Who has a cover charge at CityWalk?


DIS Veteran
Sep 7, 2000
I am checking out the Citywalk site and ran across the "tickets" area. For $8xx you can get a pass for Citywalk. What is that about? We were there in Feb and walked right into Pat Obrians after they checked our id's. I don't remember paying a cover. I could be wrong, though. (our friend might have paid and didn't tell us) I'll keep searching the site and post back if I answer my question, but in the mean time, does anyone know what clubs have a cover charge?
Covers are generally charged after 10 pm. It is usually $3. The places that have covers are: Margaritaville, Bob Marley, CityJazz, the groove, Latin Quarter, Motwon Cafe, and Pat O'Brien's.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Thanks Barry! All that I found was:
Margarittaville after 10pm $3.25
Marley's F&S after 8pm $4.25
Motown S-F after 9pm $3 and Sat $5 after 9pm

*** :eek: *** You can sign up for Pat Obrien's newsletter and "birthday club" on the site, too. They say that you will get a bottle of champain on your birthday! Click on PO'B and then FUN. Look for the newsletter link in blue about the middle of the page. Click on that and then send them an email with your address and birthdate. (month and day) Something to look into if you'll be there on your birthday.


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