going!!

Heather-- :wizard: for today at work.

To everyone still waiting for your packet--I feel your pain! Stephen and I just got our packets on Saturday, at first I didn't realize it was our marathon packets, because it looked like a magazine. It wasn't until I got in the house and started going through the mail when I realized what it was. I was like this: :dancer: :dancer: . :teeth:

Okay, I think I'm going to start working now. I'm going to start keeping notes when I read through the thread, there's always so much more I want to say, but I always forget when I go to post. Everyone be careful training this week, use common sense and good judgement. If the roads are bad or you have an injury, skipping one or two short runs aren't going to hurt you in the long, but a broken ankle just might!

Krista princess:
Colleen - I actually bring tissue. I can only farmer sniff (that doesn't really work!) I am dying to hear what the more dignified version is!

Christa - I was planning on walking for about 40 - 60sec at each water station!

I really should do some physical activity today. I probably will not. I have not done anything since last weeks LR!
Warning: Disgusting Events and Crude Comments To Follow :teeth:

I wanted to drop in with a word of how proud I am of EVERYBODY here who is working and will stand with me in the starting corrals on January 7 and/or January 8. Some of you are having up weeks, others down, but you are working, improving, building, and getting stronger. You make me proud.

I felt this particularly strongly Friday afternoon, when I was running 61 laps on our College's 200 meter indoor track. As I arrived and began to stretch, our baseball team also began to trickle in. I started and was clipping along, and they sort of stretched and sort of loosened up. I joke not, I had done 30 laps before they stepped on to run their 1 MILE time trial.

What I saw was absolutely appalling. These guys are way younger than all of us, but they certainly are not athletes (yes, you all are!) and they are not fit. They started fast, and most quickly began to fade. My favorite part was the 3 guys who stopped and vomited. One made it to the trash can, but 2 were on their hands and knees, chucking it all over the track. I had almost 30 laps left to go, so I spent my remaining time watching for the 2 danger spots on each lap, avoiding the gift the baseball players left on the track.

The "performance" of the baseball players shouldn't have been a surprise. Although young, they looked flabby and completely out of shape before they began, and their running showed this to be true. It's a good thing I'm not the baseball coach. I'd tell them until they drop those beer bellies and can keep up with one of us for say, 10 miles, they can forget about getting on the baseball field.

I relayed this story to my daughter and her comments were, "yes, the baseball players spend all of their time drinking beer and acting stupid, so I'm not surprised some cannot even run one mile."

So . . . if anyone ever questions if you are an athlete or not, or comments on your pace perhaps being slow over 13 or 26 miles, simply tell them "you try it sometime."

33 days until the half. I cannot wait. I looked in my running log last year, and because of the injuries I had only 2 10+ runs before the half. So far I have 8 strong runs of 10 or more in the log, and I'll get 2 more before the race. I have no idea what will happen during the full, but I'm way more fit than I was last year.

Keep your spirits up. We're getting near the race. The training is work, the race is pure fun.

Hi Everyone--

You are all doing amazing! Great job--this is crunch time so stick with it for a couple more weeks and then the sweet, sweet taper begins.

Craig, you are so right abt "athletes" today. Most don't have any endurance. My brother always rags on my pace (10-11 min miles) yet he doesn't run at all---hello??? It used to make me mad but I know how much stronger I am than most people out there being able to run the miles I run.

Here is a HILARIOUS story for you all. DH and I decided to really practice our race strategies now that we know where the marathon fuel stops will be. So Friday I was out looking for Powergel packets. For some reason I have been having a hard time finding there. I went to a health food store and they had a zillion bars but no gels. I asked the guy (20s) if they had any and he said no.

Then he says "Those are so bad for you though." I'm really wondering what reason he's going to give for this so I indulged him and asked "Why?" So he says, "Well its more for example hockey players in between periods of the game or if you were going to run a mile and then run one more mile you would take it between those miles. For very serious athletes." I said, "Well I'm running 16 miles tomorrow so I guess I qualify" Ha!

Anyway, it was really funny but obviously I must not look like I can run a mile and to him running two miles is like us doing a marathon!

My 16 miles was great though!!

