Where to get Disney clothing?


Feb 13, 2000
I went to the Disney Store yesterday and got some great deals on cloths. But now I am looking for a good local place. What stores carry good selections and prices? Places like K Mart, Wal Mart, Target???

Our Wal Mart always carries Disney clothes-not the official brand-but the prices are right!
Ditto - Walmart.


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<font size=4 color=blue font face="Comic Sans MS">Robin

Definatly Walmart, I just bought 2 shirts and a jean short jumper (and if I do say so myself w/the on red shirt I look quite cute in the jumper). Anyone, I saved bundles by shopping Walmart as opposed to the Disney Store. Also, I haven't been in Kmart in a while, but last time I was there they did have Disney stuff.


<marquee><font size="6" color="PURPLE">Trix may be for kids, but WDW is for ALL!!</font></marquee>

carrying the Disney clothes!!! Their shirts use to cost me about $15.00 each.

At Belz in Orlando,I got Disney Park shirts $4.99 to 9.99[sizes 2x and 3x] and at Buena Vista Factory Stores we got Disney Hats $2.99 and trading pins $1.99.

So, save some of those Dollars for some Great Disney Shopping in Orlando!!


[This message was edited by tink2dw on 04-08-01 at 11:57 PM.]
I know there is a Disney Catalog Outlet in San Marcos, TX. Not sure if that's near you. They ususally have a pretty good selection of adult and children's clothes.


<font color=3300ff>PO/Riverside 5/01
Dixie Landing 11/00, 9/00, 8/00, 1/00, 10/99, 10/98, 6/94
All Star Sport 10/01,5/00, 12/99
All Star Music 7/01, 4/01, 4/00, 5/99, 5/97, 5/96, 4/95
All Star Movie 11/00, 4/99
Caribbean Beach 5/96, 11/90, 5/89
Coronado Spring 5/98
Wilderness Lodge 7/99, 11/95
WDW Hotel Village 10/87
Disneyland 5/86

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