Why does drinking always lead us back to Disney? Sept 2017 6/13 update!

Yay for planning!!! I'm so glad everyone is excited. It really makes planning for bigger groups more fun and less stressful. Do you think you guys will spend the entire trip together?

You guys are gonna LOVE 50's!!! And I think it'd be the perfect birthday dinner for your kids. THe whole schtick is right up y'alls alley!!

I'm a fan of starting a WDW trip in the MK. Maybe that'd be a fun start once your friends arrive? Maybe 'Ohana breakfast? nothing like a morning with Stitch to celebrate being 13 years old!

We don't do Thursday in my office, LOL! Have a great one!
Awe! My little sticker didn't post, so now my "We don't do Thursdays" comment makes no sense!

Let's try that again, shall we?

Awww, the Tinkerbell video is awesome! I can't wait to see how the other ones turn out!
I know i am MIA.. I know i know and i am sorry i will try to get back here until tomorrow BUT i have something for your viewing pleasure! See i didn't totally leave you hanging yet...

I had to cut a TON out since i "sampled" some movie parts in it you tube won't let me post the whole thing.. LOL

That was SO fun to watch!!! :) I am a home-movie NUT, so this was right up my alley. Every time my kids left the classroom yesterday I would sneak in a couple minutes. Thanks for bringing some magic to my day!! :)
AWWWW!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Tinkerbell video :tink:SOOOO cute!!

Isn't it?!?! I was FLOORED when i watched it. When they say the kids names? Yeah i lost it.

I think it would be awesome to go to 50's Primetime with a bigger group--you should definitely still go with your fam even if the other crew wants to check out Sci Fi. We always have such a blast when we go there, and the more YOU get into it, the more the CMs do! We have had to stand in the corner for bad language (not me!), been fork-fed veggies that weren't eaten off our plates, been served green beans with whip cream on top instead of the ice cream we ordered--again, for not finishing our veggies. Rob got a birthday card from our "cousins" at the next table (the CM had them sign it and pass it around their table before delivering to him). It is just so much fun!!

I agree.. With everyone i think it was be a lot MORE fun. We have done Sci Fi every trip. Tom is fine with going there again.. Me? I want to try something different! especially when we were supposed to go in november and couldn't since we cut the trip short. :mad:

Happy Thursday--today is my Friday!! Teacher Inservice Day tomorrow, BUT it's self-directed, so I am directing myself to stay home :) and perhaps do some online training I'm required to do....and most definitely get another update on my PTR that is so sadly abandoned again!!

See how bad i am?
It's Wednesday. the 28th. I have been out of my mind BUSY!
(I had to look at the calendar to check what day today was...)
I am so excited for your trip i cannot tell you!!!

Yay for planning!!! I'm so glad everyone is excited. It really makes planning for bigger groups more fun and less stressful. Do you think you guys will spend the entire trip together?

Me too!!! So much more fun!!! I really should start hammering out more details? like WHERE everyone wants to eat? make a wish list... one thing at a time here. i have been lax with this since we have SO MUCH time.. then i looked and we are at 345 days! yes that's still a large amount of time. but if i keep it at this rate we won't have a darn thing planned! LOL

You guys are gonna LOVE 50's!!! And I think it'd be the perfect birthday dinner for your kids. THe whole schtick is right up y'alls alley!!

I agree! we were supposed to go in November.. Since we had to cut it short that was one of the ADR's that was scratched. So i really want to go!!! AND they closed our beloved Ed DeBevics!

I'm a fan of starting a WDW trip in the MK. Maybe that'd be a fun start once your friends arrive? Maybe 'Ohana breakfast? nothing like a morning with Stitch to celebrate being 13 years old!

I have no idea what their flights will be once they get there on Saturday?!?! can't really plan anything in the morning with them.
Nor do i have any idea what time we will roll into Disney on their Birthday? can't stand the unknown!!! Kills my plans!

We don't do Thursday in my office, LOL! Have a great one!

Thursday are the arm pit of the week.

Awe! My little sticker didn't post, so now my "We don't do Thursdays" comment makes no sense!

Let's try that again, shall we?

YES!!!! I cannot agree with this ANYMORE!

Awww, the Tinkerbell video is awesome! I can't wait to see how the other ones turn out!

I can't wait to fit it ALL together! see how it unfolds!!!

