Where to Buy Special Swim Diapers and Filtered Water Bottles?


Earning My Ears
Feb 10, 2001
I was just curious where l can buy the special swim diapers that the HIFS requires 4 year olds and under to wear in their pools? I know they sell them there, but l heard that they are tight fitting. Any ideas? Perhaps a special swim shop?

Also l would like to buy the filtered bottles that people have talked about on these boards. I would like to have them in the parks, so we can fill them with the water in the parks, and be comfortable drinking the water. Thanks! Karen
Hi Canucksie. We found the filtered Brita water bottles at Canadian Tire and I seem to remember also seeing them at Sears.



Co-moderator - Restaurants Board & Canadian Board
About the diapers. If they're the ones I'm thinking, Little Swimmers?
I've seen them at Walmart. My daughter was just getting out of diapers, when they came to Canada. I bought them in the U.S., they work pretty good, but not perfect. You still have to check periodically for the material breaking down.

Hope this helped! Lori :D :rolleyes: Little Swimmers?

09-1988-off site
09-1990-off site
09-2001-All Star Movies, can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks everyone for the replies. it makes looking for things a whole lot easier. Thanks again!! Karen :cool:
I'm not sure that HIFS considers Huggies L'il Swimmers an acceptable swim pant, so it's probably worth checking with them in advance. I have a vague memory of reading this on another board. We've used the L'il Swimmers at home, though, and also found them at Shoppers Drug Mart and Toys 'r Us.



Co-moderator - Restaurants Board & Canadian Board
Hi again Canucksie. I just had to go and check up on my vague memory. Here are two threads that deal with swim diapers at HIFS. It seems that the L'il Swimmers, which are disposable, are not acceptable.

First Thread

Second Thread



Co-moderator - Restaurants Board & Canadian Board

[This message was edited by CindyAnn on 04-21-01 at 02:36 PM.]
Wow..interesting discussion CindyAnn. We were planning on taking a package of Lil Swimmer's but now I guess I'll wander over to Sears and/or Walmart and see what they have for this other item. Well, as they say, poop happens...

5 more sleeps...


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