who has best price on AP/PAP ?


<font color=teal>I am quite the little Teapot<br><
May 27, 2000
ok so far we found and this was disneys site..
349.00 with tax for Annual pass.
$497.17 with tax for PREMUIM Annual Pass..
where am i gonig to get a better price..
thanks Peter
we r not Magic Kingdom member .
And we r AAA members ??
thanks PETER
I think the Annual Pass (and Premium AP) can only be purchased through Disney. I do not think those can be purchased through AAA. The only discount I know of for the AP (and PAP) is with a Disney Club membership.

Does anyone have different information?
$297 including tax for the AP?

This is less than the disney club price of $321. including tax.

Are you sure this price was with tax?
JUst checked disney.com for the regular AP prices including tax.

Child $297.
Adult $349.


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