I just need to see what your plans are for Sept. 14th on, woman! Get with it!

Yeah yeah. I am lucky if i know what i am doing on departure day!!!

It's a great tour. Between the movie, big Bat outside, bronze glove inside, standing behind a fast ball, and watching bats get made.....all around good time.

How long do you think we will need to play around?

Very cute. How long is un edited version?

about 20 minutes longer! LOL!

I was surprised you tube allowed it! Last time i tried to upload something like this i was slapped..

Hello all!
It's been insane work alone is overly busy. so my mornings have all been work work work and no play
Which makes Mo a dull girl.

After work i am home for about 20 minutes then it's off to the football field from some football and cheerleading.

we get home about 8 dinner showers bed and reenact the same routine over and over.

This is Monday -Friday Friday i get to leave early for Dog training.

Saturdays? Yeah what are those?
Between working job #2 or some even the bulldogs have!
the 17th was the bulldog nation night at a the semi pro team turned out to be one of the best nights!!! way fun and the kids were on a you tube channel.

The 24th? Dog fest with Cesar Milan and son. (the dog whisper from animal planet)
They are starting a new show first stop? Chicago and our little dog fest.

His son is simply adorable. Andre, my new BFF


My Mom will be the star of this show... She is the one kneeling first on the left with her sheltie.

These things are my worst nightmare. People do NOT watch their dogs. and yes there was one UGLY dog fight. the owner was taken to the hospital etc. He is OK. yet i don't know about his hand.

The Bulldogs of course were there and did a cheer for him. (yet he didn't come out of his trailer for it.) Whatever. pre-madonna.
Once i have more information on this i will forward it on.

Mondays: once games start usually practices go down to 4 days a week.
Except this past Monday., Peanut has practice ALL WEEK
ya know why?
yep there goes yet another weekend to this program. Saturday is the bonfire night and Sunday is game day.
I called off form the city job on Monday i will need SLEEP. and well Zack back to the doc.

Oh yeah i didn't mention that one! Zack:
last week at practice A kid fell on Zack and hurt his knee.. It was painful for a few days Tom knew it.
Sunday I was paralyzed with fear as i watched Zack laying on the field. until it occurred to me it was his knee.......... again.
Yep. The kid he was on, did a fast juke which means he is running one way and quickly changes direction. when Zack twisted he hurt the knee again. Needless to say Zack and Tom got an ear FULL. Zack for NOT telling the coaches he wasn't 100% and Tom for allowing him to play as much as he did.

Zack went to the doc this past Monday thankfully all it is inflammation of the muscles surrounding the knee and doc wants to see him again this coming Monday. Yes for this stupid mistake he now has to miss playing in the homecoming game!

The kids and i had a long talking in knowing limits and their bodies. They play so many sports and i have to be able to trust them in playing.. if not? NO SPORTS. easy peasy.

I am going to start looking at my days and see about the louisville slugger I need times!
NEED to make sure we are in Disney at a relativity early hour to make the best of their birthday!

Happy Hump day!
Geeze Lou Freakin' ise! I'm so dang far behind again. Your birthday party story and the singing candle had me laughing out loud which I needed at the moment. What a pre-Madonna Cesar was! Just keep your booty in the trailer 'cause it looks like his son more than made up for him.

Poor kiddos getting hurt in sports. It's all part of the game unfortunately.
i have been lax with this since we have SO MUCH time.. then i looked and we are at 345 days! yes that's still a large amount of time. but if i keep it at this rate we won't have a darn thing planned! LOL

RIGHT?! when you start you're all "I have over a year to plan this bad boy!" Then, in the blink of an eye it's the night before your ADR day and you still haven't decided where you're having breakfast 3 outta the 5 days you'll be there! I don't have Disney stress or anything... :faint:

The 24th? Dog fest with Cesar Milan and son. (the dog whisper from animal planet)
They are starting a new show first stop? Chicago and our little dog fest.

COOL! I loved his show, before we stopped paying for cable.

My Mom will be the star of this show... She is the one kneeling first on the left with her sheltie.

Never would've figured that one out; you look just like your mom!

The kids and i had a long talking in knowing limits and their bodies. They play so many sports and i have to be able to trust them in playing.. if not? NO SPORTS. easy peasy.

I don't know how you do it. I fear dance class, I couldn't imagine football. I'd probably give myself an ulcer watching them play the games.

