Where is my clip art?


Squirrelly as all heck
Jan 2, 2001

If I don't get my clipart back I'm gonna stomp my feet and hold my breath until I do!!!:mad:

(actually, if you don't mind, take your time...I'll pass out and get some needed rest):p
Mine went back to my Easter picture, and that's not even on my website any more since I can only have one picture at a time on the free site I'm using to host it.
:confused: :confused: :confused:
I sure am using a lot of these confused smilies today!
I had to go to the old board and copy my clip art from my profile and add it to my new profile.

I was also able to get an avatar added (my flag).

The other thing I had to go was edit some of my preferences...it is under user cp (control panel) under edit options.
There is an option of recieving e-mails when someone replies to a post you have posted on. It took me a while to figure out how to stop them.
Mine also went back to my Easter clipart......:confused: ......I finally got my Tigger back, though!! :)


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