Hi, everyone! Just a quick note to relay something I read in my team penguin digest today from someone doing the goofy. I hadn't thought of this, though I am POSITIVE all our "GOOFY" WISHers have considered it. They are all bringing 2 pairs of shoes, in case it (God forbid!) rains on Saturday. I guess it is also important if your feet get hot and sweaty and your shoes get wet after 13 miles. Hopefully, if I were considering events back to back, I would have thought of this. But it does also remind me that I want to bring a second pair of sneakers for doing the parks afterwards, to give my feet a "break" from my event shoes.
I am amazed that right now I don’t really hurt. I thought I would be broke. Last year I was after my first ever half. I have come a LONG way! WE have come a LONG way!

Cam, thanks for that reminder of extra shoes. I am certainly bringing extras along with probably my ENTIRE running wardrobe so I can decide what to wear that night before.

Carrie, please don’t feel too down. You can do it! You have been doing it. I am certain it was the weather conditions you were in. You worked massively hard to just go forward, like running in the sand. I like the idea of a warm weekend getaway to run the longest LR!

Renee, your plan sounds great.

Krista, Yay! On the cold bath. I am a believer now too.

Terri, Lisa is right. It’s all about the jewelry! (And bragging rights, but the jewelry oh yes it's all about the jewelry!)

Craig, you said it!

Kelli, Thanks to you too for continuing on inspiring.

TiffJ said:
Honkers, boogies & going to the store sweaty & gross. This sport has turned us into some classy broads, eh? :rotfl2:
Picture this, I am sitting here right now all “pretty and lady like” at work having thoughts of:
stonkers, Boogers on the ground and horking, farmer blow, honkers, boogies, sausage pants, chaffing in “those awkward places”, “runs” not the running kind, blisters—no pedicures, going to the store sweaty & gross, cold baths, tears of sadness, tears of joys, and all sorts of things we have shared.

princessmomma said:
It is amazing what we share with each other.
Yes it certainly is. We have become a team! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Thunder, thunder, thunderation!
We’re the WISH group delegation.
When we move with determination,
We create a GREAT sensation!
kaf7878 said:
Then he says "Those are so bad for you though." I'm really wondering what reason he's going to give for this so I indulged him and asked "Why?" So he says, "Well its more for example hockey players in between periods of the game or if you were going to run a mile and then run one more mile you would take it between those miles. For very serious athletes." I said, "Well I'm running 16 miles tomorrow so I guess I qualify" Ha!

:rotfl: :rotfl: Oh, I wish you had come at him with a "Actually, I usually do them at miles 4, 8 and 12."

Craig - I've always thought of pro players as having beer bellies, but college? That's sad. It does make me feel better to know I can perform better than a supposed college "athelete", though.

LIly - Thanks, I needed that. I really need to get teh brain back in gear before the 20-miler too. Your post has helped, though.

For those of you who are now cold bath believers, I'm sorry. Please don't trip me duuring the race. ;) I'm glad it's helped you too. Just wish there was a better way! FYI - I'm pretty sure it's Lisa who first shared the joy with me. :teeth:

Congrats to solo! Looks like he'll be training in Alabama next weekend (and maybe late this week?). Too bad that can't be the 20-miler weekend! (then you'd have a couple stow-aways too!)
Cam - thanks for the reminder about the sneakers. I did think of that . I'm planning on bringing 3 pair and I'll decide which too I'll wear for the races. Also bringin a pair for just walking around the parks/resorts.

I don't feel too bad today. A little tired, but not that sore. Except for some minor chaffing. Anybody else have that problem? How do you handle it. I usually use body glide (forgot yesterday). Sometimes it works. Other time I think it wears out on the long runs.

wptclc - hang in there. I was feeling pretty bad yesterday myself. Not as bad today. Keep working for the next few weeks, then taper and we'll all be ready to go. I'm hoping the adrenaline race on each day will help propel me along.

Carrie - great job on your marathon! :cheer2: :cheer2:
wtpclc said:
LIly - Thanks, I needed that. I really need to get teh brain back in gear before the 20-miler too.

Carrie, think of it this way, everyone is going to have one really terrible, stonker, torturous long run in her training. My DH's first marathon training went great and never had a bad long run in training, well guess what, he saved it for the actually marathon! So, be glad you got your bad LR out of the way! One more 20 miler for us and the rest is smooth sailing.