Happy Hump day!

Happy Wednesday!!!:smickey:
I came back to the Disboards, it has been almost a year since our last visit to Disney. I didn't finish our trip report, life got too crazy busy.

We had a little bit more bad luck, a leaky pipe in the laundry room, a broken tree in the backyard. Then DH broke his ankle trying to cut down the rest of the tree.

Following along on your plans for next year. I helped plan a big trip for our whole family (DH's Mom and Siblings) We were a group of 12 in June of 2011. We ate at 50's Primetime Cafe it was hard to get an ADR but I finally did, and they separated us. DH's brother and his family was in an entirely different room. We had a lot of fun together, but waiting for our ADR times was a bit stressful because we were such a big group. We waited an hour after our ADR for our tables at Crystal Palace for lunch.

I am hoping for a trip to Disney late next fall. I want to go to the Christmas party and see all the amazing Christmas decorations in the resorts. We would love to see Christmas around the world at Epcot.
How long do you think we will need to play around?

The great news is as much or little time as you'd like, most of it is self guided. I believe when I took my in-laws (who are huge Cardinals fans and got to see a shipment of bats going to St Louis) we spent a couple of hours. I'd expected to just drag myself along to be a good DiL but had lots of fun. It's a go to place for folks who visit now.
We spent a couple of hours at the Louisville Slugger plant when we went a few years ago. There was a short film, a museum type space and then the factory tour. It was a lot of fun, the kids will love it.
Thank you! :D We are going September 5th - September 12th, I plan on booking our reservation tonight. I also plan on starting a pre trip report tonight as well. :D :D :D

Ohh! I hope to see you there! If you DO see our crazy band of morons PLEASE say Hi!!
Where are you going to stay?!? CONGRATS on Booking!!!

Geeze Lou Freakin' ise! I'm so dang far behind again. Your birthday party story and the singing candle had me laughing out loud which I needed at the moment.

I am caught up on yours!! Thank God as you haven't updated in forever! LOL..
That dang candle.. I swear it still haunts my dreams!!!

What a pre-Madonna Cesar was! Just keep your booty in the trailer 'cause it looks like his son more than made up for him.

Tell me about it. I am not a fan of his anyhow. This took the cake.
His son was ADORABLE! as sweet as pie and all around good person!

Poor kiddos getting hurt in sports. It's all part of the game unfortunately.

Yes it is. Thankfully nothing serious..

RIGHT?! when you start you're all "I have over a year to plan this bad boy!" Then, in the blink of an eye it's the night before your ADR day and you still haven't decided where you're having breakfast 3 outta the 5 days you'll be there! I don't have Disney stress or anything... :faint:

Your not joking.. If i at least have a thought in the ADR's this would start to shape up?!? LOL I really need to get my act together... But I DO have thoughts! Which i am going to post!!!

COOL! I loved his show, before we stopped paying for cable.

I would love to get rid of my cable bill...

Never would've figured that one out; you look just like your mom!

Thanks! I am pretty much a perfect combo of both my parents! LOL!!

I don't know how you do it. I fear dance class, I couldn't imagine football. I'd probably give myself an ulcer watching them play the games.

The boys i think were built for football.. Honestly If at anytime i thought the boys were in trouble i would pull them faster then you can blink!
Happy Wednesday!!!:smickey:

Not no more! IT'S Friday eve!

I came back to the Disboards, it has been almost a year since our last visit to Disney. I didn't finish our trip report, life got too crazy busy.


Totally understand the busy part!!

We had a little bit more bad luck, a leaky pipe in the laundry room, a broken tree in the backyard. Then DH broke his ankle trying to cut down the rest of the tree.

Oh No.. I am so sorry! have things calmed down for you?
here's a little pixi dust for you..

Following along on your plans for next year. I helped plan a big trip for our whole family (DH's Mom and Siblings) We were a group of 12 in June of 2011. We ate at 50's Primetime Cafe it was hard to get an ADR but I finally did, and they separated us. DH's brother and his family was in an entirely different room. We had a lot of fun together, but waiting for our ADR times was a bit stressful because we were such a big group. We waited an hour after our ADR for our tables at Crystal Palace for lunch.

Well this is discouraging...

I am hoping for a trip to Disney late next fall. I want to go to the Christmas party and see all the amazing Christmas decorations in the resorts. We would love to see Christmas around the world at Epcot.

