Where is the ride photo taken on the Hulk?


Earning My Ears
May 10, 2000
I’m summoning up all my courage – I’m going to ride the Hulk, and I’d like the photograph to prove it.:)

Can anyone tell me where on the ride they take your photograph (need to look like I’m enjoying it!):D

Thank you

It is towards the end of the ride. You will a Platform with the lights for the Photo's. I think if you look left you will face the cameras. The photo is pretty good we got one on our last trip.

Hope this helps
I think it might be at take-off. There's a flash of light and I tried to make a face that came out in the picture but then when you're on Hulk you're pretty much making the face of terror the entire time. ;) If there is another platform with a flash then it is probably there but my guess it at take-off.

DisneyDork <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
The cameras are toward the end of the ride. They are on your left hand side and there are six of them. Keep looking left you can see them before the pictures get taken. So smile.
As others have noted, the photo is taken near the end of the ride. After the initial launch and the cobra roll and the loop. The picture should be taken in the area behind the train building. Not sure, but I think it's after or near a corkscrew. Correct me if I'm mistaken.

In any case, you can purchase the photo right after you get off the ride. Right in front of the exit ramp. Photos I believe are around 10-11 dollars? Somewhat more depending on size and the frame (if any is required). don't forgot your AAA discount! Saves a pretty penny and it adds up! :D :D

<IMG width="107" height="123" SRC="http://www.geocities.com/cotye88/meeko.gif"</IMG>

<font size=4 color=blue>Kevin</font>

<font size=2 color=navy>Mariah: The Collection - 69 CDs and Counting.</font>

<font size=2>"I Will Be Alright, If I Can Find That Rainbow's End." - Mariah Carey</font>
The cameras are at the back of the building towards the end of the ride. You will come to a braking platform then you will drop and curve. Be smiling and looking to the left immediately after that and you should have a nice picture.

Good Luck!

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If you are a AAA member and show your card, they will give you a discount at all the resteraunts, gift shops and for photos. It really does add up. On our last day in the parks I had left my AAA card in the car and we were making our last big souvineir purchase at US. We told them we were AAA members but unfortunately didn't have the card with us. (We acted like we didn't know about the discount, or we would have brought the card.) Anyway, they clerk gave us the discount!:)

Have fun!

Donna R.
hey if you cant find it the first time, just go on it again, i bet you wont be able to ride it just once
Thank you everyone.

Excellent - I think I know where it is! I've been watching the 'Americas Ultimate Scream Machines' DVD (I think that’s what it’s called). I just couldn’t spot the photograph station! Cotye thank you very much for the info on AAA. I always forget to ask for the discount. We only used our card twice on our last visit! I will definitely remember this time round. Matty12, I hope that I manage to ride the Hulk more than once! But I’ll wait and see how I'm feeling after my first time round!:eek:

Thank you



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