Carrie-- don't give it another thought! Running on ice, through snow and slush is at least TWICE as hard as running on dry ground. Your experience is not a reflection of your ability, just the conditions. You won't be running through snow and slush at Disney!!!!!!!

Kaf-- I went out on a mad dash looking for gels one night and discovered Vitamin World doesn't carry any. I asked the kid at the counter and he just looked at me strange, then I tried to explain what it is and he directed me to some joint supplement :confused3 VitaminShoppe only carries GU. I found a few more choices at a local sports equipment store. I usually order in bulk online.

Horkers = "Huck a Lewey" in my neck of the woods. :rotfl2: I have to say I've never done the farmer's blow either, but my mittens go straight into the wash when I get home :blush:

MelR-- Arkansas is in the news with a happy story!

news said:
CONWAY, Ark. - A group of Arkansas college students has set the world record for the world's largest Christmas stocking.

As official representative of Guinness World Records, Stuart Claxton of England flew in from New York to measure the stocking Saturday. And it met, and surpassed, the mark at 53 feet, 10 inches long and 26 feet, 112 inches wide from heel to toe.

The red, white, green and gold sock with the 30-foot zipper beat the previous record set in December 2004 by the community of Old Town Spring, Texas. The Texas stocking was 40 feet, 6 inches long and 15 feet 6 inches wide, Claxton said.

But Claxton said the stocking isn't the first time Arkansans have set a Guinness World Record. Among the state's other accomplishments are the heaviest twins, who weighed a total of 27.12 pounds when they were born Feb. 20, 1924. And a Sherwood man, Daniel Williams, who recorded the longest eyelash, at 2 inches, in June 2005.

Graduating senior Brittany Jones of the University of Central Arkansas and other students created the monstrous sock, using 180 yards of fleece, 27 spools of thread, 350 yards of ribbon, 30 yards of cotton, 25 yards of felt, 103 sticks of hot glue, a half-gallon of fabric paint and more than 500 hours of labor.

They stuffed it with 600 teddy bears, 570 stuffed toys, more than 1,000 toy trucks, 423 Barbie dolls, 380 baby dolls, 682 books, some 200 board games, 163 sets of Legos, 75 footballs, 11 bicycles and thousands more toys. The toys will be distributed through charitable organizations to children around the state.

Before the measuring, workers pushed wagons and dollies loaded with toys and rode bicycles into the stocking. Promoters also reported more than 500 coats, hats and assorted clothes were donated.

While an Elvis impersonator crooned Christmas songs, cameras flashed, and Santa Claus listened to wishes from children, Claxton and a helper used a yellow tape measure and a long red level to size up the sock. For a stocking to qualify, it had to be made with traditional materials and be filled with presents.

Can someone PLEASE make it stop snowing!!! :rolleyes:

wtpclc said:
Congrats to solo! Looks like he'll be training in Alabama next weekend (and maybe late this week?). Too bad that can't be the 20-miler weekend! (then you'd have a couple stow-aways too!)

Yes, yes I will. Leave Wednesday evening and come back Sunday morning. Thanks for the congrats. Could be our second National Championship in eight days-- volleyball took home the crown this past Saturday.

Craig- In terms of athletes, I think that baseball players are an exception to the usual fitness rules. After all, they do a whole lot of standing in one spot-- and then half of the game they are sitting in the dugout. That said, seriously-- a mile?!? Yikes.

I am hoping to be able to get good training in this weekend. I had to shorten what was supposed to be my 18 miler this weekend due to time constraints. Working so much is leaving me so energy-drained I just don't know what to do about it. I leave in 30 days for the marathon and I'm starting to get nervous.

This month leading up to the marathon is just crazy: Alabama for work this weekend (Wed-Sun). Then, I'll be in Toronto 12/15-12/19, run my 20 miler on 12/20 (3 days late), fly home to DC 12/25-12/27, fly to Ottawa 12/30-1/1, then leave for Orlando 1/4/06. I guess the best plan for training is make the most of the miles I can put in and lower my pace expectations a bit. Any thoughts??

OK, back to the grind--
Happy training all!
Solotraveler :earsboy:


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