Which is your favourite water park?

Which is your favourite water park?

  • Typhoon Lagoon

  • Blizzard Beach

  • River Country

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DIS Veteran
Feb 12, 2000
Which of these is your favourite water park? I can never choose between Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach. TL has the best theming/atmosphere but BB has the best rides. :confused:
I put Blizzard Beach, but it's really a tie between Blizzard Beach and Typhoon Lagoon since I really love both of them.
I'm going to have to go with Typhoon Lagoon. I like BB too but I REALLY REALLY hate wet sand. It drives me nuts....maybe I already am (nuts) :p ...but anyways TL all the way!
im gonna vote for RC b/c no one has but i love all 3!
RC is sooo cool..i didnt think i was gonna like it but i loved it!
TL has the best wave pool
and BB has the best theming


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