Where do you buy your Disney Dollars?


DIS Veteran
Feb 5, 2001
I know that our Disney Stores don't carry Disney Dollars so I was wondering where you buy your disney dollars? I've got the beenz rewardzcard and would like to buy DD with it. I'm reluctant to wait until our trip and buy them at Disney's Guest Services. TIA!!
Hi, so far I've gotten all my Disney Dollars through various reward programs, close to $400. When I need to purchase any I go to Walden Galleria in the US. Are you close to any borders? If you're not, I'm not sure how you could get them, unless you wait till your next holiday, but with beenz the way it is, that's a little uncertain. Hope you can work it out. Are there no gift certificates for meals you can order online and use your rewardcard for. Rainforest, Planet Hollywood etc.
Hi CJK. Like Maryann, I go to Buffalo to get my Disney Dollars. I either go to Walden Galleria or the Boulevard Mall. There may well be other Disney stores in the area, but if so, I'm not aware of them.



Co-moderator - Restaurants Board & Canadian Board
Hi, what the the advantage of using DD. Do I buy them at a discount? or I get a certain percentage off when I use them.
Welcome to the DIS garytam! You'll find this a very informative and fun place to visit. The Disney Dollars don't have any real advantage, other than the fact that they are kind of fun to use, especially for kids. They are equal to one US$ and you don't get any discounts when you use them. Lots of people keep one from their trip as a souvenier. Feel free to ask lots of questions, it's what we love about these boards.


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