Who's going week of April 14 & where are ya stayin'??


DIS Veteran
Aug 3, 2000
There is a group of 6 of us going April 14-20 staying at OKW!
Who else will be there???

Can't wait, hopefully the Holiday crowds will start to go down!
Kamy :)
After my very first trip in 2000, I came home and started saving money right away for our 2nd trip - yeah!! Staying at CBR, which sounds really fun for my 10yo DS.
We will be at beach club 4/13 - 4/20. Made our ps's for Cinderella's Royal Table yesterday and the kids have started their countdown. 59 days to go! It will be the first time for all of us!
kka, what time is Cindy's PS? I'll be booking Cindy's next week, hope to get first one in the morning! This will be my third Cindy's breakky!
We're at BWV with my in-laws from the 14th to the 19th....it's their first trip to WDW!
SandraC, Our ps's are for 8:55 on 4/14. We have 3 girls who are very excited. I had everyone calling to get the ps. It was of course grandma who got through and was able to get them. When I finally got a cm, they told me it was sold out and that was at 7:02! These boards have helped so much in planning our trip. I never would have known about making ps's if it wasn't for these boards! Thank you!

Seem's like MI is going to be at OKW that week! We will be at OKW from 4/17-4/24 for my birthday. It will be the 3 of us--my husband, our 3 year old daughter, and me.

See you there!

:) Will be at CBR from the 16th till the 19th (unless some great codes, AP rates come out or I marry Mickey!) then it's off to the Boardwalk Villas(Were we rented points from another Wonderful Diser right here on the Rent/Trade Boards.) and we will stay there until we have to fly home on the 23rd! :(
We will be there April 12 - 16, staying at the WL unless we can get a better rate at the Poly.
We're driving down--first time to do so. We flew last year, but want to try the drive. I forgot about Cindy's--glad I read this post.


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