when should I book my summer of 2002 trip?


DIS Veteran
Apr 11, 2000
I am saving my pennies for our next trip, which will be in late august of 2002. I am tossing the idea of using a 4*priceline hotel for disney for 9 nights and then one closer to universal for 3 nights. When does priceline let you start bidding(how far out)? I need some advice for the best money saving tips. I always book early so I can really start saving, but sometimes you see some prices go down.
Which hotels would you recommend for the universal area?
thanks for any help
Do not know about priceline but as far as saving money we do some of the following:
Take 50% of our tax refund (if we get one)
Dump out our change nightly into a big bowl and roll it eveery few months.
In an account we have a car loan with (payroll deduction) we add an extra $20 a week so we have money left over.
We also shop all deals for flights/rooms/rental cars/

Good Luck
I think if you start to at least look at options now it is ggod. We are planning on going in April 2002 for are anniversary. I took 300.00 of tax money and dumped into a savings account and I try to dump what ever amount I can afford to. Disney dollars help when you have extra money to spend at the Disney Store. We are staying on sight for sure which is more expensive but we don't have children. If you have children o sight is more convient but not always for affordable. If you have a set price on what you want to pay for a hotel. I would start looking around there is also a book of discounted hotels through Kissimee St. Cloud which is real close to Disney. It advertises on tv alot not sure of the number. As far as priceline I can't help you there never used it. The change idea is a good one to.
We are planning a May 2002 trip, and we are an extended family of 9 (4 of these are children 5 and under).
Because we are planning so far in advance, I was able to rent points from a DVC member. My husband and I are thinking about buying into a timeshare anyway, so it makes sense for us to check out the resorts beforehand. But even if you're not interested in becoming a DVC member, since you're planning so far in advance you may be able to get an extremely good rate on rooms by renting points from a DVC member, and if you're going to be at WDW next April, you should start looking for points to rent NOW.
We are going to be staying 4 nights in a 2 bedroom at Boardwalk Villas and 4 nights at Wilderness Lodge Villas--at about a 50% discount from the normal cash price...plus, with the full kitchen and the w/dryer and 2 bathrooms, we figure we're saving extra time and money on meals and such. In addition, these are DELUXE resorts, and ON-SITE.
For the Disney portion of your stay, this may be well worth looking into. There is a forum on this board, "Disney Vacation Club" forum, and its companion, the "Rent/Trade" forum which could more adequately address any questions you may have regarding the rental process.
you're not going until August. You have plenty of time to look for points, if that's what you're interested in. DVC member cannot book the rooms until September anyway.
thanks so much for all of your help. I am going to start looking into the dvc points, I also just read somewhere that the hilton(downtown disney) is coming up as one of the 4* hotel choices. I wonder if the other ones are still the same?
thanks again


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