Where should I stay?? Country Inn or Vistana Villages


<font color=FF66FF>Can't wait to stay at the Beach
Aug 12, 2000
Ok-- I bet they really don't compare.

Vistana Villages have alot more to offer- 2 BR's, jacuzzi, full kitchen, balcony LOTS more room.

I presently have ressies with both places. Both have had really good reviews.
I have a kidssuite reserved with CI&S for $54. ( Let me just say we live in a VERY small apt, we don't mind being close.) The plusses here are that it's brand new, they said there is a king and bunk twins(more than enough), micro, fridge, free breakfast and the pool with the slide(Ilove slides).

I have ressies with VV for a 2BR with the 7th night free. It comes out to $95 night. Is it worth almost double the price $54 VS $95.

Littleducksmom- I know you have been to both- what doyou think.

Let me add price is very much an issue this year.
How much are you going to be in the room?

I have stayed in a king suite at CI here in Minnesota. It was lovely room with free continental bkfst.

You can't go wrong with either place...if you want to save money, go with CS
When are you going, singitalto? That's a great rate. Do you mind telling us how you got it?

by the way I LOVE your family's smiles!
We usually stay in the room a bit in the morning cause we are all night owls and like to sleep in. On our last vacation we found a schedule that worked:
Wake up about 9am kids and get our bathingsuits on and go to the pool for an hour or so. This gives my DH time to wake up with his coffee. We usually make it to the parks by 12. This works for us because last Sept it rained in the afternoon so if we wanted to swim you had to do it in the morning.

I got the great rate of $109 night for 6 nights with the 7th free at www.hotelkingdom.com for a 2 BR at V V. I am going during the value season - September. That comes out to $94 night.
The Country Inn and suites I called and asked for the valuetrips rate for a kidsuite and got $54 night with free breakfast.

I hate when this happens--- too many good rates!!!!LOL

I'll probably keep both the ressies and decide closer to Sept when I see how much money I have saved.

I still would like opinions!!!!
singitalto...........i hope i can help, although i think your idea of hanging on to both reservations for now is an excellent one. since you said budget was very important on this trip i think you would be getting the best deal at country inn and suites.
1)you just cant beat that rate
2)you get a good free breakfast
3)a smaller(compared to vv) but very nice pool area that includes that waterpark(i am not sure how old your children are?) i am thinking that the vv would appeal more to teens, the ci&s to younger ones
4)you are closer to the parks by about 5 minutes
5)you are closer to more offsite restaurants and grocery stores by about 5 mins also

we are not actually staying at vistana villas until june, but when we were in orlando last december we checked them out. all i can say is wow!!! it is a gorgeous place and the rooms are incredible for what we are paying also. we are taking 3 teens, 10 y.o. and 1 y.o with us on this trip, so we need more room. the washer and dryer is gonna be nice also. we are not going to be spending as much time in the parks either on this trip, so being a little further away is also nice. the area around vistana villas is not very developed at all so far. we also got a scoop on what building we would like to stay in too......although none of the buildings have a bad view. all the rooms here, have a beautiful water view from what i could tell.

i hope i have helped.....it is a tough decision.......but budget-wise, country inn and suites would have to win.

Littleducksmom- Thanks for your opinion. I really appreciate it.

I will keep both reservations and see how expenses are closer to Sept. I'm really frugal at heart and CI&S sounds really nice, I just wish I could hear from someone who has stayed in the kidsuites here. Anyone know how big they are?

Weel, Just knowing there is a king bed, twin bunks, 2 tv's, micro, fridge , breakfast and a pool with a slide, makes me want to go now.

My kids are 8 &10. I think(from what yo said) perfect age for the pool- plus did I tell you I have a thing for pools with slides - I JUST LOVE THEM!!!!

These boards are great- Thank you everyone.


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