When do you start Packing


DIS Veteran
May 22, 2000
Just wondering if anyone else starts packing for their WDW trips (or any other trips for that matter) weeks or even months before the trip? My poor DH thinks I am crazy (until he realizes the method behind my madness). Usually two months or so (sometimes more) before our trip I will be watching for toiletries, etc. to see when they get to a level that we should need for the length of time we will be on vacation. I.E. when his shaving cream feels like it has 9 days worth in it a grab it from him and say "Sorry, I need this for our vacation", and give him a new can. This way, even if there is a little left at the end of our stay I can leave it behind along with toothpaste, shampoo, soap, contact solution, makeup, etc. By doing this we have more room on the return trip for souvenirs, and we don't have to rush to unpack these items when we get home. Of course whenever anyone at work or elsewhere hears that I start packing this early they too think I am crazy!


Castmember Laura
That's a great idea although my wife usually gets the travel size of everything.

We are leaving in 29 days. I have started to get my summer clothes and take inventory of what I might need. Not a big deal for me as I haven't grown much over the summer but for my DD (4) and DS (2) it is a bit different.

With some exceptions we will have almost everything laid out this weekend.
Wow - that's way too efficient!!! DH and I have travel bags filled with all the toiletries we need for about a week. We keep 'em ready at all times since we travel a lot for work.

I start packing for WDW trips the night before we leave. Most other trips - the morning I leave!


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<marquee>Judie B. - Former smoker as of 4/16/01!!!</marquee></font></font></font>

...I'm already making lists and setting some stuff aside (like our refillable mugs from our last stay at CBR)! I'm hiding it from my DH though, he thinks I'm nuts.
Hi, I'm with you. I like to plan ahead. We are not leaving until Aug 2 and I have list made up for what we will need and I have been buying things we will need as I see them on sale. I think my DH thinks I'm nuts too. I like to be prepared.
Glad to hear I'm am not alone in my nuttiness! Tarzan's Mommy - We too are going in September (although I haven't started packing yet and I feel like I am behind!). We are going to be at the AK Lodge Sept. 7 & 8 and then at FW Cabins Sept. 9-16. When are you going?


Castmember Laura
We leave in 30 days I just told DH to get down the suitcases so I can start throwing things in we don't need to use between now and then - like the rain ponchos I just picked up at the dollar store. It gets me excited for the trip and it helps avoid those last minute dashes to pick up something I forgot.


<font color=red>Poly. & Contemp as a child</font>
<font color=blue>CBR '90 - Honeymoon!</font>
<font color=green>DxL '95</font>
Off Site '96
<font color=purple>PO Riverside 5/18-5/26</font><MARQUEE>CAN'T WAIT</MARQUEE>
We pack the night before. Now, granted, I am a flight attendant and we travel a bunch. But there is no way I can get my DH to pack any earlier!
We never seem to forget anything either. Though, we will this time since I just said that!

1980, 86,91,96,98 - off site
2000 - 7 day Cruise
May 2001 Cypress Harbour
Castmbr - I LOVE your packing idea!!! We are leaving in 24 days (yippee) and I've printed off a copy of my packing list and now need to get started :) I'll have to start checking out those shampoo bottles, contact cleaner, etc. Of course, without my husband looking.... <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> he already thinks I'm nuts....

Oh, we are all nuts but I think you can never pack too soon. I start to pack things early. We live in God's country, so we aren't wearing shorts yet, they go first. I take full things with us, a/c it would be my luck we would run out of things down there and the prices are alittle high for personal items. One thing I start to purchase early are film and camcorder tapes. You pay almost double there. I have a master list of everything we need on our computer, a list for each of us, we use this for every vacation. Then if I think of something, I add it too the list. Before we leave, I take a copy and check off the list. This is very handy. Personally I think you can never be too prepared. Have a great vacation!
I pack the clothes only about a week or two before we go. But I have a HUGE Rubbermaid containter in the closet of the guest bedroom that I throw stuff in all year long for the trip. The mister fans and the rain ponchos go right in there after a Disney trip. Then as I buy things for the trip - travel sizes of toiletries, etc., I throw them in the bin. We don't have any children, but if my nephew or godchildren are going on the trip (we take them about every other year, but not all at once) I find prizes for them at the Dollar Store and throw those in the bin too.

When it's time to actually pack in the suitcase I dump everything out of the bin. Then I print my two-page packing list (that I have been editing all year) from the computer, and cross things off the list as they go into the suitcase. My husband thinks I'm crazy. But he is quite pleased once we get to Disney and he says, "you didn't by any chance think to bring so and so, did you?" And I say, "of course, it's right here."
We will be going on about 7 long weekend trips this summer. I learned from last year that between trips (sometimes home just Tu-Th) it does not make much sense to unpack just to repack again. Of course I do the laundry and just repack it. I usually just come home to work for a few days and Im off again. So after our last summer trip Labor day weekend I will be keeping the suitcases out to pack again for our Wilderness Lodge trip October 4th. My MIL and husband are driving down Oct 1st and will be taking the larger suitcases so I just have to worry about getting my 9yr old on the plane.
You all are something else! We leave in 43 days and I've got my lists ~ all the suggested ones, my previous lists and my newly modified list; I've bought travel size stuff; trying to Still take an inventory of everyone's clothes (for sizing purposes); we have new, rolling luggage; bought all-new fanny-packs; new shoes and sandals; visited the DIS way often; etc. etc. but, I still will not start packing until a week before! I think I'M nuts! :eek:

Thanks for the comfort! :D

Have great trips, everyone! :)
I leave in 16 days and I have 4 piles of clothes in my room already. One for my dh, ds, ds, and myself!

I keep telling my dh, that I will not overcrowd the car this year with unnecessary items! I will go through the stuff daily and weed out items I don't think we'll need!
Hey castmbr,

We are arriving 9/2 and leaving 9/10, and we are staying at the CBR. My DS (aka, Tarzan) will be
2 1/2 at that point, and I'm really looking forward to his reaction. Here's hoping there are no hurricanes that week, and if there is, I've already got the ponchos set aside to pack!
I start with my DD's and my clothes around 2 days ahead of time. My DH is usually throwing things in the suitcase as we are going out the door ;)

Have a Wonderful day, Eeyore
I won't pack clothes until the night before, but I gather things up for months ahead of time. I buy a few things and put them away each time I go shopping. That way I am not hit with a large shopping bill before we leave, and I don't miss the $5 or $10 every week or two.

Melinda :)
Hi everyone, I guess I'm not strange after all! We're leaving on August 16, and I have my half of my son's outfits, autograph book, games for the flight down, and many, many, items packed. The sad thing is I started doing this in MARCH. This will be our first trip (hopefully not last) and we're staying for almost 3 weeks. Can't wait!!!


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