What's your "comfort" show or movie?


♥DIS Veteran♥
Feb 18, 2002
Here's a light-hearted subject for us all. You know how people have "comfort food" that makes them feel kinda cozy? What is your "comfort" show and/or movie? It might be something old or might be something newer.

Right now my comfort show is the old Beverly Hills 90210s. The Soap Network shows it, and I suffered through the last 3 or 4 seasons over the summer until they started over with the first season a few weeks ago. I watched them when they originally came on, and I'm really enjoying watching them again.

Oddly, one of the shows I watch with my husband that I'd call a "comfort" show for both of us is CSI Las Vegas. I guess it's just because it's been on so long and we've watched it all along. Even with the characters who have come and gone, we still like it and will record old episodes to watch. M*A*S*H is another one for us.

Movies? I'll have to think about that one :scratchin

I know my Mom's comfort movies include The Bishop's Wife (Cary Grant version) Random Harvest, and some of her comfort TV are the Anne of Green Gables and Avonlea programs.
Here's a light-hearted subject for us all. You know how people have "comfort food" that makes them feel kinda cozy? What is your "comfort" show and/or movie? It might be something old or might be something newer.

Right now my comfort show is the old Beverly Hills 90210s. The Soap Network shows it, and I suffered through the last 3 or 4 seasons over the summer until they started over with the first season a few weeks ago. I watched them when they originally came on, and I'm really enjoying watching them again.

Oddly, one of the shows I watch with my husband that I'd call a "comfort" show for both of us is CSI Las Vegas. I guess it's just because it's been on so long and we've watched it all along. Even with the characters who have come and gone, we still like it and will record old episodes to watch. M*A*S*H is another one for us.

Movies? I'll have to think about that one :scratchin

I know my Mom's comfort movies include The Bishop's Wife (Cary Grant version) Random Harvest, and some of her comfort TV are the Anne of Green Gables and Avonlea programs.

My comfort show is Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives. I have 27 episodes on my PVR and I've seen them all before. I can't stop recording and watching them.

My go to movie is Twister. I am a weather nut and to go storm chasing is on my bucket list. I can honestly say I've seen that movie over 100 times. Once, when I was sick, I watched it 3 times back to back to back. I can pretty much quote the whole thing from start to finish.
My comfort show is General Hospital. I have been watching it since I was in the third grade.

Comfort movie would have to be either Star Wars (the original 3) or Gone with the Wind.
Anything with Patrick Swayze. Signs is another one.

Signs is actually my go-to movie when I start to question where life is taking me or the decisions I have made. Always brings me comfort.

My comfort shows are I Love Lucy, Friends, Cheers or House. Yes, House comforts me. I have no idea why but when really horrible things happen in my life, I try to find a House marathon on and that's what helps me finally go to sleep. And really, isn't there always a House marathon on? ;)
My favorite comfort show is Golden Girls. For movie I'd have to say Lady and the Tramp.
My comfort shows are Frasier and Big Bang Theory, I watch one of them each night while falling asleep.
I have many comfort movies, but my top 3 would be Sleepless in Seattle, Father of the Bride and Love Actually. Such a chick flick fiend, I know...DH mocks me all the time!
Dr Quinn medicine woman, and I'm sure other shows I can't think of just now. Movies, anything Disney of course, especially older movies, all musicals and Bend it like beckham.
Movies: When Harry Met Sally, The Princess Bride, Labyrinth, and The Stepford Wives (2004 version)

TV Shows: Extreme Couponing, Bridezillas, and Dawson's Creek
My comfort show is"Gilmore Girls".

My comfort movie is "Will Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"
TV shows: The Big Bang Theory, Diners Drive Ins and Dives, Bones.

Movies: Pride and Prejudice (the one with Colin Firth), The Princess Bride, and Mama Mia. My DD smirks at that last one, but the songs always put a smile on my face.
Currently I'm watching The Wonder Years on Netflix. I'm very relaxed when I watch it.

The Wonder Years is on Netflix??? It must just be in streaming? I will get streaming just for that! We only get the DVDs, and I've had The Wonder Years in my cue for ... Well, years!
Here's a light-hearted subject for us all. You know how people have "comfort food" that makes them feel kinda cozy? What is your "comfort" show and/or movie? It might be something old or might be something newer.

Right now my comfort show is the old Beverly Hills 90210s. The Soap Network shows it, and I suffered through the last 3 or 4 seasons over the summer until they started over with the first season a few weeks ago. I watched them when they originally came on, and I'm really enjoying watching them again.

Oddly, one of the shows I watch with my husband that I'd call a "comfort" show for both of us is CSI Las Vegas. I guess it's just because it's been on so long and we've watched it all along. Even with the characters who have come and gone, we still like it and will record old episodes to watch. M*A*S*H is another one for us.

Movies? I'll have to think about that one :scratchin

I know my Mom's comfort movies include The Bishop's Wife (Cary Grant version) Random Harvest, and some of her comfort TV are the Anne of Green Gables and Avonlea programs.

OMgosh, you are the only other person I have heard of who watches (or will admit to it) the old 90210. It is one of my comfort shows and my family makes a lot of fun of me for it. :lmao: I used to watch the reruns when I was home during the week and always wondered who else out there was keeping it on the air so much. :happytv:

I adore Sex in the City (seasons 3-6) and the first movie. DH gets mad because I have so many on the DVR. I love to watch them when I'm up late at night or home alone.

Movies - While You Were Sleeping, The Proposal, Pretty Woman, etc.
The Big Bang Theory, it's on at 7 every weeknight and it helps me unwind and transition from a stress-filled day to a stress-free evening :)
My comfort movie is You've Got Mail.

My comfort show is Sex and the City.
I always smile at Forest Gump and Shawshank Redemption.

DW's go to comfort movie is Indian Summer. LOVES it, and I have to say I like it a lot too :)

Can't say I really have a "comfort" show. Do really enjoy many mentioned, including DDD.
The Wonder Years is on Netflix??? It must just be in streaming? I will get streaming just for that! We only get the DVDs, and I've had The Wonder Years in my cue for ... Well, years!

My favorite show of all time. Sadly it doesn't exist on DVD. Streaming only, also on Amazon, I actually have every episode on my DVR.
Comfort show: Amazing Race~ for several reasons: my kids and I always cozy up on Sunday nights and hang out in my bedroom all piled up on my bed to watch. A great way to wrap up the weekend. A few years ago, while I was still ambitious, we would try to do an ethnic dinner that associated with which country they would be in. It was a lot of fun.
My DS and I would always talk about if we were on the race, how we would do it all if we were a team.
When my mom passed away, I received the phone call while watching Amazing Race. My DS said it was meant to be, that Grandma was letting us know she lived an amazing journey.
So sometimes a show is just more than a show, you know?

Comfort movie: Hands down, You've Got Mail


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