Which to do first- book room ressies or airfare?


Earning My Ears
Sep 26, 2000
Okay all you Disney experts here's my deal. Looking to travel to WDW in Oct or Nov 2001 and save on both ressies and airfare from Newark. Should I book air now at 179 p.p. non-stop and hope I can find a code or insider rate for Dixie Landings during those months or do I wait for a good room rate and hope and pray that the 179 p.p. is still available. I'm sure many of you have experienced this as I have read on these boards that booking air and room separate is the way to go. Thanks!
we usually get our room 6 months out. the airfare is usually not available for cheap fares till 1-2 months before trip. so it ends up being room then airfare for us.
but if $179 is cheap, get it.
you can always get a good room rate...if you can't get Dixie for a good price...go for the All Stars.
just my 2 cents.

<font face="Book Antiqua" color=#FF0066>
Offsite 1992
CBR 9-95
Dixie 9-98
Beach Club 9-99
Dixie 9-2000
Beach Club or Poly 9-2001<font>
usually because that is biggest expense for us. However, if having a specific resort/rate is your priority, I would try to work your airfare around that. Also, sometimes you can get really good rates at the last minute but that can be risky.

I get the hotel first because you can always cancel or change your hotel reservation. It's much harder to cancel or change an airline resrvation.

-- Robin
I'm with Robin! :D

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board
I'm with Robin too.
if you get your room ressie by 1 or 2 days extra that way you can have a little flexibility when getting airfare, then you can always cancel the extra night.

"We need more fruitcakes in this world!"
-Jimmy Buffett
Im with you both..i already have reservations at 2 hotels for my stay in August. When idecide which one i definately want ill cancel the other one!! We're booking the plane soon...hotel will depend on how much the airfare is and when we can fly.


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