Ohh you MUST see the castle in lights!!! There is nothing more magical!!!

The great news is as much or little time as you'd like, most of it is self guided. I believe when I took my in-laws (who are huge Cardinals fans and got to see a shipment of bats going to St Louis) we spent a couple of hours. I'd expected to just drag myself along to be a good DiL but had lots of fun. It's a go to place for folks who visit now.

This is perfect i spent a lot of time looking into certain places to stop at. This will be one of them!
Going to do an actual update in a minute!

We spent a couple of hours at the Louisville Slugger plant when we went a few years ago. There was a short film, a museum type space and then the factory tour. It was a lot of fun, the kids will love it.

I hope so! this would be up their alley too! Something for all of them for once! LOL. I see there is a college football hall of fame there.. :confused3
My Mom will be the star of this show... She is the one kneeling first on the left with her sheltie.
This is totally cool. Do you know when this show will air?

They are filming a lot of shows around the area where I work. Last week I could see a little of the filming for a scene in the Empire show. And then I was almost run down by the guy driving Cookie from the filming site. I've never watched the show but I have heard of the Cookie character.
Departure day?!

Look at me! Doing an actual UPDATE ON DISNEY! Not life not my kids.. DISNEY!


I have been thinking a lot about Sept 7th. The How's-What's- and Why's. I have yet to come up with an answer to any of it.
The only word which comes to mind is LOST.

The 2014 trip was amazing. It took all my ideas and loaded them into one. This is not 2014. Which deflated all my creative thinking.. I am not in any way trying to top 2014 and the epic surprise. Just don't i can?!? Which made me turn to anything i could find on the internet to help me in the 2016 surprise again.
tricking them is easy. God i love my kids THE THINGS I DO!

Looking at the big reveal is TOUGH in how to make it monumental! don't want to just toss them in the car and say HEY WE ARE GOING TO DISNEY.
I need to go big or go home.
What else am i going to do with all my free time?!?

Scavenger hunt? Yeah.. No.. the kids would KNOW something is up and again i am NOT cleaver enough to come up with fun clues.

I am good with the video's yet we have done it already. So i came her and asked all of you wonderful Dis'ers:disrocks: Which came to the Characters talking to the kids! What a great idea! I really didn't know HOW FLIPPING AWESOME it would be until Li Li sent the video's and threw me into a tailspin of tears!!! OMG THE CHARACTERS ARE TALKING TO MY KIDS!


Well that did it. I have about 6 videos... Now what do i do with them...

Here is what i have come up with in my disorganized head:

Thursday: Sept 7th
Get the kids from school early, tell them they have a doc appointment but we will have lunch first..
Tom will grab them from school I will be sitting in the living room watching Disney you tube stuff (not uncommon.) I will make something Disney related for lunch. a subtle hint of sorts. Come back to watch the you tube videos. Put on the reveal video.
Boop. Done.

Any ideas for lunch??

Pack up the car and Skeeeeeeeeeeedaddle!

Past trips we have always said "wow that looks really neat!"
Never stopped-- we needed to get to the bubble asap.
THIS TIME. I would love to be able to stop on the way. Make this drive a little more entertaining!

Where does one turn to? GOOGLE MAPS!

Rough Calculations:
Chicago to Ky Slugger- 5 hours
Slugger Museum 2 hours?
Lunch 1 1/2 hours This is long only to compensate for bathroom breaks.
I really want to stop at Cavehill Cemetery.
Ky- Florida welcome center- 3am IT'S NOT OPEN
Welcome center to DISNEY BUBBLE Polynesian- 4 hours

Roughly get to our happy place at 7-9am Sept 8th.

Start a magical Birthday celebration!
With the above it would mean we would have to leave Chicago at 9am-- that's almost 24 hours of driving or on the go.... Ouch..


If 9am is when we start this adventure. What's the point of taking the kids to school?
Kids must go to school... I need time.
Looks like we will be getting into the happy place a little later then anticipated.
Rather leave about 11. Get to KY by 3 (remember time change!) and still see the cemetery! They close at 4:45!
No we will not be stopping at Waverly Hills Sanitarium.. I do have my kids with me!

Back on track..

We will do a happy dance entering the bubble of pure happiness!
I know the room will not be ready yet would like to stop in drop off all luggage and start out.

Which park to stop at first?!?!


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