Will They deliver a small gift


Mar 11, 2005
I was wondering if we are dining at character breakfast will the CM deliver a small wrapped gift to my daughter at our table. I have some small character related birthday gifts I want to give my daughter while we are at WDW. Has anyone ever done anything like this?? I appreciate your help.

:flower: :flower: :flower:
The rule is that they will not deliver a gift to your child because another child might see and not understand why Cinderella gave your child a gift but not them. I have however read where a parent was able to get a character to hand the gift to thier child at the table.

Jordan's mom
We brought Winnie the Pooh themed birthday buckets with us to Crystal Palace, and I asked if they could place them on our table so my DS's would get them when we were seated. They weren't wrapped, and I just asked them about it when we checked in for our PS. They did this for us, and even my 9 year old still doesn't know that I brought them with me! Maybe they would do something like this for you if they don't want a character handing out a gift.

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