where to buy "mister" fans (personal,portable ones for parks)



I'm not sure if this is the right board to ask, but I am looking for fans people have mentioned taking to parks with them. They are sold in the parks but are cheaper to buy before you go. I have been looking (don't know EXACTLY what I'm looking for!) but can't find them. Walmart clerks don't seem to know either, each one I ask sends me to a different department. Can anyone familiar with these fans offer suggestions?
The ones I recently bought don't mist, but I found them at the Dollar Tree in town.
i found mine at eckerds, but it was in the clearance section. they may get more this summer, though.
We bought ours at our local WalMart Superstore when they brought out the summer stuff.
I just asked at our local WalMart this morning and the dept manager said they wouldn't be out until Easter is over, as they are usually with the fans they put in the seasonal section.

Go to Yahoo Shopping and ask for mist fans and there are some places you can buy them online, if you need one soon.

Hope this helps! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Have a do da day!

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I've also been looking for these for our June trip. I finally got lucky when I saw an ad in a Walgreens flyer on Sunday. BUT...when I went to Walgreens, the lady didn't know what it was and said they didn't have any. She did take my phone number and promised to call around for me. Hopefully I'll hear something soon. They were on sale for $6.99. Is that a good price???
Yahoo is showing Mist Fans from OURHOUSE.COM.
I believe they were $8.92. However, if you go to http://www.amazing-bargains.com and scroll down to OURHOUSE.COM, you will see that thru them you get $15.00 off your first order....
Now that's what I call a good price !!!!!
We went in August 2 years ago. We giggled when we saw people with the misters (thought we were big strong southerners used to the heat). BUT, we gave in by the second day. The larger ones (all they had then--but now they do sell smaller ones), were 24.99 PLUS batteries which I can only saw are costly at the parks.

Disney got the last laugh on that one. . . but we use it at ball games and other places. It is wonderful. We also bought a small one at Target for around $6 that fit nicely into the fanny pack. We just had to fill it up more often. . .

Target has a really awesome mister that doesn't need batteries! You add water, pump up a plunger, and wala....cool micromist on tap! It is in the sports section with the water bottles. I thought this was pricey at first, but realized it was a quality product that would last years, and saves the cost of batteries. It was $20.
I just saw these at Kmart last Sunday. They were located somewhere between the lawn furniture and pool/ water toys. I am not sure if it matters, but this was at a Big K.
I bought one from Target last year when they were clearing out all of the summer stuff. I paid $4.75 for it.

Looking forward to our Wonder trip October 22, 2000!!!
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Thanks everyone for your responses. I only wish we had a Target in the area. I will try K Mart and that web site for starters!
What do you call these fans I tried searching with portable fans and misting fans at both yahoo and ourhouse and got 0 resaults.
At ourhouse.com just do a search for mist. I also tried fans, mister fans, and misting fans but didn't get anything. When I did a search for mist, the fans came up. Good Luck!
You should be able to find them a the Walmart or the Target in Kissimmee... They we much cheaper than those at the park.
I got mine at Kmart last year for about $10. It's the kind you pump up, with no batteries. We used it at a Fourth of July fireworks display and I was incredibly popular with all the neighboring little kids. It was invaluable.
I recently saw these at Walmart. They were right next to the display of suntan lotion. They were around $10 and a good size to carry. We also had to break down and buy one at Disney for $25. OUTRAGEOUS!!
Got two water misting fans called Pocket Breeze Mist from the makers of Squeeze Breeze (?) at Walmart a few weeks ago. It is a personal size and requires two AA batteries. Only got two and there's four in our family... we'll be at WDW the first week in May... Maybe I should get two more and look for the ones that don't require batteries!!


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