Where are the hotel bargains???


DIS Veteran
Apr 6, 2001
I just found out about this site...can someone help? I am trying to find a good deal on a package or even rooms seperately. Iam a disney club and AAA member...I've called several x's and they nver have discounted rates available. we are traveling in September. THANKS
Hi! Welcome to DIS. I must warn you now, this web site is addictive. A great site to get a good deal is Priceline.com. I've received some great deals with them. I've learned everything through this website. The next time we go to WDW we are going to bid on a 4 star hotel in the Disney area. The 4 star hotels are the Dolphin, The Swan, Wyndham Palace, and the Grosvoner(I think).
I've seen some people on this site get the Wyndham for around $30 a night. These hotels are "Official Disney hotels" and from what I understand, much nicer than Disney's All Star Resorts. I just bid on a rental car through priceline. First we bid on a mini van for $22 and were rejected. Then, we bid on an SUV for $20 and were accepted by Hertz. Just make sure you have the dates you want, etc. When your bid is accepted on Priceline, you are locked in immediately and your credit card charged. I would do a search on this site about Priceline and read up on everything before you bid.
You have come to the right place. Ask all of the questions you want.

1980, 86,91,96,98 - off site
2000 - 7 day Cruise
May 2001 Cypress Harbour
I checked out that site.............Got rooms for $49.00 a night THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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